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Personnel Systems Recruitment, Selection, Training, Development, & Retention.

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Presentation on theme: "Personnel Systems Recruitment, Selection, Training, Development, & Retention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personnel Systems Recruitment, Selection, Training, Development, & Retention

2 General Considerations Organizations must identify and employ those who are best capable of performing the job Assumes: Clearly articulated organizational goals Understanding of employee roles Understanding the tasks officers will be expected to perform

3 Consequences of Hiring Decisions Long lasting High level of investment Quality of activity and output Removal is a difficult process

4 Constrains OEO Laws 1964 1992 Court Decisions Disparate treatment – based on a person falling into a certain class Disparate impact – against a class or group of people that fall under the protection of the act

5 Law Constraints OEO laws Affirmative Action - Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act fail/refuse to hire or compensate, conditions or privileges or deprive employment opportunities

6 Court Constraints Griggs Criteria – method for establishing discrimination Restricted Policy – adopts policy that excludes category Disparate Rejection – 4/5ths rule Population comparison - % of minority in organization with % of minority in population McDonnell-Douglas Test – qualified minority applies – is rejected but position stays open

7 Supreme Court Lessening of Title VII Requirements Reverse discrimination (Baake v California) and Wards Cove Packing Co. v Ationio Employment Lists – not rank ordered but “banding” lists will be provided Equal Employment Act of 1992 Prohibited use of statistical data for adjustments for minorities Re-introduced disparate impact

8 Why Eliminate Discrimination? Diversity makes Departments more sensitive and effective in interacting with minorities Diversity tends to reflect a more positive image in many quarters of the community Integration results in more minority input in police policy formulation which results in better police service to the community

9 Gender Difference Men – morality of justice Women – morality of care

10 Recruitment Development of a pool of sufficiently qualified applicants from which to select Barriers Institutional – forms, application process, etc. Personal – personal preferences, prejudices

11 Process Alternatives Screening Out Screening IN

12 Processes Alternatives (cont) Screening out Selects applicants from a pool of minimally qualified Attempts to identify those who are unqualified and remove them from consideration Employees are selected from those that remain

13 Processes Alternatives (cont) Screening In Selects applicants from a pool of highly qualified applicants Organizational goals, values, and tasks are clearly articulated Procedures are used that identify the “best qualified” applicants Selections are made form this more limited pool

14 Selection – Minimum Standards Residency requirements Vision requirements Education Standards Physical strength & agility Age standards Background & work history Medical standards Psychological screening

15 Selection Process Written test Simulated work situation Oral Interview Screening Final Selection Assessment Center

16 Training Basic training FTO In-Service

17 Basic Training Criminal Justice System Law Human Behavior Patrol and Investigation Skills Department Administration & Operations

18 FTO Training Continued Instruction Standardization Testing Probationary Period 3 months 6 month 12 months

19 In-Service Training Requirements (Minnesota POST) Monitoring Reports Management Training Skill/Knowledge Personal Health/Welfare

20 Career Development - Retention Lateral Expansion Investigation Traffic Etc. Vertical Expansion Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Etc Horizontal/Vertical Migration

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