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Department of Defense Voluntary Protection Programs Center of Excellence Development, Validation, Implementation and Enhancement for a Voluntary Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Defense Voluntary Protection Programs Center of Excellence Development, Validation, Implementation and Enhancement for a Voluntary Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Defense Voluntary Protection Programs Center of Excellence Development, Validation, Implementation and Enhancement for a Voluntary Protection Programs Center of Excellence (VPP CX) Capability for the Department of Defense Department of Defense Voluntary Protection Programs Center of Excellence Conducting a Training Needs Assessment

2 Objectives After this training you will be able to: Describe why a training needs assessment is required by OSHA for VPP Identify the elements of a training needs assessment Describe the difference between a training instruction/plan and the training needs assessment Identify tools and resources for conducting the training needs assessment Describe how to conduct a basic safety and health training needs assessment

3 Background S&H Program required by –OSH Act of 1970 (Occupational Safety and Health Act) –Executive Order 12196 OSH Program for Federal Employees –29 CFR 1960 Basic Program elements for Federal Employee OSH Program and Related Matters –Service/Agency specific instruction –Applicable laws, regulations, standards, etc…

4 Background S&HMS not required by OSHA The critical elements of a S&HMS are: –Management Leadership and Employee Involvement, –Worksite Analysis, –Hazard Prevention and Control, and –Training for employees, supervisors and managers as defined by OSHA An applicant is recognized by OSHA at the Star or Merit level of VPP for how effective its S&HMS

5 Training Plan Written program Identifies who provides and receives training States the frequency of training Describes knowledge/qualification/subject matter expertise or certification criteria of trainers Identifies where to obtain training materials Tells how to track and document completion of training Tells how to maintain training records Ensures all personnel are provided opportunities to attend training to increase their knowledge and skills Instructs how to validate training

6 What is TNA? A tool/process used by the site to identify the training needs of the employees, supervisors, and managers –Not just a comparison to who has done what –Should ensure a safe work environment for all employees –Should identify gaps and resources to fill the gaps –Should help to reduce I/I rates

7 Training and Safety In order to have an effective S&H management system employees must be trained. In order to train effectively you need to know: –Who needs to be trained –What training they need –When they need to be trained –Why they need to be trained –How they will be trained

8 Why do a TNA? Required in one form or another by one or more of the directives mentioned earlier Only way to ensure you have identified what is required at your facility Shows your employees you are concerned about their health and welfare Documented completion required by OSHA if applying for VPP

9 When to do TNA Facility start up BRAC/Mission change As required by any service directive As part of the VPP process Establish Planning Board for Training or review periodically

10 Who does TNA? Up to the facility unless specifically directed in your directives Can be a single person compiling the info –Needs multiple levels on input from others Establish a team or committee –Designate a leader Can be combined with regional/command level process –For VPP must be site specific

11 Methods of Conducting TNA Most recognized method for conducting a TNA is by “Survey” –Another survey –More paperwork –Risk not receiving back No designated method by OSHA Preview a couple of sample TNA process

12 Sample TNA


14 How to conduct TNA Determine the site –Personnel –Equipment –Billets –Jobs –Contractors Select a Process Identify the resources Observe

15 Tools/Resources Baseline hazard analysis Baseline industrial hygiene surveys/reports JHA/JSA/AHA/PHA/ORM, etc. Safety and health instructions Program instruction CFR’s/Stds/regulations/law/instruction (recognized governing doc) Position description Inspections

16 Cross Reference Results Excel – Simple Spreadsheet –Complex w/Pivot Tables Set up Resource/Tools Worksheets –Billet –Employee –Jobs –Equipment –Facility –Reference

17 Worksheets Set up Worksheets –Billet BIL001 Commanding Officer (09571-000-001) BIL002 HRO (09571-001-003) BIL003 Administration Supervisor (09571-002-011) BIL004 Administration Mail Clerk (09571-002-021) BIL005 Auto Mechanic (09571-012-031) –Employee ROS001 Jane Doe ROS002 John Adams ROS003 Bill Smith

18 Worksheets Set up Worksheets –Jobs (if different than manpower document) JOB001 Life Guard JOB001 Plumber –Equipment EQP001 Lathe EQP002 Forktruck Sideloader 10,000 Lbs –Building BDG001 Warehouse Bldg 2332 BDG002 Admin Office Bldg 10 BDG003 Auto Hobby Shop Bldg 137

19 Training Worksheets Set up Training Worksheets –HRO HRO001 Ethics Training HRO002 New Employee Orientation HRO003 New Supervisor Training –Safety SAF001 Hazard Communication SAF002 Confined Space Program (Program Mgr) SAF003 Confined Space Program Familiarization (employees)

20 Training Worksheets Set up Training Worksheets –Work Center/Job WCJ001 Tool Inventory Control Program WCJ002 MHE Inspection Program –Security SEC001 Computer Security SEC002 OPSEC –References REF001 DODI 6055.1 –All employees ALL001 Required by all Employees

21 Training Worksheets Set up Training Worksheets –VPP VPP001 Rights Under the OSH Act VPP002 How to Recognize Hazardous Conditions VPP003 Safe Work Procedures VPP004 VPP Fundamentals VPP005 VPP Requirements VPP006 Signs and Symptoms of Workplace Related Illnesses VPP007 Hazards in the Workplace

22 Worksheet Rules Must reference at least one of the other number identifiers –ROS003-BIL005-BDG003-SAF001 –WCJ001 –SEC001 Any training that is required by all employees –ALL001-VPP004 One employee is the only one trained to operate a certain piece of equipment –EQP002-ROS002

23 What OSHA Will Validate? OSHA Onsite Audit –A1. What are the safety and health training requirements for managers, supervisors, employees, and contractors? OSHA required Training Non-OSHA required courses New work processes, new equipment, and new procedures – as needed –A2. Who delivers the training? –A3. How are the safety and health training needs for employees determined?

24 What OSHA Will Validate? OSHA Onsite Audit –A4. Does the site provide minimally effective training to educate employees regarding the known hazards of the site and their controls? [Minimum Requirement - must be met to be eligible for participation in VPP] –A5. What system is in place to ensure that all employees and contractors have received and understand the appropriate training? –A6. Who is trained in hazard identification and analysis? –A7. Is training in hazard identification and analysis adequate for the conditions and hazards of the site? –A8. Does management have a thorough understanding of the hazards of the site? Provide examples that demonstrate their understanding.

25 VPP Requirement OSHA required Training (A1 & A3) –Example - 29 CFR Pt. 1910, Subpt. E, App. Ch. XVII (7–1–01 Edition) (5) Training. (i) Before implementing the emergency action plan, the employer shall designate and train a sufficient number of persons to assist in the safe and orderly emergency evacuation of employees. What needs to be in place at your site

26 VPP Requirement Non-OSHA required courses: (A1 & A3) –a. As directed by your site, higher echelon command instructions, directives, orders, etc., as well as those covered by 29 CFR 1960 b. Example - MCO 5100.29A, 4. Execution b.(2)(h) Develop ground safety training curricula to meet the needs of the Marine Corps. c. Example - MCO 5100.29A, 4. Execution k.(1) (d) Identify and establish safety billets at all commands and fill them with appropriately trained personnel.

27 VPP Requirement New work processes, new equipment, and new procedures – as needed (A1 & A3) –When you get a contract to work on a new piece of equipment that requires the line to be changed, ensure all personnel receive training appropriate to maintain a safe work environment to include, new chemical requirements, PPE requirements, new tool usage, critical steps, cautions, warnings, handling equipment, check sheets, etc.

28 Where to go for Help? Consultants Check out the internet –How To Conduct a Simple Training Needs Assessment By Susan M. Heathfield, About.comSusan M. Heathfield sassessment/ht/training_needs.htm sassessment/ht/training_needs.htm

29 Where to go for Help? Training Requirements in OSHA Standards and Training Guidelines – pdf pdf DoD VPP CX –Hotline –Implementation Leads

30 Summary In this presentation you learned about: Why a training needs assessment is required by OSHA for VPP The elements of a training needs assessment The difference between a training instruction/plan and the training needs assessment Tools and resources for conducting the training needs assessment How to conduct a basic safety and health training needs assessment

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