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Published byEvangeline Thompson Modified over 8 years ago
Something to be getting on with…. A2A2 B¾B¾ C 100 D 30 E 150 F 15 G 39 H 48 I0I0 J -3 K -10 L 25 M 28 N 63 O9O9 P 3.5 Q 201 R 91 S7S7 T 26 U8U8 V½V½ W -6 X 12 Y 68 Z 75 Decode my message…. 12-18= 2x75= 100 x ¼ = 1000 x 0.1= 3 2 = 100-n=72 1500÷n=10 2n-50=2 100-3n=73 (50+8)+(2+8)= (2+2+0.5)x2= 160÷2 20x0.01x10= (5x20)÷4= 3+2+10x2= 10
National Curriculum School Curriculum National Curriculum Workshop
Why Harder Curriculum?
Who Did Their Homework? Why a new National Curriculum? No other successful education system around the world uses levels; Very often led to the labelling of pupils by both staff and peers; Undue pace – emphasis on progress - moving on up; Three ways of showing Level 3 – a flawed system; Conveyed the wrong idea of ability.
So What’s New? Teaching fewer concepts than before but in greater depth; Ensure pupils gain a secure understanding of key concepts to allow for deep learning; Organised by year group, NOT by level; More time for pupils to use and apply the knowledge and skills they have; A culture of each pupil is capable of achieving anything.
Raising the Bar English Reading Word Reading / Comprehension; Reading for pleasure across the curriculum; Reading aloud / discussing texts; Offering pupils increasingly more complex texts; Exploring the meanings of words. Reciting Poetry.
Raising the Bar Writing and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) Required spelling wordlists Greater emphasis on using grammar and punctuation accurately in writing Stronger emphasis on vocabulary development Focus on children learning to tailor their writing for different audiences and purposes The writing process is now broken down into a number of steps: Planning Drafting and Writing Evaluating and Editing Proof- Reading Reading Aloud and Sharing
Raising the Bar Mathematics Larger numbers earlier – Five-year-olds will now be expected to count up to 100 compared to 20 under the old curriculum To memorise tables to 12X12 by the end of Year 4 Earlier introduction of written methods Clearer expectations around written calculations Earlier, more challenging requirement for fractions and decimals Formulae for volume / area of shapes other than squares and rectangles Financial Education – using money / % Larger numbers, algebra, reasoning and problem solving at an earlier age and for all children Introduction of Roman Numerals
English Mathematics ScienceComputing ArtD&T HistoryGeography Languages PE MusicRE Balance of content
The National Curriculum 2014 for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils: become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non- routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions. Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas. They should also apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects.
Fluency in mathematics……
8 7 9
90 o = right angle 180 o = straight line 360 o = full turn 270 o = ¾ turn 180 o = triangle ? ? ? ? ? Angles Opposite angles are EQUAL Corresponding angles are EQUAL
The Curriculum – Securing Depth of Understanding Remember understand Use and apply Create, evaluate, analyse, explain Scaffold Broaden/deepen Prior level Next level
Remember understand Use and apply Create, evaluate, analyse, explain Depth of understanding
2016 Key Stage 1 SATs Overview of 2016 tests English reading Paper 1: combined reading prompt and answer booklet English reading Paper 2: reading booklet and reading answer booklet English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: spelling English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: questions Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning There is no longer a test for English writing. This will be done through teacher assessment. KS1 English reading test A greater emphasis on comprehension 2 reading papers, one with the texts and questions combined and one with more challenging texts with the questions in a separate booklet. Both papers must be administered to all pupils. KS1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test An emphasis on technical aspects of grammar. 2 papers. The written task has been removed and writing will instead be assessed through teacher assessment. Paper 1: spelling Paper 2: questions focusing on pupils’ knowledge of grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. KS1 mathematics test Paper 1: arithmetic assesses pupils’ confidence and mathematical fluency with whole numbers, place-value and counting. Approximately 20 minutes to complete but it is not strictly timed Paper 2: reasoning assesses pupils’ mathematical fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills Approximately 35 minutes to complete but it is not strictly timed Includes 5 aural questions
2016 Key Stage 2 SATs Overview of 2016 tests English reading: reading booklet and associated answer booklet English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: short answer questions English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic mathematics Paper 2: reasoning mathematics Paper 3: reasoning KS2 English reading test A greater focus on fictional texts and comprehension. A reading booklet and a separate answer booklet. 1 hour to read the 3 texts in the reading booklet and complete the questions Mixture of genres Pupils can approach the test as they choose: eg working through one text and answering the questions before moving on to the next KS2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test A greater focus on knowing and applying grammatical terminology with the full range of punctuation tested No contextual items in the test Paper 1: questions consists of a single test paper. 45 minutes to complete the test, answering the questions in the test paper. Paper 2: Spelling consists of an answer booklet for pupils to complete. KS2 mathematics test Paper 1: arithmetic replaces the mental mathematics test and assesses basic mathematical calculations. 30 minutes to complete Papers 2 and 3 each consist of a single test paper 40 minutes to complete each test
National Tests in Year 2 Pupils tested in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation and Maths; Tests marked in school; Scaled score given to each pupil based on their raw score (100 being expected standard); Parents informed if their child performed at National standards or above.
National Tests in Year 6 Pupils tested in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation and Maths; Tests marked externally; No Level 6 Tests or equivalent; Scaled score given to each pupil based on their raw score (100 being expected standard); Parents informed if their child performed at National standards or above.
English samples… KS1 SPAG
English samples… KS1 reading
Maths samples… KS1 arithemtic
Maths samples… KS1 reasoning
Circle all the odd numbers 2 2 5 9 4 12 7 11 22 Maths samples…
10p+50p=60p 100p-60p=40p 40
The dreaded ‘fluffy cloud’ questions…. Johnny thinks that….. ……prove his is right or wrong and reason your thinking
‘Inspectors will not expect to see a particular assessment system in place but an implementation of their preferred approach.’ Ofsted Newsletter December 2014 ‘How schools teach their curriculum and track the progress pupils make against it will be for them to decide.’ DfE 2014 In-school Assessments…..
So what is expected? Assessment systems and procedures that robustly…. Support teachers by informing their teaching Support leaders in strategic decision making Support governors win their role as critical friend Support parents in knowing how well their child is doing Ofsted 2014 Beyond statutory testing, schools should consider…. Ongoing formative teacher assessment/AfL Periodic progress checks - 3 times per year Summative assessments against the end of year outcomes DfE 2014
T arget A lmost M et E xceeding Planning, Assessing and reporting Depth of Understanding
Below POS How deep is my understanding? T A M E
Example: Column addition Know the value of each digit. Be able to partition. Use column addition (to solve problems) Find missing digits in column addition and explain your answers
Below POS Depth of Learning Gauge Beginning Beginning + Developing MET Developing + Exceeding T A M E
Summary…. Harder National Curriculum …..harder National Tests New Curriculum focusses on Depth of Understanding New National Tests will reflect this Schools to decide on own assessment systems outside National Tests This should also report on Depth of Understanding
Autumn and Spring reports…. No end of year target – 85% of children expected to achieve met (currently) Strengths and areas for development in concepts that they have been TAUGHT so far and how you can help at home End of Year reports… To what extent your child has met the expectations for the year group. Reported using the language… Areas for development
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