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Induction for New Leaders and Managers Human Resources and Organisational Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Induction for New Leaders and Managers Human Resources and Organisational Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Induction for New Leaders and Managers Human Resources and Organisational Development

2 Welcome to Aston ►HR structure and my role Aston 2020 and Aston's expectations of it’s managers and leaders Key policies and procedures Salary and benefits Web resource for managers and leaders

3 Structure of Human Resources Director of HR and Organisational Development Payroll Services Equality and Diversity Health and Safety Professional and Advisory Support to Schools and Departments Staff and Graduate Development Workforce Information Project

4 Aston People 2020 Leadership Expectations

5 Key HR Policies and Procedures Ethically FairnessWithout delay ConsistencyFramework ConfidentialityMechanisms Right to be accompanied

6 Who should be inducted? New employees and existing staff who have a new job role When? From day one Who is responsible? Department/School Induction is key to familiarising employees with the University and their given area of responsibility Induction

7 ►Who does probation apply to? All except Lecturers, Senior Lecturers and Professors ►Duration of the probationary period? 6 months or 12 months ►Assigned a Probationary Advisor? Line manager ►Options ? Extend, confirm, end Keep a record of meetings Complete training Establish who is on probation Probationary Procedure

8 Well Being Group Champions for Equality and Diversity Athena Swan Networks e.g. Disability, LGBTQ Two Ticks - Positive about Disabled People Symbol User Diversity, Inclusion and Well Being

9 Performance Development and Reward Scheme Effective staff performance and development is key to Aston’s ability to deliver to its 2020 Strategy. ►Employees have one meeting with his/her line manager a year  Set objectives (June/July)  Review objectives (May/June)  Continue to review during the year at one to ones ►Reward scheme runs once a year and is in 2 parts  All staff University level award (except staff warnings)  Individual contribution (backdated to 1 August) ►All new managers should attend the training run by staff development  Training available on setting objectives and the PDR scheme r

10 Performance Management Informally meet with the employee 3 Formal Stages, sets out: Right to be accompanied Notice of meeting Who should be at the meeting Academic staff are referred to the University Statutes Suspension Authorisation required Appeal Process Each stage of the procedure procedure/

11 Staff are expected to obtain a GP note for absences of 8 days or over All staff are expected to notify their Line Manager if they are absent for this to be recorded Line Manager should enter the sickness information promptly on Core Sickness data returned on a monthly basis policy-procedures-and-guidelines/ Sickness Process and Procedure

12 Sickness Absence Impaired performance through sickness may create health and safety risks Sickness da policy-procedures-and-guidelines / Return to Work Interviews Role of Maitland Keep in Contact Sickness Data and Triggers Formal Procedure

13 Disciplinary Pre Disciplinary Counselling 3 Formal Stages, sets out: Right to be accompanied Notice of meeting Who should be at the meeting Academic staff are referred to the University Statutes Suspension Authorisation required Appeal Process At each stage of the procedure

14 Saying Thank You To Employees Informal  Saying thank you! Formal  Performance related pay  Aston Excellence Awards  Chancellor’s medal  Aston Star award  Use of Personal Academic Support Accounts  Recognition in print (Aspects)

15 Salary Salary Flexible Benefits Pension AUPS/USS Job Evaluation April Increments (August incs - staff above grade 10) Please note additional duties which become continuing may result in requests for evaluation.

16 Joint Campus Trade Unions We recognise the following unions on campus: UCUUniteGMB

17 Quick guide to policies and procedures Vidcasts and podcasts on key topics Aspirational training and development opportunities for managers at all levels Key courses you should attend in your first year at Aston Website for Managers and Leaders

18 Questions

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