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Parental Drug and Alcohol Awareness Workshop Vanessa Rogers DRUG EDUCATION CONSULTANT.

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Presentation on theme: "Parental Drug and Alcohol Awareness Workshop Vanessa Rogers DRUG EDUCATION CONSULTANT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parental Drug and Alcohol Awareness Workshop Vanessa Rogers DRUG EDUCATION CONSULTANT

2 Workshop aims Increased awareness about alcohol, cannabis and Novel Psychoactive Substances (legal highs) Information about the law and associated risks of misusing drugs Informal advice on how to have a positive conversation with children about drugs and alcohol Where to go for additional information, support and advice in Hertfordshire.

3 What is a drug? A drug is any chemical you take that affects the way your body and / or mind works. The three drugs we are looking at in this workshop are – 1.Alcohol 2.Cannabis 3.Novel Psychoactive Substances (legal highs)

4 The basics 1.Not all drugs are ‘bad’ or ‘dangerous’. 2.Illegal drugs are classified based on harm to self and others. 3.The legal status of NPS can change swiftly. 4.Even legal drugs can present a risk to health and safety. 5.Some drugs are controlled by age. 6.Some can be bought ‘over-the-counter’. 7.Prescription drugs can be dangerous if misused.

5 Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 Is the legislation that sets out illegal drugs as Class A, B or C This is broadly based on harm to the user or to society. The class affects the penalty for an offence involving the drug. Drugs controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act are illegal to buy, possess, produce, give away or sell.

6 Offences under the Misuse of Drugs Act Possession of a controlled drug. Possession with intent to supply another person. Production, cultivation or manufacture of controlled drugs. Supplying another person with a controlled drug. Offering to supply another person with a controlled drug. Import or export of controlled drugs. Allowing premises to be used for the consumption, supply or production of any controlled drug.

7 Other classifications Medicines Act 1968 covers prescription drugs and medicines sold over the counter. Legal highs - often sold as ‘plant food’, ‘pond cleaner, ‘research chemicals’ or ‘bath salts’. The Home Secretary can invoke a temporary class drug order (an instant ban) lasting up to 12 months. Supply of drugs under these orders is illegal. Possession is not always an offence, but the drugs may be seized and disposed of.

8 #myth1 All young people try drugs. FALSE Myths about the number of young people trying drugs can be perpetuated by stereotypes, media and peer perceptions. This matters because perceptions of ‘social norms’ can shape behaviour.

9 Hertfordshire facts 25% of secondary aged pupils in Hertfordshire said that they had an alcoholic drink in the last week (Health Related Behaviour Survey, 2012) 11% of secondary aged pupils in Hertfordshire said they had taken some form of illegal drug (Health Related Behaviour Survey, 2012)

10 National statistics 2014 38% of 11 to 15 year olds had tried alcohol at least once and 8% had got drunk in the last week. Majority were given alcohol by family or friends. 86% of those living with a non-drinker don’t drink. 15% of 11-15 year olds had taken drugs; 6% in the last month. Cannabis is the most popular illegal drug. Only 26% say they have never been offered drugs.

11 #myth2 Only people with problems take drugs. FALSE Whilst it is true that some things can influence individual decisions, anyone might take drugs – regardless of gender, age, ethnicity and social background.

12 Exercise 1: Why? 1.Why might someone choose to take drugs, drink alcohol or smoke tobacco, despite adverse health warnings?

13 Reasons for use to unwind after a stressful day ….to feel euphoric … for fun … to feel nothing … to celebrate …to experiment …to rebel to feel more confident … to work longer hours … why not? … to enhance performance … to be sociable … to fit in … to prevent / stop boredom … to alleviate emotional pain... other health problems … peer pressure... experience … to aid relaxation … to help creativity … because it is a habit … to satisfy cravings … to avoid withdrawal symptoms … to make it easier to express feelings … to help lose weight … because it’s there … escapism … a hobby … it’s cheap.. it helps concentration … to experience an altered state … because it’s Friday … because it’s Saturday … just because..

14 Alcohol Most common drug in the UK. Widely available. Socially acceptable. Relatively cheap.

15 Alcohol - the world’s oldest drug? British teenagers are near the top of an international league for binge-drinking and drink related problems. Central nervous system depressant that impairs the brain & judgment. Dangerous drug; accidents whilst intoxicated, overdose; even death. Short and long term health risks

16 UK Chief Medical Officers’ Alcohol Review Guidelines Drinking any alcohol carries health risks. Men and women should not regularly drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week. This guideline changed from daily units in January 2016 following research that indicated previously unknown health risks.

17 Factors that influence the effects of alcohol age gender experience physical condition how you feel amount of food eaten other drugs or medicines taken

18 #myth3 Ways to sober up: Coffee Drinking water A cold shower FALSE: Only time sobers you up. The liver processes alcohol at a rate of about one unit per hour.

19 Cannabis Cannabis …Pot …Bud …Marijuana … Skunk... Weed …Blow … Dope.. Green …Ganja... Hash

20 #myth4 Cannabis is harmless FALSE: Increased risk of mouth and lung cancer and other lung conditions. Can increase likelihood of psychosis. Risk of road traffic accidents whilst driving under the influence. Impaired judgement leading to increased risk of poor decision making.

21 Cannabis Quiz true or false? 1.Cannabis is the widest used illegal drug in the UK. 2.Most cannabis is imported into the UK. 3.Smoking cannabis leads to mental health problems. 4.If you are caught in possession of cannabis you will only receive a caution. 5.The maximum for supplying cannabis is five years in prison.

22 Cannabis & the Law Cannabis is an illegal substance under class B of the Misuse of Drugs Act. Possession: up to 5 years in prison, an unlimited fine or both. Supply and/or production: up to 14 years in prison, an unlimited fine or both.

23 Cannabis Facts Cannabis is a depressant and hallucinogenic drug. Looks like dried leaves, buds and flowers or a black/brown block of resin. The mind-altering ingredient is THC. Levels of THC can vary from 2% to 20%. ‘Skunk’ contains higher levels of THC so is stronger.

24 Cannabis use Often smoked with tobacco or inhaled in other ways. Distinctive smell that clings to hair and clothes. Effects: relaxation, increased senses, slowing of thoughts, time seems to pass more slowly, sometimes mild hallucinogenic effects.

25 Novel Psychoactive Substances 6% of young people say they have been offered them, but only 2.2% say they have tried them. Associated with live music festivals. Can be bought in ‘head shops’ or online. Commonly known as ‘legal highs’. Often used with other drugs (alcohol). Untested and potentially dangerous.

26 Legal Highs – Facts Legal Highs are substances that mimic the effects of illegal drugs but are not (at present) covered by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. Some mimic heroin, cocaine, cannabis, amphetamines, ecstasy, benzodiazepines (e.g. diazepam, temazepam), LSD. Can range from herbal extracts that contain caffeine to highly toxic synthetic chemicals. New ones on the market all the time.

27 #myth5 Legal means safe. FALSE Few, if any, have been tested for toxicity and can have serious adverse effects. Some contain illegal substances. As they are designed to mimic illegal drugs, the same risks are likely to apply.

28 Legal Highs – information 1.Depressant: relaxant, sedating, mimic opiod- like drugs (and alcohol) 2.Hallucinogen: mimic LSD-type drugs 3.Stimulant: mimic substances like cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamines 4.Dissociative: feeling of detachment, separation of mind and body, like ketamine. 5.Synthetic Cannabinoids: not derived from cannabis plant, downer-type drug with psychedelic properties.

29 What’s the problem? ‘Legal’ suggests safe and not very strong, which could encourage more users. You can’t be sure what’s in it. Laws change quickly so it may have illegal components. No long term health research done yet. Cheaper than the real drug, making it more affordable.

30 Nitrous oxide Laughing gas NOS Whippits

31 Nitrous oxide A naturally occurring clear, sweet smelling gas that is produced synthetically for sale. Very popular at the moment. Has a long medical history as a mild anesthetic. Currently legal and widely available to buy. Difficult to legislate for as it has a legitimate purpose.

32 Nitrous oxide effects NOS causes giddiness, a dreamy or floating sensation, and a pain-free state. Inhaling it produces a short high. This can pose serious risks to the brain and body when it’s used outside of a medical setting. Inhaling can result in a lack of oxygen to the brain. Tolerance builds up, can be addictive.

33 Nitrous oxide and the law

34 #myth6 You can tell if someone uses drugs. FALSE It can be easy to miss potential indicators. You cannot know everything your child does when they aren’t with you. You cannot tell just by looking at someone.

35 Secrecy and unexplained need for extra money Moody and uncommunicative Drugs paraphernalia Distinctive odour (skunk and cannabis) Change in appetite (‘munchies’) Impaired coordination, concentration, and memory Slowed speech, constant cough, chronic sore throat General disinterest and lack of motivation Red or bloodshot eyes (often masked by eye drops) Impaired tracking and visual distance Delayed decision making and distortions in time estimation. Potential indicators

36 #myth7 You must be an expert to talk about drugs. FALSE You don’t need to be a drug expert to talk to your child about making sensible choices. Learn about alcohol units and basic drugs information. Go to to find out

37 What can parents do? Start talking about it early. Role-model sensible decision-making. Don’t scare children with exaggerated horror stories, find time to talk e.g. at family meals. Use things like soap opera storylines as a prompt. Discuss your values and attitudes. Be prepared to set clear rules. Trust them and let them know they have your support.

38 Comments from young people 1.“I’ve had the ‘drugs talk’ from my parents - only it was more like a threat than a talk.” 2.“My parents told me if I do drugs they will chuck me out.” 3.“I’d like to speak with my mum but it’s too embarrassing.” 4.“My dad says drugs are different since his day.”

39 What should I say? Remind your child that, despite media stories, taking drugs is not the norm and most young people don’t think it is. Don’t echo messages in the media that over-hype drug use and can reinforce the idea that ‘everyone’s doing it’. Take the opportunity for everyday conversations.

40 What can I do if I’m worried? If you are worried get help and support. Don’t make accusations. Especially if you think someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Don’t make threats or hasty decisions. Wait to talk it through. Make it clear it’s the behaviour you don’t like, not the person.

41 In short, Find out Keep talking and listening Tell them your values and boundaries Avoid shock tactics Get to know their friends Let them know you’re always there for them Remind them they are responsible for their actions Ask for help and support if you need it

42 Information and support 1.FRANKFRANK 2. Adolescent Drug & Alcohol Service for Hertfordshire (A-DASH) 3. Parental Drug Awareness Service (PDAS) 01707 393934 4. Drinkline 0800 917 8282

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