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Dean’s Overview Spring 2016 Karen Merriman. The Department of Professional Development & eLearning facilitates educational experiences to all employees.

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Presentation on theme: "Dean’s Overview Spring 2016 Karen Merriman. The Department of Professional Development & eLearning facilitates educational experiences to all employees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dean’s Overview Spring 2016 Karen Merriman

2 The Department of Professional Development & eLearning facilitates educational experiences to all employees of the College in support of the Learning College philosophy and the College’s Mission, Vision and Values. eLearning

3 Programming Categories Academic Program and Faculty Teaching, Learning & Assessment across all delivery methods Technology Organizational Learning Leadership eLearning LMS and technology enhanced learning environments Faculty training and support Course Development Programming aligned to the CPCC Strategic Goals

4 Academic Programs & Faculty – CPCC Goal 1 & 5 Support the development, delivery, and assessment of healthy academic programs Provide resources and training to align student learning outcomes, learning assessments and assignments in authentic learning experiences Support and maintain program/student curricular maps Provide online programming and resources for faculty Facilitate the design, development, and delivery of quality online programs

5 Faculty Programming Highlights 3 Great Teacher seminars/year – 2 for full-time, 1 for part-time Part-time Faculty Certification Program First Year Faculty Experience – one year required program for all new full- time faculty – focus on teaching and learning Learning as Assessment series Student Engagement Strategies and Techniques Programming aligned with Teaching Competencies in the Professional Development Plan Faculty Learning Communities Administrative requirements – STAR, Attendance, Advising, etc.

6 Technology – CPCC Goal 2 & 4 Provide training on work based technology tools – Microsoft office, SharePoint, phone system, Learner Web, WebEx, LMSs, Panapto, etc. Customize and create workflows and project management sites in SharePoint Support the design and development technology enabled courses – online, blended, hybrid

7 Organizational Learning – CPCC Goal 2 & 5 Coordinate and deliver 1 day New Employee Orientation monthly + 3 online trainings Facilitate all required training for full and part-time employees Collaborate with Human Resources, Finance and Administration, and ITS to facilitate training - as examples – Title IX, budget, Colleague, etc.

8 Organizational Learning - continued Adaption to Change in the Workplace Communication Conflict Management Negotiation Ethics Project Planning and Management Presentation skills Customized training for individual departments

9 Leadership – Goal 2 & 4 Work-centered Leadership training Dimensions of Leadership – 8 week program focused on fundamentals of leadership Leadership Institute – 8 month program for first-level managers/supervisors delivered every other year President’s Advance Leadership Academy – 8 month program for upper-level managers/members of unit leadership councils delivered as needed

10 Leadership - continued Division Directors – monthly Program Chairs – 2X/semester Managers Academy – 1/year Professionalism in the Workplace Directors’ Day

11 Employee Online Learning (EOL) – CPCC Goal 1, 2 & 4 Increasing access for employees Technology  Data Cookbook – Colleague/Ellucian  Computer Basics  Outlook Skills Required trainings for all employees Required trainings for all faculty HR Services Teaching and Learning  Service Learning  Designing Learning for Adult Learners  Getting Results

12 eLearning – CPCC Goal 1, 2, 4 & 5 Strategic Plan – CPCC ONLINE - Learning Unit, ESS, ITS, & Marketing and Communication Establishing Priorities & Developing the Roadmap for SP Course design and development – team approach w/faculty Revised training for faculty teaching online Bb sessions – on individual tools – target audience TR & Blended ID assigned to each program area as point of contact

13 Data – Fall 2014-Fall 2015 Educational offerings = 1,131 of which: 411 Faculty Development 177 Technology 251 Workplace Skills PD Hours by Employee Classification – Total Hours 27,815 Administration – 4,484 Classified Staff – 7,083 Faculty – 9,980 Professional Staff – 5,575 Other (inactive emp., work study, etc) - 694

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