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Nutrition. ◆ Nutrition = The study of nutrients and how the body uses them! ◆ Nutrients = substances in food that your body needs.

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1 Nutrition

2 ◆ Nutrition = The study of nutrients and how the body uses them! ◆ Nutrients = substances in food that your body needs.

3 Influences on Food ◆ Why do you eat what you do? –Peer Pressure –Availability –Convenience –Knowledge of Nutrition –Advertising –Family –Culture

4 Appetite vs. Hunger ◆ Appetite – is the psychological desire for food –Example you walk into panera and smell the fresh bagels. You mind might make you “crave” that food even though your body doesn’t really need the fuel. ◆ Hunger – the body’s physical need for food.

5 Food and Emotions ◆ Emotions influence your food choices ◆ Example certain foods may remind you of loved ones or a fun time. If food is associated with a pleasant or comforting memory you will crave it even if you are not hungry. ◆ You can sometimes crave foods when you or sad, lonely, or discouraged –What you are craving is not the food, but the feeling you associate it with.

6 Meeting Nutritional Needs ◆ All bodies need the same nutrients, depending on your gender, age, general health and activity level depends on how much of each nutrient you need. ◆ When you do not get enough of a particular nutrient you could have a nutrient deficiency. –This depends on types of food you eat such as eating fast food, high in sugar foods, high in fat foods, ect.

7 How your body uses food ◆ Digestion – is the process in which food is broken down into a form your body can use. Starts in your mouth and ends in your small intestine. ◆ The nutrients from the food pass through the wall of the small intestine and enters your blood. The blood brings the nutrients to each cell in your body.

8 Nutrients ◆ Nutrients – –Substances in food that your body needs. –Eating well-balanced meals is a good way to promote good health and prevent diseases. ◆ Nutrients are divided into 6 different groups…..we will be discussing these groups later in the PowerPoint.

9 Six Essential Nutrients ◆ Carbohydrates ◆ Water ◆ Proteins ◆ Minerals ◆ Vitamins ◆ Fats

10 Carbohydrates ◆ These are sugars and starches that occur naturally in foods, mainly in plants. ◆ Is the body’s main source of energy! –Food Examples: ◆ Rice ◆ Potatoes ◆ Pasta ◆ Bread ◆ Cereal ◆ Oatmeal

11 Carbs Con’t ◆ Simple Carbohydrates are sugars (fruits, many vegetables, milk and milk products) ◆ Complex Carbohydrates are starches (breads and grains, rice and pasta, dried beans, starchy vegetables like potatoes) ◆ About 2/3 of your daily energy comes from carbohydrates.

12 Fiber ◆ The part of fruit, vegetables, grains and beans that your body cannot digest. –They get pushed along the digestive route and takes other particles along with it. ◆ Choosing foods high in fiber can help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer and heart disease

13 Proteins ◆ Nutrients your body uses to build, repair and maintain cells and tissues –Also made up of chemical building blocks called amino acids. ◆ Protein helps your muscles after a work out and play an important role in fighting diseases since part of your immune system is made of protein. –Examples: ◆ Beef, Pork, Veal, Fish, Poultry, Eggs, and most dairy products, nuts, peas, dried beans

14 Fats ◆ Are nutrients that store energy. ◆ Fats contain more calories than any other nutrient does. ◆ Your body needs some fats: ◆ Unsaturated fats – healthier fats (liquid at room temp), Examples - olive, oil, nuts, avocadoes –Source: Plants ◆ Saturated fats are not so good for your health (they are solid at room temp), examples – butter, cheese, fatty meat – to much of these could increase risk of heart disease. –Source: Animals

15 Cholesterol ◆ A fatty substance found in the blood. ◆ Two Types –Bad Cholesterol is LDL (low-density lipoprotein), this collects on the walls of arteries and forms a hard plaque and can block arteries causing heart attacks and strokes. Can come from eating to much saturated fat. –Good Cholesterol is HDL (high-density lipoprotein), this helps remove the LDL from arteries so it can be disposed in the liver. ◆

16 Vitamins ◆ Substances that help your body fight infections and use other nutrients among other jobs. There are 2 kinds: water soluble and fat soluble ◆ Examples: water soluble: C and B, Fat Soluble: D, A, and E –The best way to get vitamins is to chose nutritious foods. –See page 241 in health book for examples of each vitamin and it function.

17 Minerals ◆ Elements that help form healthy bones and teeth, and regulate certain body processes. They are nonliving substance helping the body function in various ways. –Examples: Calcium, Fluoride, Iron, Potassium, and zinc –The best way to get minerals is to chose nutritious foods. –See page 241 in your health book for sources and functions

18 Water ◆ Water is needed for every body function. –Helps you to: ◆ Digest and absorb food, regulate body temp and blood circulation, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, removes toxins and other wastes, cushions joints, and protects tissues and organs from shock and damage. –Makes up about 60% of your body. You should drink 8 to 10 glasses a day. ◆ If you are active or an athlete you should drink more to prevent dehydration.

19 My Plate ◆ Is a great website that tells you what percentage of food you should be eating per category (grains, vegetables, fruits, fats, ect) to create a well balanced eating plan. –This is personalized off of your age, gender, and activity level. ◆ You should consume the right amount of calories for you. –Calorie = a unit of heat that measures the energy available in food.

20 RDA ◆ Recommended Dietary Allowance –14 year old ◆ 2,200-3,200 calories a day for boys. ◆ 1,800-2,400 calories a day for girls. –The amount depends on your activity level. The more active you are the higher amount of calories you can eat! –60 minutes of exercise a day is recommended.

21 Dietary Guidelines ◆ Recommend you limit your intake of salt and sugars. –You can enjoy special treats on occasion such as cookies, candy, sodas. ◆ Sodium = a nutrient that helps control amount of fluid in your body. –To much sodium (salt) can lead to high blood pressure.

22 Diet and Good Nutrition ◆ Diet- is the food and drink you eat. ◆ Good nutrition means eating healthful foods in the right amounts. ◆ A well balanced diet includes the food plate.

23 Eating disorders ◆ An extreme and damaging eating behavior that can lead to sickness and even death. –An eating disorder can lead to severe medical problems.

24 Eating Disorders ◆ Anorexia nervosa (anorexics)- an eating disorder characterized by self- starvation leading to extreme weight loss. –Go for long periods of time without eating. –Fear weight gain. –Wear baggy clothes –Overly restrict caloric intake.

25 Eating Disorders Con’t ◆ Bulimia nervosa (Bulimics)- is a condition in which a person eats large amounts of food and then secretly purges. –Tend to have a long history of dieting. –Often consume more than 10,000 calories within 1 hour. –Either make themselves purge or take something to make the purge –Often need teeth pulled (enamel wears off of teeth and become infected) –Damages the esophagus.

26 Eating Disorder Con’t ◆ Binge eating disorder- is compulsive overeating, is the most common eating disorder. ◆ Leads to obesity –Obese is being more than 20% your appropriate weight or being 30% or higher body fat%.

27 ◆ Questions????

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