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EDUTAINMENT PROGRAMS Interactive theatre / media-cafe is designed for different educational + entertainment shows, dedicated to school-children, kids,

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2 EDUTAINMENT PROGRAMS Interactive theatre / media-cafe is designed for different educational + entertainment shows, dedicated to school-children, kids, family and youth leisure, and also for sport fans and tourist groups. BACK TO THE PAST You have a unique opportunity to make an exciting trip back to the past! 300 million years ago there was Carboniferous period on the Earth. It was time of giant insects and plants. Forcey robot will guide an exciting tour to the Earth history. When you get in the meteorite shower, move around fast, it will be jolting heavily!!! TRIP TO THE MOON You are leaving for an extreme exiting trip on spaceship Buran 2 and have an opportunity to feel yourself a real spaceman. During the trip you are to dock to the International Space Station, visit the Space museum on the Moon and become active participants of the robots’ race. When the asteroid flow starts, be very careful and keep shooting for dear life.

3 SPECIALLY FOR KIDS ROBOT MARY AND EVIL CRASHERS The alarm signal is received from Happy Land planet. Evil crashers have captured the planet and their terrible leader swallowed the Holiday and disappeared at the bottom of the sea! Only you can rescue the planet and Holiday!!! The planet duty officer - enchanting Robot Mary – will help you to fulfill this not an easy mission. UNHAPPY LAND At the beginning nothing spells any trouble. We are going to the Merry Planet to shoot at air balloons and to chute. But the evil master does not like such kind of merrymaking. Thousands of skeletons and mad robots are trying to enslave the planet. You are the only hero who has the power to rescue it!!!

4 GLITCH PLANET Mad robots have attacked and occupied little Glitch planet that is situated at the outskirts of the Universe. The Trans-Force ship leaves for rescue operation, but it turns to be more complicated and dangerous than Forcey - our robot-guide - thought. The Trans-Force crew have to fight lots of evil robots, who will definitely try to destroy our ship. TANK SIMULATOR Take an extreme ride on a real tank simulator! Participants feel like real troopers due to realistic physics of tank motion, interaction with the environment, realistic ballistics and non-limited weapons ammunition. They will experience manoeuvring and target shooting during combat operations. SIMULATORS

5 BATTLE MISSIONS COLD PLANET 1-2 95% of planet’s territory is covered with water. General atmosphere is mysterious, the ocean is dark blue and covered with mist. Rocks of different heights rise from the water. They are steep-sided and smooth. Occasionally shoals with light sand and stones can be seen beneath the water. There are giant corals, which are quite fragile. “Cold Planet 2” is a night version of the “Cold planet” program ADVENTURES IN OUTER-SPACE 1-2 Space atmosphere with randomly placed objects: asteroids, heavy vehicles and platforms. Gravitation is about zero. Features: space dust, mist and asteroids flows. The second battle mission in outer space will surprise the visitors by the different routes and objects.

6 OCEAN PLANET The planet looks like coral island in cloudy waters. There is thick fog all the time, the sky is overcast and it’s always raining. On the surface of the planet there are giant but very vulnerable corals and it’s covered with fragments of reinforcing steel, fittings, metal structures and abandoned mechanisms. VOLCANO PLANET The planet has mountainous surface, the ground is scorched by the sun, vegetation is orange, there are also some rivers. On the ground there is some orange grass and different palm trees. The main colours are orange and greyish blue. Some of the mountains are active volcanoes erupting periodically. There are normal gravitation conditions. BATTLE MISSIONS

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