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RGFA & CoNeTo 1 Ravi Vatrapu Kostas Pantazos, Usman Tanveer, Kiran Kocherla Abid Hussain Computational Social Science Laboratory Department of IT Management.

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Presentation on theme: "RGFA & CoNeTo 1 Ravi Vatrapu Kostas Pantazos, Usman Tanveer, Kiran Kocherla Abid Hussain Computational Social Science Laboratory Department of IT Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 RGFA & CoNeTo 1 Ravi Vatrapu Kostas Pantazos, Usman Tanveer, Kiran Kocherla Abid Hussain Computational Social Science Laboratory Department of IT Management Copenhagen Business School 24 October, 2013 NEXT-TELL: 3 rd Period Review Meeting London Knowledge Lab London, UK

2 Communication & Negotiation NEXT-TELL: Teaching Analytics: Overview Applications in schools Applications in schools Physically captured Physically captured On-line PCs IDW Tabl e top s LMS Web 2.0 Mobile Pictures Videos Recording Planner Learning Activities Assess- ments Assess- ments Analysis Visualisation (Task Progress, OLM) Visualisation (Task Progress, OLM) that get automatically* delivered to students. Teacher uses to specify and *When based on software Student information Learning activities 2 NEXT-TELL Consortium

3 Triadic Model of Teaching Analytics (TMTA) 3 Design Based Research Expert Visual Analytics ExpertTeaching Expert LAK 2011 & LAK 2013 Full Papers ICLS 2012 Short Paper & Symposium NordiCHI 2012 CoNeTo Demo CSCL 2013 Short Paper & RGFA Demo 3 International Teaching Analytics Workshops (EC-TEL 2012, 2013 & LAK 2013)

4 Design Artefacts: Participatory Design Workshops & Design Based Research Studies 4

5 ECAAD + RGFA + OLM + CoNeTo 5

6 Repertory Grid Technique  Method for eliciting personal constructs of individuals about elements belonging to the topic of study.  Based on the seminal contribution of the Personal Construct Theory of George Kelly (1963, 1992)  RGT consists of a family of methods and variations involving:  the nature of the personal construct elicitation  the rating or ranking of elements in monadic, dyadic or triadic configurations 6

7 NEXT-TELL: Knowledge Diagnostics using RGFA: Teacher 1.Teacher selects a topic and creates elements 2.Teacher creates sets of three elements, Triads 3.For each Triad, teacher creates/assigns a competency 4.For a given Triad and Competency, teacher assigns keywords for the opposite construct and similarity construct 5.Teacher shares the RGFA Exercise link with the students Excel Example 7

8 NEXT-TELL: Knowledge Diagnostics using RGFA: Student 1.Students are presented sets of three elements (Triads) 2.For a given Triad, the student is prompted to select the element that is different from the other two and to state how it is different as the “opposite construct” 3.Then, the student is to state how the two remaining elements in the triad are similar to each other as the “similarity construct” 4.The rest of the elements are then rated on a Likert-item scale ranging from the Opposite Construct (1) to the Similarity Construct (5). 5.The students repeat this process until all the triads of elements are sorted into different and similar and the elements for that comparison are rated. 8

9 NEXT-TELL: Negotiation using CoNeTo: Teacher & Student 1.Student logs into CoNeTo 2.Student inspects the RGFA Activity & OLM Competencies diagram 3.For a given Triad, Student reviews the Teacher’s keywords and compares to their own personal construct keywords 4.Student then discusses the constructs and keywords with the teacher using the chat functionality and negotiates updating the competency for that triad 5. Persuasive discussions result in the teacher updating the OLM 9

10 Example: Repertory Grid Exercise 10 Excel Example

11 Example: Repertory Grid Response & CoNeTo Session 11

12 NEXT-TELL: Analytics RGFA Web: Teacher & Students 12

13 NEXT-TELL: Analytics using RGFA Dashboard: Teacher 13

14  Multimedia Elements: text, images, & videos  Learning analytics  Teaching Analytics specification  Centralized Localization  UX Enhancements  DBR: Classroom studies RGFA DEVELOPMENT STREAMS NEXTTELL RGFA V1NEXTTELL RGFA V2NEXTTELL RGFA V3 NEXTTELL RGFA V2  Specification of knowledge diagnostics usage scenarios  Full implementation of the Triadic Sorting method  DBR: Lab & Classroom studies NEXTTELL RGFA V1  Teaching Analytics Dashboards  Learning Analytics Dashboards  Decentralized Localization  UX Enhancements with Bootstrap  OLM & CoNeTo Integration  ECAAD integration plan  API specificaton  DBR: Lab & Classroom studies NEXTTELL RGFA V3 NEXTTELL RGFA V4  Data marshalling integration with ECAAD, OLM & CoNeTo  Integration with RepGrid for advanced statistics  API release  10 real-world classroom workflows as examples  Release documented implementation  Consolidate versions and user feedback into final version NEXTTELL RGFA V4 FUNCTIONALITY RELEASE VERSION Design Based Research Learning &Teaching Analytics Vertical Integration

15 ”Show-and-Tell” Demo: RGFA 15

16 ”Show-and-Tell” Demo: RGFA Teaching Analytics Dashboards 16

17 CoNeTo DEVELOPMENT STREAMS NEXTTELL CoNeTo V1NEXTTELL CoNeTo V2NEXTTELL CoNeTo V3  Web Browser-based implementation of a general purpose discussion and negotiation tool with an ontology of activities and competencies and inference links  Integration with OLM  Participatory Design workshops  Heuristic Usability Assessment NEXTTELL CoNeTo V2  Review of the socio- cultural approach in CSCL argumentation research  Specification of discussion and negotiation usage scenarios  First implementation of CoNeTo as a general- purpose client-side application NEXTTELL CoNeTo V1  D3.js implementation  RGFA integration  Deeper OLM integration  Participatory Design Workshop  Design Based Research: Lab Studies and Classroom studies (ongoing)  -UX Enhancements NEXTTELL CoNeTo V3 NEXTTELL CoNeTo V3.1  Data Marshalling integration with ECAAD, RGFA, & OLM  Design Based Research in Denmerk, Norway, & Germany  API release  10 real-world classroom workflows as examples  Consolidate versions and user feedback into final version  Release documented implementation NEXTTELL CoNeTo V3.1 FUNCTIONALITY RELEASE VERSION Design Based Research Learning &Teaching Analytics Vertical Integration

18 ”Show-and-Tell” Demo: CoNeTo 18

19 P EDAGOGY + T ECHNOLOGY 19 Pedagogical Principles Self-Explanation Effect (Chi, De Leeuw, Chiu, & LaVancher, 1994) Zone of Proximal Development (Vygotsky, 1930/1980, 1962; Wertsch, 1985) Scaffolding (Fernández, Wegerif, Mercer, & Rojas-Drummond, 2002) Triadic Dialogue (IRE/IRF) (Nassaji & Wells, 2000) Technology Design Principles Grounding Constraints (Clark & Brennan, 1991) Socio-Technical Affordances (Vatrapu, 2010) Artifact-Centered Discussion (Suthers & Xu, 2002)




23 T ECHNOLOGIES OF P RACTICAL R EASON (F OUCAULT, 1988) Four Matrices of Practical Reason  Technologies of Production  Technologies of Sign Systems  Technologies of Power  Technologies of the Self 23

24 A Few Critical Reflections  Whose “determinism” is it anyways?  Technological  Economical  Social  Interactional  “Technological Solutionism”  “Gamification” of learning  “Big Brother”  What happens in the classroom no longer stays in the classroom 24 NEXT-TELL Consortium

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