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 BNHS Speech & Debate 2015-2016. What is Speech & Debate?  Organized Argumentation  Persuasion  Public Speaking  Competitive Acting  Competition/Tournament.

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Presentation on theme: " BNHS Speech & Debate 2015-2016. What is Speech & Debate?  Organized Argumentation  Persuasion  Public Speaking  Competitive Acting  Competition/Tournament."— Presentation transcript:

1  BNHS Speech & Debate 2015-2016

2 What is Speech & Debate?  Organized Argumentation  Persuasion  Public Speaking  Competitive Acting  Competition/Tournament Structure

3 Speech & Debate National Organizations

4 Speech & Debate State Organizations  UIL – University Interscholastic League  Official academic & athletic organization for public schools in state of Texas  Focus is on developing communication skills  Event offerings are limited to CX, LD, Congress, Prose, Poetry, Persuasive, Informative  TFA – Texas Forensic Association  Offers same main events as NSDA  Limited to state of Texas


6 Team Communication School Webpage Facebook & Twitter Facebook – Byron Nelson High School Speech & Debate Twitter - @BNHSDebate

7 Courses  Debate I (3 rd & 8 th periods)  Debate II & III (3 rd & 8 th periods)  Oral Interpretation (4 th period)

8 Course Requirements  Coursework  Novice – Curriculum based on a survey of competitive events and skills  Varsity – 1 major & 1 minor focus event  Homework  Current event updates  Research of current debate topics  Reading, analysis & case-writing, literature reading/cutting and tournament prep.  Tournament Attendance  Novice – Must attend at least 1 tournament/semester & complete post-tournament reflections  Varsity – Must attend at least 2 tournaments/semester & complete post-tournament reflections

9 Competition Requirements  Academically eligible – Students must be passing ALL classes with at least a 70%, including Pre-AP/AP courses. Grade checks will be required the week leading to a tournament.  Good behavior standing with team and school  Course assessments passed and adequately prepared for competition  Signed up for tournament by deadline  No outstanding forms, tournament fees or financial obligations owed to team

10 Competition Dress  Tournament Attire - Business professional  NO T-shirts, tennis shoes, casual, provocative or revealing clothing allowed.  Appropriate make-up and limited jewelry. No piercings, other than professional- looking earrings.  Hair should be professional and not covering the face.  Boys – Professional suit or slacks with dress shirt and tie. Dress socks and shoes required.  Girls – Professional suit or skirt, dress shirt, or dress. Pantyhose/tights recommended with skirts/dresses when temperature is below 60 degrees. Dress shoes required.  Students should arrive at bus in tournament attire, unless traveling to a tournament over 2 hours away. Any student not dressed properly upon arrival will be dropped from tournament and charged tournament entry and drop fees.  Casual clothing can be brought to change into after competition and awards acceptance.

11 Additional Key Team Expectations (complete handbook available online)  Mandatory after school practices every Monday from 4:00-6:00pm. Must give coach at least 24 hours notice to be considered for excuse.  Students to volunteer 16 hours at team sponsored event(s)  Students must be in attendance at school all day on the day of a tournament in order to attend (Fridays for Saturday tournaments). Exceptions must be approved in advance by the coach.  Be at bus on time, or you will be left and dropped from the tournament. Entry and drop fees will then become the responsibility of the student.  All students should be picked up within ten minutes of arriving at the school. Students will call parents on the way home with estimated arrival times. Coaches CANNOT give students rides. If no ride shows, local law enforcement will be called to pick up student.

12 Team Dues/Expenses  HARVARD TRIP (Boston, MA) Eligible Varsity Only  Student responsibility will be based on fall fundraising efforts ($300-$500 each)  Additional Entertainment/Souvenir s  Parent chaperones will be responsible for their own expenses  DUES  Novice - $50.00  T-shirt ($10)  Hoodie ($20)  NSDA Dues ($20)  Varsity - $30.00  T-shirt ($10)  Hoodie ($20)  Optional Volunteer Fees  $185 fee can be paid in place of adult volunteer requirement, if adult volunteer is unable to attend team events.

13 Team Shirts T-Shirt Design Hooded Sweatshirt Design

14 Tournament Schedule

15 Harvard – Boston, MA (2/11-2/15/16)  Students will be responsible for portion of trip. Amount to be determined and based on fall fundraising ($300-$500). Payment will be due December 1 st.  Leave Thursday, 2/11 from DFW airport. Return Monday, 2/15. Students will miss school on Thursday, Friday and Monday.  Eligible Varsity ONLY (limited space)  Will schedule special meeting for families of those attending tournament  Decision to attend must be made and approved no later than November 12 th.  Trip fees and team funds will cover transportation, food allowance, lodging and tournament entry fees. All other expenses to be covered by student.

16 BNHS TFA Invitational Tournament Saturday, November 7 th  Students will be asked to do the following:  Complete in class tournament preparation leading up to tournament date  Attend prep night on Friday 11/6  Be present at tournament throughout the day on 11/7  Secure at least one volunteer judge for each round  Contribute assigned hospitality item(s)  Parents are asked to help with the following:  Hospitality room for coaches & judges  Concession stand  Judging

17 Adult Volunteer Assistance  A reliable adult should choose two dates from the scheduled judging or fundraising obligations  Judging  Sign up on team web page for tournament of your choice  First request, First serve  Fundraising  TFA Invitational Tournament (Nov. 7 th )  Concessions. Hospitality, Judging

18 Additional Parent Volunteer Opportunities  Chaperoning Overnight Tournaments  End of Year Banquet  Judging Practice Rounds  Forming Booster Club

19 Team Social Events  Election & Debate Watch Parties  “Main Event” Night  Winter/Holiday Pot-luck Social  End of year banquet/celebration  Possible Others!

20 Before you leave tonight:  Tournament Sign-ups  Information/T-shirt Form Information/T-shirt Form  Local Permission Slips Local Permission Slips  Parent Volunteer Survey (available on classroom computer) Parent Volunteer Survey (available on classroom computer)  NISD Volunteer Background Check NISD Volunteer Background Check


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