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Welcome. RDA SWT Board of Directors Maureen McAllister (Director) Annette Cole (Deputy Director) RESEARCH & DEVELOPMEN T TEAM Paul Haydon (Researcher)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome. RDA SWT Board of Directors Maureen McAllister (Director) Annette Cole (Deputy Director) RESEARCH & DEVELOPMEN T TEAM Paul Haydon (Researcher)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 RDA SWT Board of Directors Maureen McAllister (Director) Annette Cole (Deputy Director) RESEARCH & DEVELOPMEN T TEAM Paul Haydon (Researcher) 4 days a week Alan Poots (Researcher) Naomi Oxborough (Research Assistant – Bed Stock) Rebecca Rogers (Development Exec) SUSTAINABILI TY TEAM Neil Warren (Industry & Comms Advisor) Emma Whittlesea (Strategic Partner Advice) Kirsty Cumming (Deputy Director) COMMUNICATI ONS & MARKETING TEAM Liz Dale (Manager of Communication s) Lucy Thomas (Comms & Development Exec) Andrew Morgan (Corporate & Consumer Online) Wendy Samuels TRAINING & SKILLS TEAM Helen Jones - 3 days a week (Welcome Courses) Fiona Houchin (Regional Skills Support Officer) Clair Sutton 2 days a week (Regional Skills Support Manager) (Position Vacant) 2012, Skills & Welcome Exec CORPORATE SERVICES TEAM Cate Simms (Finance) RDA CULTURE, TOURISM & 2012 TEAM Chris Garcia (Director of Cultural Industries, Tourism & Sport) Julia Stuckey Culture, Tourism & 2012 Manager) Deborah Bertram (SWE Advisor for 2012 Games) Dawn Hall (Tourism Advisor - National Lead) South West England’s Regional Tourism Team Structure Mar 2010 – KC

3 VisitEngland Strategy Update 2010-20

4 VisitEngland Strategy Update A Strategic Framework for Tourism in England 2010 – 2020 This Framework and its associated Action Plan are the product of extensive consultation and collaboration with England's tourism industry. They set out the ways in which the industry can work together to achieve a 5% growth in value, year-on- year, over the next decade.

5 A Strategic Framework for Tourism in England 2010 – 2020 ‘The key ambition of the Strategic Framework is to grow English tourism by 5%, year-on-year, over the next ten years – in real terms this means an additional £50 billion in expenditure and an additional 225,000 jobs.’ 4 interdependent objectives Objective 01: To increase England’s share of global visitor markets. Objective 02: To offer visitors compelling destinations of distinction. Objective 03: To champion a successful, thriving tourism industry. Objective 04: To facilitate greater engagement between the visitor and the experience.

6 Objective 01: To increase England’s share of global visitor markets. Marketing must build the profile of the England brand in the world marketplace. Informed by a thorough understanding of the visitor’s motivations across target markets, it will focus on England’s most attractive destinations and experiences - Compelling destinations ‘attract brands’ and experiences. - Attract and disperse - Built on reliable market insights in value, valume and potential - Use of technology - Building on trends - Business & Events Tourism - Olympics

7 Objective 02: To offer visitors compelling destinations of distinction. Local tourism businesses, alongside destination management organisations, local and regional government and relevant sectors such as transport, must share responsibility for creating a successful destination experience. - Public realm for local residents and visitors - Regeneration of areas with potential - Accommodation and customer service - Encourage people to take more day visits and experience their environment

8 Objective 03: To champion a successful, thriving tourism industry. A successful tourism industry creates new employment opportunities throughout the country. The success of the industry depends on a skilled workforce. - Raising profile in government - Raising profile across sectors - Offering quality jobs and skilled workforce - Sustainable visitor economy - Equipped to deal with crisis

9 Objective 04: To facilitate greater engagement between the visitor and the experience. The tourism industry must ensure that information provision is modernised, integrated nationally, and keeps apace with advances in technology. - Warm welcome - Easy access to information - Well informed visitors will stay longer, come back and recommend - Transport - Accessible

10 VisitEngland and VisitBritain Activity Update

11 VisitEngland & VisitBritain Update DomesticOverseas - National Marketing Strategy- Review of the Quadrant Model - Olympics Strategy- VisitBritain overseas activity - Business Tourism Strategy- VisitEngland overseas activity - Modernising Visitor Information - Quality Review - Best of Britain and Ireland + World Travel Market - NTOP - EnjoyEngland ‘next generation’ website - Partners For England meeting in July

12 Quadrant Model LONG HAUL SHORT HAUL Britain – Unfamiliar Devolved – Familiar China Brazil Argentina Hong Kong USA Canada Russia Greece South Africa UAE S.Korea Mexico Phil. Thailand Malaysia Singapore Japan Hungary Czech Poland New Zealand Australia Spain Italy Germany France Belgium India Netherlands Norway Denmark Finland Switzerland Sweden Portugal Austria

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