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SLAC All Hands Briefing: FY2008 Budget Persis S. Drell SLAC Director 1/7/08.

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1 SLAC All Hands Briefing: FY2008 Budget Persis S. Drell SLAC Director 1/7/08

2 FY2007 President’s Request for DOE Office of Science –$4.1B FY2007 Allocated budget DOE Office of Science –$3.8B Shortfall –$300M

3 FY2008 President’s Request for DOE Office of Science –$4.4B FY2008 Allocated budget DOE Office of Science –$4B Shortfall –$400M

4 DOE Basic Energy Sciences Allocated Budget FY07$1.25B President’s Request FY08$1.5 B Allocated Budget FY08$1.3 B Resulting shortfall nationally ~$200 M At SLAC –LCLS Construction fully funded –PULSE space renovation in Bldg. 40 fully funded –LUSI project ramped up –SSRL approximately flat –XLAM and PULSE growth scaled back

5 DOE High Energy Physics Allocated Budget FY07$752M President’s Request FY08$782M Allocated Budget FY08$694M Resulting shortfall nationally of ~$90M At SLAC –Projected FY08 HEP ~$120M –Actual FY08 HEP ~$95M

6 Program Impacts @ SLAC LCLS and LUSI construction will proceed –early operations for LCLS at the end of FY09 and CD-4 for LCLS in 2010. SSRL will likely curtail user operations in FY08 by 15% ILC program @ SLAC will be stopped for this year. The future is uncertain. The B-factory program will terminate at the beginning of March

7 Staffing Impacts @ SLAC To cope with the budget realities of FY08 and prepare for FY09 –Involuntary layoff of 125 additional people from the lab –This is in additional to the program in process (announced Nov. 2) to readjust the skills mix at the lab to optimize the workforce for future LCLS operations

8 SLAC 1 Year from Now Opening new scientific frontiers with start of LCLS commissioning and subsequent operations –Continued strong user and research program at SSRL –Continued leadership in particle physics, astrophysics and accelerator research –Continued leadership in ultrafast science and advanced materials Smaller laboratory staff More effective mission support services More focused scientific programs Stronger ties to Stanford main campus We should not underestimate the challenges but the opportunities ahead of us are great

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