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Leadership and Coaching for Novice Math Specialists Candy Standley Carol Walsh Culpeper County Middlesex County March 21, 2016 Southwest Virginia Higher.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership and Coaching for Novice Math Specialists Candy Standley Carol Walsh Culpeper County Middlesex County March 21, 2016 Southwest Virginia Higher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership and Coaching for Novice Math Specialists Candy Standley Carol Walsh Culpeper County Middlesex County March 21, 2016 Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center Session 1B

2 Session Agenda Build a Network of Math Coaches, Math Specialists, and Math Teacher Leaders Being a Successful Math Coach: Ten Guiding Principles The Math Coach Field Guide Introduction to Principles and Actions: a 2014 NCTM publication Productive Struggle and Developing a Growth Mindset Using the Fishbowl Strategy to promote discussion and active listening Principles to Actions Professional Learning Toolkit The Hexagon Task and the Case of Patricia Rossman A word on mathematics from John Urschel

3 Who are we? Choose an adjective that begins with the same sound as your first name that describes something you’re passionate about in the work you do as a math specialist or math teacher leader. Put your alliterative name, county, and position on the front of your tent card. On the back, write one statement about a personal interest that includes numbers. When everyone is done, we’ll share!!

4 The Math Coach Field Guide Read the introduction and the Guiding Principle highlighted in your copy of the Math Coach Field Guide, chapter 1. Pair up with the person who has the same highlighted principle. Together, create a poster summarizing the main ideas. Discuss challenges related to your guiding principle. Each pair will share several key points. Posters will be displayed.

5 Principles to Actions Ensuring Mathematical Success For All Principles to Actions spells out the part that we all must play in supporting the success of today’s students to ensure a bright future for the world around us. Linda M. Gojak, NCTM President 2012-2014

6 NCTM, Principles to Actions, p. 10 Effective

7 Productive Struggle: Developing a Growth Mindset Developing a growth mindset

8 The Fishbowl Strategy The Fishbowl is a strategy used to promote a rich discussion of any given topic. Today, we will use the Fishbowl strategy to discuss a problem related to helping teachers see the power of productive struggle.

9 Preparing for the Fishbowl Read pages 48-52 in Principles to Actions “Support Productive Struggle in Learning Mathematics” Also, read the scenario from Mrs. L’s 5 th grade classroom As you read, think about and jot down notes describing ways that you might help Mrs. L see the power of productive struggle. What questions do you have?

10 Implementing the Fishbowl Check the inside of your tent card. A gold fish means that you will be in the Fishbowl for the discussion. A white fish means that you will be on the outside of the Fishbowl. The numbers on your fish pair you up. After an 8 minute Fishbowl discussion, partners will pair up to share thoughts on the topic discussed. Participants in the Fishbowl must share a thought on the topic. No one can speak a second time until everyone has spoken once.

11 Principles to Actions: Professional Learning Toolkit development/principles-to-actions-professional-learning-toolkit/ development/principles-to-actions-professional-learning-toolkit/

12 The Case of Patricia Rossman and the Hexagon Task During this session, you will… solve and discuss the hexagon task, examine the moves Ms. Rossman makes to support students' engagement in and understanding of mathematics in a video case; and discuss how the effective mathematics teaching practice of promote productive struggle is evident in the video case

13 The Hexagon Task Trains 1, 2, 3, and 4 are the first 4 trains in the hexagon pattern. The first train in this pattern consists of one regular hexagon. For each subsequent train, one additional hexagon is added. For the hexagon pattern: 1.Compute the perimeter for the first 4 trains. 2.Determine the perimeter for the tenth train without constructing it. 3.Write a description that could be used to compute the perimeter of any train in the pattern. Explain how you know it will always work. (Use the edge length of any pattern block or the length of a side of a hexagon as your unit of measure.) Adapted from Visual Mathematics Course I, Lessons 16-30 published by the Math Learning Center. Copyright © 1995 by The Math Learning Center, Salem, Oregon.

14 Hexagon Task video As you watch students complete the hexagon task, watch for ways that Ms. Rossman promotes the idea of productive struggle. Think about your work with teachers. What challenges do you face in getting teachers to promote the practice of productive struggle? As your group completed the task, did you struggle at times, feel comfortable asking questions, persevere or quit, help one another, ask the teacher for assistance? Do you see a connection between productive struggle and developing a growth mindset?

15 A Dual Love: Football + Mathematics Ask John Urschel, Baltimore Ravens, to define himself, and this is the sort of answer you’ll get: “John Urschel, pro football player, mathematician, professional mathlete.” A wonderful story and a short video clip. problem_n_7687732.html

16 Before we part… Take a few minutes to reflect on your learning experience this morning. Grab a neon index card. Jot down three ideas that you want to share at school, reflect on further, or learn more about. Put the neon index card in your Principles to Actions book as a reminder of the important work you do everyday!!

17 Resources NCTM Toolkit for Principles to Actions

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