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IndianaCTSI ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Preclinical Histology Core (PHC) PHC will provide necropsy, histology and pathology support.

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Presentation on theme: "IndianaCTSI ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Preclinical Histology Core (PHC) PHC will provide necropsy, histology and pathology support."— Presentation transcript:

1 IndianaCTSI ACCELERATING CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Preclinical Histology Core (PHC) PHC will provide necropsy, histology and pathology support to researchers who use cell lines, xenografts, animal models, and human tissues in their research at various biosafety levels. Individual attention to protocol and technique development, as well as optimizing challenging preclinical scenarios with respect to histology and staining, allows this core to offer individualized services for research and development. Production line histology often results in missed data or less than optimal use of resources. The PHC provides a researcher with the unique opportunity to design and plan a study which optimizes the best animal model, research protocol, tissue procurement, specimen handling and finally histology. Most errors start with designing a study expecting histology to answer the research objectives. Pre-discussion of histology techniques, specimen preservation details, and supportive blood or fluid samples are all critical in producing the overall evaluation. Involvement of the PHC in developing the research plan will ultimately decrease errors and improve your research outcomes. Many times it is evident when processing histology requests that similar goals exist within PHC users. We encourage collaboration when and where possible, since many times colleagues are not aware of potential synergistic studies. Introductions and potential collaborations are frequently nurtured through the means of shared interest and resources which are commonly realized at the histological end point. We pride ourselves in the ability to keep protocols, research goals, data and techniques secure and confidential unless parties agree to collaboration and provide written documentation verifying their request. Theoretical and practical training in histological and necropsy techniques are available to PIs, post docs and students to promote their research goals. A wide variety of special stains or techniques and labeled cell/tissue tracking methodologies are available in our lab specific to preclinical research. PHC Facility Cobra II Gamma CounterDako Autostainer Leica RM 2155 Motorized MicrotomeAssorted Rotary Microtomes Sakua Tissue-Tek Tissue ProcessorLeica Cryostat CM 1850 TBS Paraffin Embedding StationLeitz Labrolux S 5 Microscope Nikon Eclipse TE 2000-S light and Fluorescent Microscope with Software STATE OF THE ART IMAGING CAPABILITIES WITH MULTIPLE SYSTEMS Faculty and Staff! Extensive background in preclinical and clinical research in both industrial and academic settings. OVERVIEW RESOURCES RESEARCH CONTRIBUTION HIGHLIGHT Preclinical Histology Core (PHC) Complete necropsy, histology and pathology services. Slide interpretation, pathology reports and summaries available by board certified pathologist. Routine and perfusion fixation, decalcification procedures, and gross trimming of tissues in support of pathology, neuropathology, metabolism, and pharmacokinetic studies. Necropsies can be conducted on radioactive tissues and distribution/activity measured. Samples can be collected RNAase- free. Routine stains include: Hematoxylin and Eosin (H & E), Masson’s Trichrome, Van Giesson Elastic, from either frozen or paraffin blocks. Immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry are standard techniques in our lab. Other stains are available specific to your protocol. Study protocol development and consultation with an emphasis on correct histological endpoints. Theoretical, multimedia and practical training in histological and necropsy techniques. Necropsy and histology supplies available for purchase. George Sandusky, Core Director Pam Rogers, Administrative Manager Larry Solomon, Histology Manager We have implemented a multi-step quality control program which reduces errors in customer communications and histology results. With all new studies, protocols or pre-existing work order changes; samples will be processed, stained and evaluated to confirm the technique and tissue quality provide the desired end result. The customer, lab manager and pathologist will review the results to make any protocol changes needed. These test samples are extremely important and is one of the major strengths in what the PHC has to offer the research community. In the pre-clinical setting many PHC users may be new or inexperienced with the processes involved in proper tissue and sample handling. This may seriously compromise any specialized stains and immunohistochemistry. Tissues require a 20 to 1 volume when fixing tissues (This is imperative). Direct specialized attention for training users in the proper steps to design, implement and conduct their protocol with an emphasis on quality assurance is a key strength PHC offers, unmatched in other contract histology labs. LIST OF SERVICES CONTACT INFORMATION QUALITY CONTROL AND ASSURANCES H & E of chronic porcine myocardial infarction. 200X Formalin fixed, paraffin embedded. CD31 antibody demonstrating vascular endothelial staining with Avidin –biotin complex (ABC) method in murine tumor tissue. Beta-gal stain for genetic marker in porcine myocardium. 100X Triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) enzymatic stain in a fresh porcine heart, 14 days after an infarction. H & E of atherosclerotic plaque in transgenic mouse aorta fed high fat diet. 400X alpha-Smooth Muscle Actin with a fluorescent tag in human adipose stromal cells with DAPI nuclear stain.

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