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Devolution: Assurance Evolution 27 February 2016 Tom Powell, Head of Audit and Risk: GMCA AGMA Manchester Bolton.

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Presentation on theme: "Devolution: Assurance Evolution 27 February 2016 Tom Powell, Head of Audit and Risk: GMCA AGMA Manchester Bolton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Devolution: Assurance Evolution 27 February 2016 Tom Powell, Head of Audit and Risk: GMCA AGMA Manchester Bolton

2 Agenda: Past Present and Future GM collaboration The case for change Governance & assurance

3 GM Collaboration



6 Joint Committee Not a legal entity Districts have to lead Leaders and Mayors Strategic Cooperation and Joint Working C£15m

7 GM Collaboration Private Sector Led Growth and Business Focus Close links to GMCA

8 GM Collaboration Is a local authority Covers: –Transport –Economic Development & Regeneration –Strategic Housing –Transport Levy. –Air quality –Economic Wellbeing –Adult Skills

9 GM Collaboration Mayor, City Mayor + Leaders WLT Statutory Officers and Employees Scrutiny Pool Audit Committee C£300m and growing The vehicle for much of devolution

10 GM Collaboration An unrelenting and consistent focus on economic growth and reform

11 Case for Change

12 The Case for Change Growth: must invest to unlock potential Infrastructure: transport, employment, land, housing & energy Pressures: education, health & social care, leisure. Healthy population working well Technology and re-skilling challenge Business and growth at the core

13 The Case for Change Stronger Together Whole system thinking Whole public sector thinking Whole place thinking Coordination not competition Reforming and planning, not reacting Engaging

14 The Case for Change Nov 2014 £1bn Deal Feb 2015 Health Devo MoU £6bn June 2015 Interim Mayor Nov 2015Spending review to consider further £7bn request April 2016H&SC goes live April 2017OPCC and GMFRS 2017Elected mayor

15 The Case for Change: Health & Social Care GM Strategic Plan: ‘Taking Control of our Health and Social Care’ Strategic Partnership Board (38 org’s) supported by Partnership Executive Board Commissioning Strategy and Joint Commissioning Board (10 LAs / 3 CCGs) H&SC Integration – GM and Locality Plans £450m five year transformation fund, plus better care, plus CTax for ASC Estates Strategy

16 The Case for Change: Transport Multi year transport settlement Metrolink Extensions HS2 and Transport for the North GM Travel Card / Smart Ticketing Metrolink Earnback Rail Stations Principal Highway Collaborations

17 The Case for Change Other Areas: Business support budgets Reshape and re-structure FE provision Scale up work on complex dependency Jointly commission Work Programme Strategic planning and spatial framework £300 million Housing Investment Fund Earn back deal, £900 million over 30 years Public Service Reform

18 The Case for Change Transition Planning GM Devolution Implementation Plan January 2016 Outline Tasks / Milestones / Owners / Timescales / Risks Tight timescales Dependencies in GM and with Government

19 The Case for Change An exciting time for Greater Manchester Opportunity to make a real difference for residents and deliver ambition at the GM and locality level But …. All need to rise to the challenge All will be required to work and think differently

20 Governance & Assurance

21 Governance and Assurance Devolution commitments and reform principles require us to work differently New governance, scrutiny and accountability frameworks New models of delivery and ways of achieving outcomes Working beyond organisational and professional boundaries Leadership and capacity challenge

22 Governance and Assurance GMCA Mayor + City Mayor + 9 Leaders + CCGs and Trusts (for Health) + TfGM, Growth Company, GMP and GMRS for Wider Leadership Team + LEP Scrutiny Pool Audit Committee 2017 OPCC and GM Fire Authority consolidation

23 Governance and Assurance Leadership and Accountability PriorityLeader / MayorChief Exec SkillsTrafford ReformInterim Mayor, Bolton, Trafford, WiganWigan ChildrenBoltonSalford H&SCAll TransportInterim MayorTfGM Planning & HousingStockport Energy / Low CarbonStockportRochdale Business SupportSalfordMGC Investment and FinanceTamesideManchester ScienceManchester Blue Light IntegrationBury TransitionInterim MayorManchester

24 Governance and Assurance GMCA and AGMA Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer,S151 External Auditor Head of Audit and Risk Separate IA functions for GMFRS (Wigan), OPCC, MGC and TfGM, as well as health

25 Governance and Assurance “With great power comes great responsibility” Ambition is strong and powers are growing… …requires governance that is appropriate and assurance that is effective

26 Governance and Assurance Assurance Mapping….

27 Governance and Assurance - Challenges “What have AGMA or this GMCA ever done for us?” Vision Communications Transparency Partners Delivery

28 Governance and Assurance - Challenges “Can you please slow down?” Pace of change Staying informed Staying in touch

29 Governance and Assurance - Challenges “No more please..” Scale of change Breadth of scope Ambition No precedent

30 Governance and Assurance - Challenges “Sharing the bed” Partnership is essential Cultural differences Co-location Trust and confidence

31 Governance and Assurance - Challenges “Is it working?” Optimism (or pessimism) bias Evidence Holding the course Confidence to continue, stop or change Overcoming setbacks

32 Governance and Assurance - Challenges “As well as all this, can we also do…?” Ultra vires Legality Powers

33 Governance and Assurance - Challenges “Its hard to get up-stream” React or reform Protect or prevent Proving benefits Today’s taxpayer or tomorrow’s

34 Governance and Assurance - Challenges “Follow the money” Whose it from? What’s it for? What was it spent on? Funding conditions? Who has it now?

35 Governance and Assurance - Opportunity Confident, competent, consistent leadership A will to change – local, regional and national A system that needs to change No one said it was easy or risk free – or it would have been done A track record, albeit this is a step change …and many of you are at the heart of this opportunity

36 Governance and Assurance – Our Role Reinvigorate GM risk and assurance Collaboration – an inevitability Review risk access boundaries Communicate risks Be open to “how can we…” Share for mutual benefit Cooperate not compete Communicate…and network

37 GM Past Present and Future Stronger Together

38 Devolution: Assurance Evolution Tom Powell, Head of Audit and Risk: GMCA AGMA Manchester Bolton

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