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HR in India: Weak Link or Missing Link? Private and confidential document of Accord Consultants (P) Ltd. 16 – 17 Dec 2011 Taj Fisherman’s Cove, Chennai.

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Presentation on theme: "HR in India: Weak Link or Missing Link? Private and confidential document of Accord Consultants (P) Ltd. 16 – 17 Dec 2011 Taj Fisherman’s Cove, Chennai."— Presentation transcript:

1 HR in India: Weak Link or Missing Link? Private and confidential document of Accord Consultants (P) Ltd. 16 – 17 Dec 2011 Taj Fisherman’s Cove, Chennai

2 “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten” - Bill Gates PROLOGUE

3 India Shining… BOOK 1

4 Demographic Dividend: Boon or Bane? BOOK 1 CHAPTER 1

5 India will have a working age population of 916M by 2020 and 1.02B by 2030! Population (in million) Working Age Population (15-64yrs) 2010 2020 2030

6 Large number of jobs and applicants… …not all qualified Missing skills?

7 Qualified… Lack of basic employability skills? Skill gaps? …not employable

8 Employed… Wrong person for the wrong role? …under-employed and under-utilized

9 Qualified + Employed + Trained… …head-hunted by someone else

10 Baby Boomer v/s Gen X+Y: The Leadership Conundrum BOOK 1 CHAPTER 2

11 Companies are becoming less centralized and flatter Employees are getting more responsibility further down in the hierarchy and earlier in their career Are they ready? Big shoes to fill?

12 Clash of leadership ideologies and cultures New mindsets & expectations Old & traditional v/s

13 The Great Talent Wars, circa 20xx: Who’s Winning? BOOK 1 CHAPTER 3

14 Today’s workforce – double-edged sword I AM: Knowledgeable, Ambitious, Mobile, Global, Entrepreneurial, Socially Networked, Confident I MIGHT ALSO BE: Opportunistic, Commitment- phobic, Seeking instant Gratification, Assertive, Demanding, Over confident

15 Leadership Talent = f(Knowledge, Skills, Attitude) + X Factor KNOWLEDGESKILLSATTITUDE + + + + + + = = = The holy grail Good worker, bad leader? Leaders who can’t lead by example?

16 Role of HR: NO relevance or NEW relevance? BOOK 1 CHAPTER 4

17 With traditional HR activities being outsourced, the need for a separate HR function, as distinct from an integrated management discipline, is becoming questionable

18 Employees perceive HR to be disconnected with their real needs “Head-count, Appraisals, Salaries, Policies… what else?”

19 HR = Huge Responsibility BOOK 2

20 To remain relevant and play the role of a strategic business partner, HR faces 3 critical challenges MANAGING CHANGE MANAGING TALENT MANAGING DIVERSITY

21 Managing Change BOOK 2 CHAPTER 1

22 How can HR support the inevitable change of leadership? Most organizations do not have a succession plan in place

23 INNOVATION CUSTOMER CENTRICITY FRUGALITY … How can HR prepare the organization to deal with changes in cultures and values?

24 How can HR balance the expectations of employees with organizations scrambling to adapt to new realities? EMERGING MARKETS FINANCIAL CRISES DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFTS …

25 Managing Talent BOOK 2 CHAPTER 2

26 How can HR help organizations to win the Talent Wars? Many companies are bridging this perceived gap through strategic partnerships designed to train potential candidates on specific skill sets even before hiring them. Eg. Campus connect programs Get trained employees?Get employees trained?

27 How can HR choose between Continuous Learning and Continuous Training? Or must it? Can HR delegate some of its responsibility of managing talent to supervisors of people? What are the implications?

28 Where should HR draw the line: SKILLS or ATTITUDE?

29 Managing Diversity BOOK 2 CHAPTER 3

30 How does HR deal with the challenges of multi-cultural teams... Language Culture Habits Work style Communication Conflicts Norms

31 … global teams and truly multi-national employees working together? Context for everything is becoming more global. Companies are tapping into a global talent pool Cross-cultural sensitivity and competencies are no longer a ‘good-to-have’; they have become a ‘need-to-have’


33 What’s ‘next’ for HR? EPILOGUE

34 Will HR continue to play a Support Role…or…

35 …will HR recognize the Lead Role that opportunity presents?

36 A presentation by: Mukta, Shivanand & Saurabh (in absentia) Accord Consultants (P) Ltd. mukta@, shiv@, ^ not

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