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By Brian E. Ableman United Streaming video – 16 segments The Jeff Corwin Experience: Louisiana: Swampy Ecosystem The Jeff Corwin Experience: Louisiana:

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2 By Brian E. Ableman United Streaming video – 16 segments The Jeff Corwin Experience: Louisiana: Swampy Ecosystem The Jeff Corwin Experience: Louisiana: Swampy Ecosystem

3 soggy

4 soggy Chunk: sog - gy

5 soggy Chunk: sog – gy Chunk: sog – gy Wet, moist Wet, moist

6 soggy Chunk: sog – gy Chunk: sog – gy Wet, moist Wet, moist The ground was soggy after it rained. The ground was soggy after it rained.

7 topple s

8 Base word + ending: topple + s Base word + ending: topple + s

9 topple s Base word + ending: topple + s Base word + ending: topple + s Falls, tumbles Falls, tumbles

10 topple s Base word + ending: topple + s Base word + ending: topple + s Falls, tumbles Falls, tumbles Nobody catches the tomato as it topples to the ground. Nobody catches the tomato as it topples to the ground.

11 spook y

12 Base word + ending: spook + y Base word + ending: spook + y

13 spook y Base word + ending: spook + y Base word + ending: spook + y Scary Scary

14 spook y Base word + ending: spook + y Base word + ending: spook + y Scary Scary The horror movie was so spooky it gave me nightmares. The horror movie was so spooky it gave me nightmares.

15 might y

16 Base word + ending: might + y Base word + ending: might + y

17 might y Base word + ending: might + y Base word + ending: might + y Strong, powerful Strong, powerful

18 might y Base word + ending: might + y Base word + ending: might + y Strong, powerful Strong, powerful People believe that the mighty lion is the king of the jungle. People believe that the mighty lion is the king of the jungle.

19 seek

20 seek Blend Blend

21 seek Search for,look for Search for,look for

22 seek Blend Blend Search for,look for Search for,look for I read a book about traveling to a land far away to seek hidden treasure. I read a book about traveling to a land far away to seek hidden treasure.

23 comfo rtabl e

24 Chunk: Chunk: com-fort-a-ble com-fort-a-ble

25 comfo rtabl e Chunk: Chunk: com-fort-a-ble com-fort-a-ble Cozy Cozy

26 comfo rtabl e Chunk: Chunk: com-fort-a-ble com-fort-a-ble Cozy Cozy The bed was so comfortable that I fell asleep right away. The bed was so comfortable that I fell asleep right away.

27 nibbli ng

28 Base word + ending: nibbl(e) + ing Base word + ending: nibbl(e) + ing

29 nibbli ng Base word + ending: nibbl(e) + ing Base word + ending: nibbl(e) + ing Chewing in small bites Chewing in small bites

30 nibbli ng Base word + ending: nibbl(e) + ing Base word + ending: nibbl(e) + ing Chewing in small bites Chewing in small bites The little chipmunk was nibbling on a big piece of bread.

31 nearl y

32 Base word + ending: near + ly Base word + ending: near + ly

33 nearl y Base word + ending: near + ly Base word + ending: near + ly Almost Almost

34 nearl y Base word + ending: near + ly Base word + ending: near + ly Almost Almost The fox nearly caught the rabbit but the rabbit just escaped. The fox nearly caught the rabbit but the rabbit just escaped.


36 TEAMWORK Read pages 6 – 9 aloud with partners. 6 – 9 aloud with partners.

37 Dragonfly

38 Pitcher Plant

39 TEAM TALK EXTENDER If you were to visit the Okefenokee, what would you bring with you, and why?

40 I want to visit Okefenokee Like to play in squishy areas Lots of interesting plants and insects to see. I like to visit new places.


42 TWO MINUTE EDIT It are dawn now in the okefenokee but only a stray sunbeams or two ever reach the ground. (4)

43 TWO MINUTE EDIT It is dawn now in the Okefenokee, but only a stray sunbeam(s) or two ever reach the ground. (4)

44 TEAMWORK Read pages 14 – 15 aloud with partners. 14 – 15 aloud with partners.

45 TEAM TALK EXTENDER The text states that the alligator is the ruler of the swamp. What if alligators didn’t live in the swamp? Think about the animals that we have read about so far. Which animal, other than the alligator, do you think would be the ruler of the swap? Why?


47 TWO MINUTE EDIT By day a alligators usually rests, sunning itself or floating, like an log in the water?(4)

48 TWO MINUTE EDIT By day an alligator(s) usually rests, sunning itself or floating, like a(n) log in the water.(4)

49 TEAMWORK Read pages 18 – 21 aloud with partners. 18 – 21 aloud with partners.

50 TEAM TALK EXTENDER Look at the photographs on pages 18 - 19 of the text. How do you think mammals, such as otters and opossums, protect themselves from other dangerous animals?


52 TWO MINUTE EDIT After they leave there shells, baby alligator are close watched by their Mother. (4)

53 TWO MINUTE EDIT After they leave their shells, baby alligators are closely watched by their mother. (4)

54 TEAMWORK Read pages 24 – 27 aloud with partners. 24 – 27 aloud with partners.

55 TEAM TALK EXTENDER Did you know that bears live in swamps? Do you think this is strange? Why or why not?


57 TWO MINUTE EDIT Now it is rare to sea won on the island, or anywhere else in the okefenokee. (4)

58 TWO MINUTE EDIT Now it is rare to see one on the island(,) or anywhere else in the Okefenokee. (4)

59 TEST BONUS QUESTION Complete the outline I. Birds of the Okefenokee A. Small birds live in trees B.C. D. Anhingas hunt in the water

60 To hear the sound of alligators  undfx/animals/ tml

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