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Smart Grid Data Cloud THE DATA CLOUD MODEL FOR THE SMART GRID Capital and operational costs of data management for energy market actors to make informed.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Grid Data Cloud THE DATA CLOUD MODEL FOR THE SMART GRID Capital and operational costs of data management for energy market actors to make informed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Grid Data Cloud THE DATA CLOUD MODEL FOR THE SMART GRID Capital and operational costs of data management for energy market actors to make informed decisions about how to control these resources reach prohibitive levels if each actor must replicate infrastructures for managing data from the same sources

2 Smart Grid Data Cloud

3 Shows data and information flow separated from the control flow. The rationale behind this separation is that actuators will be triggered by the legitimate parties on events. Whilst sensors and other data sources external to the power system, such as weather sensors and electronic markets, will generate a continuous flow of data which is subject to the on demand information retrieval needs of each party

4 Conclusion The scope is to demonstrate a platform for collaboration and information exchange between end users, retailers, virtual power plant operators of highly distributed generation as well as the network operators

5 Reference [1] M. Shargal and D. Houseman, “ The Big Picture of Your Coming Smart Grid, ” Article, Mar. 2009. Available online: icture_of_Your_Coming_Smart_Grid-529.html [2] EPRI Smart Grid Use Case Repository. Available online: [3] NIST Smart Grid Use Cases. Available online: [4] European Technology Platform SmartGrids,.Strategic Research Agenda for Europe ’ s Electricity Networks of the Future, ” European Communities, 2007. Available online: [5] NETL Department of Energy,.What is Smart Grid? “ (2009). Available online: APPROVED_2009_04_15.pdf


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