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Small Bodies 2 Properties 5 Types with Pictures 7 points Front Cover Inside Front Cover BLANK Page 1 Page 2Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Table of Contents Where.

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Presentation on theme: "Small Bodies 2 Properties 5 Types with Pictures 7 points Front Cover Inside Front Cover BLANK Page 1 Page 2Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Table of Contents Where."— Presentation transcript:

1 Small Bodies 2 Properties 5 Types with Pictures 7 points Front Cover Inside Front Cover BLANK Page 1 Page 2Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Table of Contents Where they Are…… Dwarf Planets….. Venn Diagram…. KBO’s…. Comets…. Asteroids…. Meteoroids…. Where in the Solar System are they found? Kuiper Belt - Where is the Kuiper Belt located? - What 3 small bodies are found there? - picture Oort Cloud - What is the Oort Cloud? - Where is the Oort Cloud located? - What small body is found there? - Picture Asteroid Belt - Where is the Asteroid Belt located? - What 2 small bodies are found there? - picture Between the Orbits of Venus and Neptune - What 2 small bodies are found there? 12 points Dwarf Planets What are 2 Properties of Dwarf Planets? What are the 2 locations of Dwarf Planets in the Solar System? List the 5 names of the Dwarf Planets with Pictures Which Dwarf Planets are found in each Location? 14 points

2 Page 8 KBO’s Page 9 Page 10Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Comets 23 points Asteroids 13 points Page 6Page 7 Dwarf Planets vs Planets 2 characteristics that both planets and Dwarf Planets have in common 1 Characteristic that only Dwarf Planets have 1 Characteristic that only Planets have 4 points -What are KBO’s? -Where are they located? -Definition for KBO -3 different compositions of KBO’s -Which 3 types of bodies are considered KBO’s with pictures 9 points - What are they made of? - Where and How do they travel? - Draw and Label a diagram of a comet; Include the name and definition of each of the 4 parts. 2 3 4 1 - What 2 regions of the solar system do comets originate from? FOR EACH REGION… - What type of comet comes from the region? - Define the type - How many years does it take to orbit? - What is it’s life Span? - How are the comets from that region made? (hint: one region has 2 ways!) - Define asteroids - Where are most of them located? - What are these asteroids called? - There is a group located in the orbits of what two planets? - What are these asteroids called? - There are some located past the orbit of Neptune; what is that region called? - There is a group that crosses the orbits of what two planets? - What are these asteroids called? - Most asteroids move how? While others move how? - What is the composition for each of the 3 different kinds of asteroids? Describe and include pictures

3 Page 17 Page 14Page 15 Meteoroids Page 16 Back Cover Name Class Period What are they called when they are traveling through space? Include a definition and picture What are they called when they burn up in the atmosphere? Include a definition and picture What are they called when they reach Earth’s surface? Include a definition and picture -Define this group of bodies as a whole -What are the 3 places in the solar system that they come from? -Draw and label a diagram of the Earth, Atmosphere and Space indicating what these small 3 bodies are called when found in each place. Types of Meteorites 11 points - What are the 3 types of meteorites? - What is the composition of each? - What is the origin of each? -Is it common or rare? -Include a picture for each 15 points Content Total Points = 108 points Appearance = 17 points TOTAL = 125 Points

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