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JISC RSC Wales Don’t forget to do the Audio Setup Tools > Audio > Audio Setup Wizard If you’ve arrived early.

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Presentation on theme: "JISC RSC Wales Don’t forget to do the Audio Setup Tools > Audio > Audio Setup Wizard If you’ve arrived early."— Presentation transcript:

1 JISC RSC Wales Don’t forget to do the Audio Setup Tools > Audio > Audio Setup Wizard If you’ve arrived early

2 JISC RSC Wales Introductions Esther Barrett eLearning Advisor Russell Symmons eLearning Advisor

3 JISC RSC Wales Introducing Blackboard Collaborate

4 JISC RSC Wales Features Whiteboard Presentation Audio Video Text chat Quizzes and polls Session recording Screen sharing App sharing File sharing Breakout rooms

5 JISC RSC Wales


7 Learner Engagement

8 JISC RSC Wales Learner Engagement – Aims To explore the Customer Engagement model To look at how far the Customer Engagement model can be used for Learner Engagement

9 JISC RSC Wales The Customer Engagement model AI use it to inform my work BI have heard of it CI don’t know anything about it

10 JISC RSC Wales So what is Customer Engagement?

11 JISC RSC Wales We no longer publicise and advertise our services by ‘barking’ about them

12 JISC RSC Wales We aim at long-term engagement, encouraging loyalty and advocacy through social networking and other interactive communication tools

13 JISC RSC Wales Why do we need a new model? Fragmentation of the audience for advertising Customers are also broadcasters Customers have more choice Customers have less faith in advertising, more in peers Customers must be stimulated to engage with the brand

14 JISC RSC Wales Why do we need a new model? Fragmentation of the audience for advertising Learners are also broadcasters Learners have more choice Learners have less faith in advertising, more in peers Learners must be stimulated to engage with providers

15 JISC RSC Wales We need a new model! Agree Disagree

16 JISC RSC Wales A model which developed with the internet and online communities A long term ongoing cycle, encouraging customer dialogue and interaction, loyalty and advocacy What is Customer Engagement?

17 JISC RSC Wales Customer Engagement The Customer Engagement Cycle Customers go through five stages in the cycle - Awareness, Consideration, Inquiry, Purchase, Retention

18 JISC RSC Wales Customer Engagement Engaged Customers are More satisfied More loyal Likely to be your advocate Aware of the issues Able to filter information Likely to complain to you, not about you Willing to recommend ways to improve your service

19 JISC RSC Wales A social phenomenon enabled by the wide adoption of the internet in the late 1990s and taking off with the technical developments in broadband. People's online engagement with one another has brought about both the empowerment of consumers and the opportunity for businesses to engage with their target customers online. Customer Engagement is...

20 The behaviour of customers that engage in online communities revolving, directly or indirectly, around product categories (cycling, sailing) and other consumption topics. Customers make an investment in the brand Ratings, recommendations, reviews Communities of practice Self service Customer Engagement is...

21 JISC RSC Wales Marketing practices that aim to create, stimulate or influence CE behaviour. Although CE-marketing efforts must be consistent both online and offline, the internet is the basis of CE- marketing.(Eisenberg & Eisenberg 2006:72,81) Customer Engagement is...

22 JISC RSC Wales Metrics that measure the effectiveness of the marketing practices which seek to create, stimulate or influence CE behaviour. Visits to sites etc Frequency of tagging, liking etc Customer Engagement uses...

23 JISC RSC Wales Some examples of Customer Engagement...

24 JISC RSC Wales











35 How can we use this model for Learner Engagement? Learner Engagement

36 JISC RSC Wales

37 Some ideas Learning partnerships using shared communication tools Ongoing learner feedback Finding out learner needs Dialogue with learners Developing the service Measuring engagement Engaging with new learners through the advocacy of existing learners Retaining learners Developing ongoing relationships with learners Learner Engagement

38 JISC RSC Wales Poll What might be the most useful aspect of this marketing model for your organisation? ADevelopment of the service BLearner feedback CMeasuring engagement DUsing shared communication tools in partnership ERetaining learners Learner Engagement

39 JISC RSC Wales Poll What will you do as a result of this session? AStart to use the Learner Engagement model BContinue to develop the Learner Engagement model CSeek help to get started with the model DUndecided Learner Engagement

40 JISC RSC Wales Further Information @rscwales @estherbarrett

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