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FHF McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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1 FHF McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 part Chapter 12 Dimensions of Marketing Strategy 5 FHF 11-2 Chapter 11 Customer-Driven Marketing Chapter 13 Digital Marketing and Social Networking

3 [] FHF Marketing A group of activities designed to expedite transactions by creating, distributing, pricing and promoting goods, services and ideas 11-3 Creates value by allowing individuals and organizations to obtain what they need and want

4 FHF MarketingMarketing Marketing is NOT  Manipulating consumers  Just selling & advertising Marketing IS  A systematic approach to satisfying consumers 11-4

5 [] FHF ExchangeExchange The act of giving up one thing (money, credit, labor, goods) in return (exchange) for something else (goods, services, ideas) 11-5

6 FHF The Exchange Process 11-6

7 FHF Functions of Marketing  Buying  Selling  Transporting  Storing  Grading  Financing  Marketing research  Risk-taking 11-7

8 FHF Creating Value Value  A customer’s subjective assessment of benefits relative to costs in determining the worth of a product  customer value = customer benefits – customer costs Benefits  Anything a buyer receives in an exchange Costs  Anything a buyer must give up to obtain the product’s benefits  Monetary costs and time and effort expended to procure the product 11-8

9 FHF The Marketing Concept The idea that an organization should try to satisfy customers’ needs through coordinated activities that also allow it to achieve its own goals  Walmart’s slogan “Save Money, Live Better” 11-9

10 FHF Customer-Contact Employees Must know what customers want  They are not selling goods and services, but: Ideas Benefits Philosophies Experiences  Customers’ perception of value = Level of success 11-10

11 FHF Marketing Goals Customer satisfaction Achieve business objectives Boost productivity Reduce costs Capture market share 11-11

12 FHF Evolution of the Marketing Concept Production Orientation  19 th Century Manufacturing efficiency Sales Orientation  Early 20 th Century Supply exceeds demand; a need to “sell” products exists Market Orientation  1950s First determine what customers want New technologies are helping to improve communication and are helping companies learn what customers want 11-12

13 [] FHF Market Orientation An approach requiring organizations to gather information about customer needs, share information across the firm and use information to build long- term relationships with customers 11-13

14 FHF Marketing Strategy  A plan of action for developing, pricing, distributing and promoting products meeting the needs of specific customers The Oreo cookie  Market segmentation is geographic  Variations in the cookie recipe  Packaging may vary  Some countries pair the brand name with different company names  Promotions change based on cultural subtleties 11-14

15 FHF MarketMarket  A group of people who have a need, purchasing power and the desire and authority to spend money on goods, services and ideas Target Market A more specific group of consumers on whose needs and wants a company focuses its marketing efforts 11-15

16 FHF Total-Market Approach  A firm tries to appeal to all consumers and assumes that they all have similar needs  Salt, sugar, flour and white bread are all examples of products that typically are sold using a total market approach 11-16

17 FHF Market Segmentation  A strategy to divide the total market into groups of people with relatively similar product needs Market Segment  A collection of individuals, groups, or organizations sharing one or more characteristics, thus having relatively similar needs and desires for products 11-17

18 FHF Segmentation Approaches Concentration Approach  A market segmentation strategy whereby a company develops one marketing strategy approach for a single market segment Multisegment Approach  A market segmentation strategy whereby a company aims its efforts at two or more segments, developing a marketing strategy for each 11-18

19 FHF Target Market Strategies 11-19

20 FHF Bases for Market Segmentation  Demographic  Geographic  Psychographic  Behavioristic 11-20

21 FHF Developing the Marketing Mix 11-21

22 [] FHF ProductProduct A good, service, or idea that has tangible and intangible attributes that provide satisfaction and benefits to consumers 11-22

23 [] FHF PricePrice A value placed on a product or service that is exchanged between a buyer and seller 11-23

24 [] FHF DistributionDistribution Making products available to consumers in the quantities and locations desired 11-24

25 [] FHF PromotionPromotion A persuasive form of communication that attempts to expedite a marketing exchange by influencing individuals and organizations to accept goods, services and ideas 11-25

26 FHF Marketing Research  Systematic and objective process to collect information about potential customers  Guides marketing decisions  May include data on age, income, ethnicity, educational level, etc. of the target market and how frequently they purchase the product 11-26

27 FHF Marketing Information Systems  A framework for accessing information about customers from sources inside and outside the organization  Inside the organization: Continuous flow of information on prices, sales and expenses  Outside the organization: Data are available through public and private reports, census statistics, digital media sources, etc. 11-27

28 FHF Collecting Data Primary Data  Marketing information that is observed, recorded or collected directly from respondents (consumers) Secondary Data  Information compiled inside or outside the organization for some purpose other than changing the current situation 11-28

29 FHF Online Marketing Research New information technologies are changing how businesses learn about consumers and market their products  Digital media and online social networks  Opportunity to reach new markets via the Internet Virtual Testing  Interactive multimedia research that combines sight, sound and animation to improve testing of products and their features 11-29

30 [] FHF Buying Behavior Decision processes and actions of people who purchase and use products 11-30

31 FHF Psychological Variables for Buying Behavior Perception  Process by which a person selects, organizes and interprets information received from one’s senses (hearing a radio ad, touching a product) Learning  Brings changes in behavior based on information and experience Attitude  Positive or negative feelings about something Personality  Individuals’ distinguishing character traits, attitudes, or habits 11-31

32 FHF Social Variables for Buying Behavior Social Roles  Set of expectations of individuals based on some position they occupy Reference Groups  Groups with whom buyers identify and whose values or attitudes they adopt Social Classes  Ranking of people into higher or lower positions of respect Culture  Integrated, accepted pattern of behavior including thought, speech, beliefs, actions and artifacts 11-32

33 FHF Understanding Buying Behavior Trying to understand consumers is the best way to satisfy them  No exact tools 11-33

34 FHF The Marketing Environment External forces that directly and indirectly affect marketing strategy  Political, legal and regulatory forces  Social forces  Competitive and economic forces  Technological forces 11-34

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