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City of New Brighton Department of Public Works City Services Task Force Presentation April 17, 2003.

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1 City of New Brighton Department of Public Works City Services Task Force Presentation April 17, 2003

2 SERVICE DESCRIPTION Public Works provides the traditional City services that are essential for suburban communities: streets and sidewalks, water supply, sanitary sewer, storm water drainage, fleet maintenance, and engineering. Streets and sidewalks, fleet maintenance, and engineering are paid for through general fund taxes whereas water supply, sanitary sewer, and storm water are enterprise funds and paid for through user fees.

3 PUBLIC WORKS PERSONNEL 2003 - 19 Full Time & 2.5 FTE Seasonal Public Works Director Senior Eng. Tech/Supervisor Civil Engineer I Engineering Aid IV Part Time Seasonal 1 at 0.75 FTE Superintendent Streets & Sewers Office Assistant City Mechanic 2 Maintenance Worker 10 Part Time Seasonal 7 at 0.25 FTE Superintendent Water & Garage

4 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISIONS and 2003 Operating Budgets ENGINEERING $384,600 STREETS $465,800 CITY GARAGE (Fleet Maintenance) $389,000 WATER (Including Treatment Plants) $2,723,400 SANITARY SEWER $2,093,500 STORM WATER $335,200 TOTAL $6,391,500

5 ENGINEERING Tasks and Services Neighborhood area street and utility rehabilitation, approx. 3 miles per year. Annual contract maintenance: sealcoating, mill and overlay, sidewalk and curb repair, centerline striping. R/W Management, Street cut permits, and load limit permits. Neighborhood area street rehabilitation

6 ENGINEERING, Continued Tasks and Services Miscellaneous utility, park and drainage projects and studies. Traffic counting and traffic studies for traffic sign requests. Maintenance of street and utility systems maps and records. Provide PW information to residents I694 Sedimentation Basin

7 ENGINEERING Revenues The City of New Brighton has historically charge an engineering fee on public improvement projects. The engineer fee is included as part of the project cost and is paid into the City’s general fund to reduce taxes. ENGINEERING REVENUES 19981999200020012002 PROJECTS $305,647 $308,580 $375,768 $331,694 $269,604 WTP #1 ADMIN FEE $105,500 $107,400 $110,800 $115,500 $119,802 TOTALS $411,147 $415,980 $486,568 $447,194 $389,406

8 STREETS Tasks and Services Snowplowing streets, alleys, and City lots, average 12 times per season. Snowplowing sidewalks, average 12 times per season. Pothole patching, posting Spring load limits. Tandem axle dumptruck w. front plow, wing plow, under body plow, and sander.

9 STREETS, Continued Tasks and Services Sweeping streets and sidewalks. Repair plow damage to mail boxes and boulevard sod. Sidewalk inspection survey. Street patching and crack sealing. Cleaning and sealing cracks

10 STREETS, Continued Tasks and Services Mix salt/sand and mount snowplows. Maintenance and repair of traffic control and street name signs. Management of City owned street lighting systems. 24/7 emergency response duty person. Stripe parking lots and crosswalks. Assistance with Stockyard Days setup and tear down. Respond to requests for service (Work Orders), approx. 500 per year

11 STREETS, Continued Public Works Department Work Orders

12 STREETS Infrastructure 70 miles of City streets, 7 snowplowing districts 21 miles of City sidewalk, 2 snowplowing districts 2.6 miles of public alley and numerous parking lots Numerous cross walks, traffic control signs, and street name signs. City owned street lighting systems on Silver Lake Road, 5 th Avenue NW, Old Highway 8, and 10 th Street NW.

13 CITY GARAGE (Fleet Maintenance) Tasks and Services Vehicle and equipment preventive maintenance. Vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair at garage, fire station and in field. Maintenance of fleet record system. Order fuel, lubricants, parts, and inventory control. Hazardous waste management, waste oil, filters, batteries, bulbs, etc. MnDot annual inspection of vehicles over 26,000 GVW. City mechanics assist with snowplowing, weekend duty, welding/metal fabrication, and public works emergencies such as watermain break repairs.

14 CITY GARAGE (Fleet Maintenance) City Fleet Information The 2003 replacement cost of the City fleet of vehicles and equipment is $5,236,000. 25 heavy equipment units, i.e. fire trucks, dump trucks, street sweepers, motor grader, tractor backhoes, wheel loader. 37 Squad cars, staff cars, vans, and pickups trucks. 23 larger riding mowers, sidewalk snowplows, generator sets, asphalt pavers, asphalt rollers, etc. Numerous trailers, specialty equipment, hand mowers, trimmers, chain saws, pumps, tampers, etc.

15 WATER (Including Treatment Plants) Tasks and Services Operation and maintenance of 5 treatment plants and 12 wells, inspect 365 days per year. Water system operations and maintenance. Water sampling 30 per month. Biennial lead and copper testing. Carbon changeout at WTP #1, twice annually. 5 th Street SW 1MG Water Tower

16 WATER (Continued) Tasks and Services Watermain break repairs, average 25 per year. Hydrant flushing to control rusty water. Water meter installation, repairs, and miscellaneous reading. Gopher State utility locating. Water treatment plant chemical procurement. Fall hydrant flushing

17 WATER (Continued)

18 WATER (Including Treatment Plants) Infrastructure 12 water supply wells 5 water treatment plants 92 miles of water distribution pipeline 750 fire hydrants 5,700 water service connections (water customers) 950 watermain valves 4 water storage tanks with combined storage capacity of 2.75 million gallons 2002 water production – 1.462 billion gallons 2001 revenues derived from operation of WTP #1 & Fridley interconnection = $206,102.54

19 SANITARY SEWER Tasks and Services Operation and maintenance of 5 lift stations, inspect 365 day per year. Clean 1/3 of sanitary sewer system annually, including jetting and root cutting. Televise and inspect 20% of sewer system annually. Perform annual contract maintenance for root treating, joint sealing, and shortliners.

20 SANITARY SEWER Infrastructure 5 Lift stations 74 miles of sanitary sewer 1700 manholes 5,700 sewer service connections (sewer customers) Lift Station No. 1

21 STORM WATER Tasks and Services Public education on minimum control measures. Inspect 20% of storm sewer outfalls annually. Clean sediment basins, repair weirs, skimmers, etc. Illicit discharge detection and elimination. Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations. Post stormwater pollution prevention. E-Z Mini Storage Pond

22 STORM WATER Infrastructure 47 Lakes, ponds, wetlands, and man made water treatment facilities. 33 miles of storm sewer. 1120 storm water catch basins. 217 storm water outfalls. 438 storm water manholes. 140 miles of concrete curb and gutter.

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