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Dr. Chelley Maple Director, Matriculation College of the Canyons.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Chelley Maple Director, Matriculation College of the Canyons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Chelley Maple Director, Matriculation College of the Canyons

2 1.Different preparation models 2.Identify issues and goals 3.How to design a tutorial 4.Working with available resources 5.Research 6.Discussion






8  What do you want to say?  Who are you speaking to?  What result do you want to see?  What do you want the response to be?

9 Provide quality preparation information on content and format to new entering students Change the attitude – Encourage students to take personal responsibility for being prepared for college. – Increasing faculty confidence in the accuracy of placement. – Decreasing the number of complaints to administration from both students and parents. – Provide a tool to high school counselors and advisors for use in advising high school students. Change the perception that students have no control over their score and placement is something done TO them.

10  Set up a design crew  Scripts ◦ Assessment example handout ◦ Write out the script first ◦ Organize the progression of ideas

11  The best thing since the automatic outline format. Why?  They force you to be concise  Easy to see when you are going off topic.  Can Google free storyboard templates or make your own


13 Reliance on available resources  Audio Visual department for cameras  Media students for camera work  Theatre students as actors  Campus public information office for tone and flow of the information  Counselors, instructors, and Assessment Center staff as script editors  Post production editing most valuable resource.

14 “One Shot Deal? Students perceptions of assessment and course placement in California’s community colleges.” Venezia, A., Bracco, K.R. & Nodine, T. (2010) San Francisco: WestEd “This study found that students in California’s community colleges generally experience assessment and placement not as a process for which they begin preparing in high school, but as a single event- a one shot deal, with pivotal consequences, for which many feel uninformed and underprepared.”

15  The WestEd study has several worthy recommendations but this one provided the impetus to develop a tutorial.  “Community colleges should devlop clear messages about assessment and placement, pilot different approaches to communicating this information to high school students, and determine which one is most effective.”

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