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What’s Next? Thinking About Life After High School Expository Reading and Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s Next? Thinking About Life After High School Expository Reading and Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s Next? Thinking About Life After High School Expository Reading and Writing

2 Module Focus: Introduce students to reading & writing rhetorically Teach students to organize& manage information from text & online research Teach students to generate questions about ideas, arguments & perspectives Teach students how to understand writing as a response to an audience, situation, or intention. Final Assignment: Works Covered:  Graff, Gerald. “Hidden Intellectualism.” They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic  Pérez, Angel B. “Want to Get Into College? Learn to Fail.” Education Week 31.19 (2012): 23. Print. *College Essay or Personal Narrative

3 Supplemental Articles  Rodriguez, Joe. “10 Rules for Going to College When Nobody Really Expected You To.” Student Sites. SunShine Web Enterprise, 4 June 2012. Web. 1 Aug. 2012. <  10-rules-for-going-to-college-when-nobody-really-expected-you-to/>. Schlack, Lawrence B. “Not Going to College is a Viable Option.”, n.d. Web. Mar. 2013..  “The 10 Most Common Excuses for Not Going to College and Why They’re All Wrong.”, n.d. Web. Mar. 2013..  University of North Texas. “Why Go to College?” How 2 Choose. University of North Texas, 23 Mar. 2010. Web. 18 Aug. 2012..

4 Rhetorical Grammar

5 Activity 1: Guided Composition & Noticing Language Which of these sentences is complete? How do you know? 1.I grew up in East LA and attended the famous Garfield High. 2.Because I grew up in the barrio, had no idea it would take me eight years to graduate from college. 3.Even if you live at home, work full-time and attend school part-time. 4.Hang out less or not at all with old friends. 5.Worrying too much about the high cost of college tuition.

6 Activity 1: Guided Composition & Noticing Language Which of these sentences is complete? How do you know? 1.I grew up in East LA and attended the famous Garfield High. – Complete; “I” is the subject and “grew up and attended” is the compound verb. 2.Because I grew up in the barrio, had no idea it would take me eight years to graduate from college. – Incomplete; the main clause has a verb, “had,” but no subject. Correct by adding “I.” 3.Even if you live at home, work full-time and attend school part-time. – Incomplete; has a subordinate “even if” clause, but no main clause. Correct by adding a main clause, for example, “…attending college can cost a lot.”

7 Activity 1: Guided Composition & Noticing Language Which of these sentences is complete? How do you know? 4.Hang out less or not at all with old friends. – Complete; this is a command, so the subject is an understood “you.” 5.Worrying too much about the high cost of college tuition. – Incomplete; lacks a main verb and a subject. Correct by adding both, for example, “They are…”

8 Activity 2: Identifying Verbs, Subjects, and Prepositional Phrases

9 Activity 3: Identifying Subjects and Verbs in Your Own Sentences.

10 Activity 4: What makes a sentence complete?

11 Activity 5: Identifying Complete and Incomplete Sentences


13 Activity 6: Combining Sentences


15 Activity 7: Editing Student Writing


17 Activity 8: Editing your guided composition Read along with me as I read aloud:

18 Activity 8: Editing your guided composition

19 Activity 9: Editing your own Writing

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