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Creating a Sustainable Programme of MFL Teaching in Primary Schools Trevor Davies Hardenhuish School.

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1 Creating a Sustainable Programme of MFL Teaching in Primary Schools Trevor Davies Hardenhuish School

2 “Music is an accepted part of the primary curriculum, but nobody expects primary teachers to be specialist musicians”

3 Aims When starting to teach MFL in your school you should aim to; o Start sustainable and independent MFL teaching in your primary schools o Develop pupil’s oral confidence o Encourage good pronunciation o Create enthusiasm for learning a language o Provide basic vocabulary with which to communicate

4 Where to Start Be realistic about what you can achieve o With an enthusiastic member of staff, though not necessarily an expert o With realistic expectations of progress o Without overstretching o With as young a class as possible

5 Key factors to Success o Supportive Headteacher o Enthusiastic members of staff o Regular practice throughout the week o Integration with the curriculum o Making time to meet and discuss o Involving the whole school

6 Benefits to Pupils o Researched and proven benefits to literacy skills and oral confidence o Significant success with SEN pupils o Interactive, fun activities o Links well with other curriculum areas o Cultural benefits

7 Support for Primary Schools o Sarah Sharpe, AST o Local Secondary School or Specialist School o CILT o Comenius Centre, Bristol o Native Speaking parents o QCA schemes of work (voluntary) o Commercial materials o Internet

8 Year on Year Development Once you have started, the following issues will need thought and planning o The effect of mixed year classes o Keeping the aims in mind, avoiding vocabulary repetition o Continuity within the teaching staff o Widening the project within the school, to other staff and classes o Making MFL an accepted part of the primary curriculum

9 Future Developments The following areas are currently being developed and will provide support in the future o National Languages Strategy o KS2 Framework for MFL o ITT in MFL o Languages Ladder

10 Useful support sites for Primary French o o MFL schemes of work for KS2 at o Useful links for pedagogy o Useful information and guidance o Government Languages Strategy at

11 Useful sites with activities for Primary French o Interactive activities for KS2 at o Some useful activities at o o French games and activities on all sorts of topics at o French games and activities on all sorts of topics at o French games and quizzes for a variety of ages, but quite text based at o o French puzzles and games at

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