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«A room for Rob» Урок английского языка в 5 классе

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Presentation on theme: "«A room for Rob» Урок английского языка в 5 классе"— Presentation transcript:

1 «A room for Rob» Урок английского языка в 5 классе
По учебнику Кауфман К. И. «Счастливый английский» Подготовила учитель английского языка МБОУ Госселекционной СОШ Смутнева Светлана Николаевна

2 Цель урока: обобщение знаний учащихся по теме « Дом, квартира»
Предметные умения Умение оперировать в процессе общения активной лексикой теме «Дом, квартира» в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей Умение воспринимать информацию на слух с опорой на иллюстрации и Умение понимать содержание небольшого текста, построенного на изученном материале Умение вести диалогическую речь в соответствии с изученной темой Совершенствование навыков употребления в речи грамматической структуры There is/There are.


4 Let’s repeat the words Hall – коридор Kitchen - кухня Pantry - кладовая Living room - гостиная Bedroom - спальня Bathroom - ванная Toilet - туалет Window - окно Wall - стена Door - дверь

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 С W w b s s s e b m s p y

6 Odd one out bed, carpet, chair, desk hall, bedroom, kitchen, sofa
Chair, floor, wall, unit Sofa, cooker, armchair, carpet Fridge, cupboard, watch, table

7 CHECK Carpet Sofa Chair Cooker Watch


9 Динамическая пауза This is my house, This is the door! The windows are clean, And so is the floor! Outside there's a chimney, As tall as can be, With smoke that goes up, come and see!

10 Вставьте There is, There are, Are there или is there.
a bookcase in my room a wardrobe in your room? a TV and a video at the window? books on the bookshelf? three rooms in my flat four armchairs in the living room.

11 Let’s revise! There is, There are, Are there или is there.
1. There is a bookcase in my room. 2. Is there a wardrobe in your room? 3. Is there a TV and a video at the window? 4. There are books on the bookshelf? 5. Are there three rooms in my flat. 6. There are four armchairs in the living room.

12 Match the descriptions of the rooms with the pictures.
1. People can prepare breakfast, dinner or supper in this room. Women usually spend much time there. We have a fridge, a table, a cooker and a cupboard in this room. 2. There are beds or a sofa in this room. You can see a little table and a wardrobe there. People have a rest in this room. 3. This room is not very large. We take a shower or have a bath in this room. You can clean your teeth, wash your hands and face there. 4. There is a TV set, a wall-unit, some chairs and a sofa in this room. We can see some flowers on the walls. There is often a carpet on the floor. It is usually the largest room in the house. People watch television, listen to music, or sit around and speak there. 5. This room is not very large. People take off their overcoats, hats, boots or shoes there. There is usually a mirror and a little table there.

13 CHECK Kitchen Bedroom Bathroom Living room Hall

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