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Queen Victoria Partners in Early Learning -QVPEL- David Finkelstein – Principal, Queen Victoria PS.

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Presentation on theme: "Queen Victoria Partners in Early Learning -QVPEL- David Finkelstein – Principal, Queen Victoria PS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Queen Victoria Partners in Early Learning -QVPEL- David Finkelstein – Principal, Queen Victoria PS

2 Queen Victoria Public School  A large Inner City K-8 school located in the neighbourhood of Parkdale (downtown Toronto)  Serves a diverse, economically needy community largely comprised of newcomer and socially supported families  850 students representing over 60 countries and 40 languages. Large population groups include Tibetan, Vietnamese, Tamil, Caribbean, Filipino, Chinese, Hungarian and Roma immigrants and refuges.  75% of our families household income below $40,000, with 54% below $29,000.  We work hard, we work smart, we work together!

3 Early Development Instrument Physical Health/Well-being, Social Knowledge/Competence, Emotional Health/Maturity, Language/Cognitive Skills, Communication/General Knowledge

4 More Than Child Play

5 QVPEL  The QVPEL partnership was formed out of one of the five pilot sites for the Toronto First Duty Project.  The Toronto First Duty model (Mustard and McCain) brought together kindergarten, child care and parenting supports into a single program. Parents were able to access the full range of child and family supports available in their community  Once the First Duty funding ended, the partners of QVPEL continued on with as many of our joint projects as possible.  The QVPEL is an excellent example of service integration.  Each partner brings their programs, service and expertise to the partnership and finds ways to make programs and services as seamless as possible for all of our participants.  The QVPEL is a successful investment in community safety and health through education. Partnership efforts help achieve greater outcomes; allow for sustainability in the face of scarce resources; offer innovation through shared practices; and provide versatility through creative solutions.

6 Summer Readiness Program  60 pre-JK students, 3 weeks in July  The program focuses on  Increasing independence and social skills;  Resolving any separation issues;  Familiarizing the child with school routine and culture;  Building school readiness cognitive skills.  Early identification of students needs and mobilization of student support when needed.  Most children come to our school with no pre-school experiences.  Some have never used pencils crayons, scissors.  Some have never been separated from their parents.  Most parents are unfamiliar with the Canadian school system and in this program they are simultaneously supported by the Parenting Literacy and Learning Centre (Incredible Years program, Nobody’s Perfect, etc)

7 Other QVPEL Projects  Healthy Child Screening two times a year - hearing- dental - vision- general health - speech and language- nutrition - social/emotional- developmental  Joint projects - strengthening families for the future - community kitchen - recreation programs - Welcome to Kindergarten  Joint Professional Development and Data Collection  Outreach and support for each others’ initiatives and programs

8 Thank you! For a copy of this presentation, please email

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