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British Values. When do you see democracy in school?

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1 British Values



4 When do you see democracy in school?

5 The rule of law Imagine a world with no rules. Wouldn’t that be fabulous? Do you agree? Rules and laws are extremely important- Our rules in school are shown through the behaviour policy which is for both pupils and staff. We must all work together for a safe environment in school.

6 Individual Liberty In a safe and secure environment we will encourage you to be independent. You will be supported in making wise informed decisions for yourself. You will learn these skills during your time at school through working with each other.

7 Mutual Respect We are a Catholic school. We must show respect to each other at all times. We can show respect through the way we treat each other, the way we speak, the actions we take and the thoughts we have. Nobody is better than anyone else in this room!

8 Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths and Beliefs We again must remember the final message, nobody is better than anyone else. During your time in school you will meet all sorts of different people. We have celebrated lots of things lately; Christmas, pancake day & Chinese new year! We respect each others faiths without asking people to change their beliefs. This is called tolerance.

9 High Aspirations Do you know what aspirations are? These will get you far. You should aspire to achieve at everything you try- personal achievements feel great and are reasons to be proud!

10 Things to look forward to This year you can hopefully look forward to members of different professions coming to speak with you. Entrepreneurships- enterprise week High education course information and much more…

11 What you can do next !

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