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0EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA’s Agencywide Environmental Management System Initiative Presented by: Maude Bullock Acting Director, EPA’s Safety.

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1 0EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA’s Agencywide Environmental Management System Initiative Presented by: Maude Bullock Acting Director, EPA’s Safety Health and Environmental Management Division (SHEMD)

2 1EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative Outline of Presentation  Executive Branch and internal EPA policy drivers for the establishment of an Agencywide Environmental Management System (EMS)  Approach to developing the Agencywide EMS  Process used to identify EMS Objectives, Targets, and Metrics  Integration of the new Executive Order 13423 –”Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management”  Review of the Objectives, Targets, and Metrics for EPA office locations and laboratories for 2007 through 2009  Path forward for system development and deployment

3 2EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA is focused on ensuring results-oriented programs that use objective, evidence-based metrics to drive performance improvement  The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993 and implementation of the Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART) shifted the focus of government decision-making and accountability away from the activities that are undertaken to a focus on the results of those activities  As such, EPA must develop multiyear strategic plans, annual performance plans, and annual performance reports to track performance, enhance program return on investment, and document earned value  The Environmental Protection Agency developed a strategic plan for 2003 – 2008 that focuses on five core areas: –Clean Air and Global Climate Change –Clean and Safe Water –Land Preservation and Restoration –Healthy Communities and Ecosystems –Compliance and Environmental Stewardship  The Agency 2006 – 2011 Strategic Plan maintained the five core goals but refined and enhanced the focus

4 3EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative The Agency’s 2006-2011 Strategic Plan has elements that focus on Compliance and Environmental Stewardship  EPA Strategic Goal #5: “Protect human health and the environment through ensuring compliance with environmental requirements by enforcing environmental statutes, preventing pollution, and promoting environmental stewardship. Encourage innovation and provide incentives for governments, businesses, and the public that promote environmental stewardship and long-term sustainable outcomes.”  Goal #5 Objectives 5.1 and 5.2 –5.1: Improve Compliance –5.2: Improve Environmental Performance through P2 and Other Stewardship Practices 5.2.1. Prevent Pollution and Promote Environmental Stewardship This objective is a major driving force behind the implementation, integration and utilization of EMS at major EPA facilities Source: EPA Strategic Plan, 2006-2011: Sub-objective 5.2.1: Prevent Pollution and Promote Environmental Stewardship

5 4EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative Consistent with EO 13423, EPA decided to use EMS as the framework by which the Agency will improve environmental performance and reduce the Agency’s environmental footprint  SHEMD developed a Strategy for Performance (FY 2007 to FY 2011) as a roadmap for providing support to the Agency in meeting its strategic goals and objectives.  SHEMD Goal 1 – Enable EPA managers and their employees to effectively integrate Safety, Health and Environmental Management into Agency work practices in support of the EPA mission.  SHEMD Objective 1.1 Integrate EMSs into EPA’s performance of its mission for the purpose of improving environmental performance and reducing the Agency’s environmental footprint to be sufficient to meet its mission.  Action 1.1.1 Assist EPA reporting locations, on an annual basis, with EMS utilization, including the establishment and monitoring of Agencywide objectives, targets, and metrics.  Action 1.1.2 Assist EPA non-reporting locations to implement EMS. Work with the Regions and Program Offices to prioritize voluntary implementation.

6 5EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative In 2005, 32 EPA reporting locations successfully achieved implementation of Environmental Management Systems  During the process of EMS implementation, EPA field locations examined their facility- specific issues and determined the environmentally significant aspects for the activities, products and services generated by the individual EPA site.  Objectives and targets were set by each EPA facility to address the significant environmental aspects identified. The objectives and targets were developed with interested stakeholders by considering legal and other requirements, technological, financial, and other operational considerations. The local EMSs established at EPA’s appropriate facilities provide a robust framework for managing site-specific significant environmental aspects and promoting compliance assurance.

7 6EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative Building on EMS facility-level implementation, the Agencywide EMS provides the framework for guiding EPA’s internal program operations toward environmental excellence The Agencywide EMS initiative follows a plan-do-check-act development process, including:  Do –Institute training, implementation guidance, and performance reporting processes –Integrate Agencywide Objectives, Targets, and Metrics into local EMSs –Establish and implement a “Corporate-level” EMS patterned after ISO 14001  Check –Integrate and realign EPA’s internal audit programs to address compliance and management systems  Act –Monitor progress against established objectives, targets, and measures –Prepare internal Agency EMS performance scorecards and recalibrate, as necessary, to continually improve  Plan –Inventory activities, products and services to identify programmatic environmental compliance assurance and environmental stewardship priorities –Document and issue Agencywide Objectives, Targets, and Metrics Current Focus

8 7EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative The foundation of the EPA’s Agencywide EMS is a comprehensive set of objectives, targets, and metrics designed to:  Promote compliance across the Agency at site-specific facilities as the baseline for environmental stewardship  Set bold, robust and measurable goals for EPA environmental performance improvement  Encourage all EPA employees to play a stewardship role while at work  Incorporate White House priorities for Energy, Transportation and Environmental Stewardship in accordance with scorecard objectives and targets established by OMB  Provide the context to lead by example in the areas of green purchasing, sustainable design, conventional energy use reduction and green power utilization, recycling, chemical management, and electronic stewardship

9 8EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative The process applied to identify Agencywide Environmental Objectives and Targets consisted of four tasks Phase 1 Data collection Phase 2 Prioritization Phase 3 Synthesis Phase 4 Report a.Compile environmental aspects determined to be significant by each EPA facility b.Compile environmental objectives developed by each EPA facility c.Compile key environmental issues identified during facility support and EMS audits a.List the most commonly identified significant environmental aspects at EPA facilities b.List the most commonly identified EMS objectives at EPA facilities c.List the priority issues identified through facility audits and implementation support a.Conduct a Pareto analysis to determine top environmental issues at EPA facilities based on: i.Common significant aspects ii.Common objectives and targets iii.Observed priority issues a.Develop objectives and targets for each of the top environmental issues based on: i.Regulatory and Executive Order requirements ii.Agency, OARM and SHEMD Strategic Goals iii.OMB and OFEE Scorecards

10 9EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative Legal Requirements Agency & SHEMD Strategic Objectives Performance Metrics SHEMD used four key criteria to develop performance metrics Key Criteria Used to Develop Metrics 1.Drive Stewardship - EPA is committed to compliance with environmental regulations and Executive Orders and conformance to the President’s Management Agenda as evidenced by the OMB Greening the Government Executive Order Scorecards 2.Measure Strategic Goals – EPA, OARM and SHEMD have established strategic objectives that support the mission of the agency 3.Leveraging Work To-Date - Agencywide metrics incorporate the metrics established at the Agency’s 34 reporting locations 4.Leveraging Best Practices – Leading private and public sector organizations have established environmental performance measures and metrics as a way of improving performance Metrics Already Established by Facilities Public & Private Sector Best Practice

11 10EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative Analysis and roll-up of facility EMS planning data indicated several common objectives Significant AspectsScoreEMS ObjectivesScoreObservationsScore Top ThreeScore Paper Consumption5 5 Energy Management 5 Paper Consumption 13 Energy Management4Vehicle Use4Electronic Waste4 Recycling4 3 Paper Consumption 3 Energy Management 11 Vehicle Use4Energy Management2Recycling2 EPP4 2Vehicle Use1 9 EPA Laboratories Significant AspectsScoreEMS ObjectivesScoreObservationsScore Top ThreeScore Energy Management5 5 Chemical Management 5 Energy Management 14 Recycling4 4 Energy Management ** 4 Chemical Management 3 3Electronic Waste3 Chemical Management 11 Water Consumption2 2Recycling2 Paper Consumption2 2 1 Recycling10 EPA Office Locations Aspects and Objectives are ranked on a scale of 1-5 based on the number of occurrences (e.g., the most common is ranked 5 and the least common is ranked 1). Observations are ranked 1-5 based the importance of an issue for: i. Regulatory and Executive Order compliance ii. Agency and SHEMD Strategic goals **Includes water-related energy consumption

12 11EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative The Agencywide objectives represent key opportunities to lead by example regarding environmental stewardship and compliance assurance; they include the top objectives identified by EPA facilities and OMB scorecard requirements  Energy Management  Vehicle Use and Transportation Programs  Paper Consumption  Affirmative Procurement  Electronics Stewardship  Recycling  Sustainable Design  Chemical Management (ODSs)*  Energy Management  Vehicle Use  Chemical Management  Affirmative Procurement  Electronics Stewardship  Recycling  Sustainable Design EPA Office Location Objectives EPA Laboratory Objectives *Added in response to EO 13423, Chemical Management goals

13 12EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative The Agencywide EMS Objectives—and associated Targets and Metrics—were then reviewed and adjusted to integrate the requirements of EO 13423 and the final implementing instructions  Reviewed and revised existing objectives to align with the sustainable practice focus areas of the new EO  Incorporated modified or additional targets and metrics, where necessary, to reflect new commitments under –Energy management –Sustainable acquisition –Recycling –Chemical management –Sustainable buildings

14 13EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative Key stakeholders were consulted to ensure the objectives and associated targets and metrics accurately reflect Agencywide priorities and can be effectively institutionalized –Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE) –Office of Policy Economics and Innovation (OPEI) –Office of Research and Development (ORD) –Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) –Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) –Office of Water (OW) –Office of Environmental Enforcement and Quality Assurance (OECA) –Office of Environmental Information (OEI) –Office of Acquisition Management (OAM) –Innovation Action Council (IAC) –Assistant Regional Administrators (ARAs) –Regional Science and Technology Directors –Environmental Stewardship Workgroup –Federal Electronics Challenge Workgroup –Agency EMS Coordinators

15 14EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA Office Locations (Draft Revision) Agencywide Objectives and Targets for 2007 through 2009 will focus on Compliance with Requirements (meet and when possible exceed) Office Locations ObjectivesTarget 2007 through 2009Metric Energy Management. Through life- cycle cost-effective methods, EPA Office facilities shall strive to reduce resource consumption and the Agency’s carbon footprint through energy conservation practices. 1.1. EPA Offices will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce energy use through energy efficient products, technologies, and practices consistent with the spirit of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) and the EO 13423 and its' Implementing Instructions.  Number of EPA Offices that have identified and evaluated energy conservation project opportunities  Number of EPA Offices that have implemented energy conservation projects  Number of EPA Offices that have water management plans 1.2. Develop and Implement a plan to secure metered energy use data at federal and leased properties  Number of locations receiving metered energy data

16 15EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA Office Locations (continued) (Draft Revision) EPA Office Locations (continued) (Draft Revision) Agencywide EMS Objectives and Targets for 2007 through 2009 Office Locations ObjectivesTarget 2007 through 2009Metric Vehicle Use and Transportation Programs. Through life cycle cost-effective methods, continue emphasis on Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) acquisitions, improving efficiency in non- AFV acquisitions, and reducing reliance on petroleum-based energy sources by ensuring alternative fuel-capable fleet vehicles are operated on these fuels exclusively. Reduce conventional air pollutants, greenhouse gases (GHGs) and energy usage by increasing participation in Alternative Transportation. Alternative transportation means transportation by bus, rail, or any other publicly or privately owned conveyance that provides to the public general or special service on a regular basis, including carpools and vanpools. Such term also includes a non-motorized transportation system (including the provision of facilities for pedestrians, bicycles, and non-motorized watercraft). [Note: This objective focuses on the EPA-owned vehicle fleet.] 2.1. 75% of fleet acquisitions meet AFV requirements.  % fleet acquisitions that meet AFV requirements 2.2. Increase alternative fuel consumption at least 10% annually relative to the Agency baseline for FY 2005.  % AF-capable vehicles operating exclusively on alternative fuels 2.3. Average fleet fuel economy increases by 3 mpg on average compared with the applicable baseline.  Average fleet fuel economy in miles per gallon (mpg) 2.4. Total petroleum used by vehicle fleet is reduced 2% annually through the end of FY 2015 relative to the Agency baseline for FY 2005.  Total petroleum use of vehicle fleet in gallons 2.5. Confirm/baseline % of office employees participating in Alternative Transportation Programs.  % of employees actively participating in Alternative Transportation Programs

17 16EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA Office Locations (continued) (Draft Revision) EPA Office Locations (continued) (Draft Revision) Agencywide EMS Objectives and Targets for 2007 through 2009 Office Locations Objectives Target 2007 through 2009 Metric Affirmative Procurement. Promote the Affirmative Procurement Program (APP) for green products, including encouraging pilots for new products & green practices, and ensuring procurement of water efficient products, and mandatory energy efficient products and services as required by EPAct 2005. 3.1 Verify compliance with the Agency Affirmative Procurement Program through periodic surveillance audits.  All 13 OAM operating divisions and 10 regional contracting offices will have APP as a component of their Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)  Number of audits of QAPs 3.2 EPA has in place a comprehensive APP for environmentally preferable products consistent with OMB Scorecard requirements (for green) and the provisions of E.O. 13423 and its' Implementing Instructions (see p. 16 of the Implementing Instructions).  Number of acquisition personnel trained in the updated APP  Number of OAM service centers and other contracting locations that have updated their APPs to reflect the expanded list of environmentally preferable products 3.3 95% of relevant (e.g. - an EPEAT product is available) electronic product purchases are EPEAT registered products.  Percentage EPEAT registered product purchases

18 17EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA Office Locations (continued) (Draft Revision) EPA Office Locations (continued) (Draft Revision) Agencywide EMS Objectives and Targets for 2007 through 2009 Office Locations Objectives Target 2007 through 2009 Metric Paper Consumption. Reduce Agency paper consumption burdens by maximizing the level of post-consumer material content in paper products. The minimum level of post-consumer content shall be 30%. 4.1. Confirm/baseline % post-consumer content for all required paper types at EPA facilities.  % of post-consumer material content of paper products at EPA Office facilities 4.2. 100% of all paper purchased at EPA facilities will minimally be 30% post-consumer material by content (except where exempted by EO).  % of paper purchases having 30% or greater post- consumer material content Recycling. Promote solid waste diversion rates and environmental stewardship through pollution prevention and recycling. By 2010 increase the solid waste diversion rate to 45%. 5.1. Verify the 39.9% solid waste diversion rate baseline for 2006 across EPA Office Facilities.  Number of EPA Office facilities that have established solid waste diversion baselines  Number of EPA Office facilities that have established recycling and/or reuse baselines 5.2. Convene working group to perform an assessment to determine appropriate long-term target(s) and metrics to achieve the waste diversion goal of 45% by 2010.  Number of working group meetings conducted and documented  Number of target and metric proposals developed, evaluated and brought forward for implementation to achieve long-term recycling outcomes

19 18EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA Office Locations (continued) (Draft Revision) EPA Office Locations (continued) (Draft Revision) Office Locations ObjectivesTarget 2007 through 2009Metric Electronic Stewardship. Promote electronic stewardship through purchase of Electric Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT)-registered products, operation (including enabling Energy Star features of products), and end of life management strategies for electronic assets and by integrating electronic assets into personal property management systems and programs. 6.1. EPA will have 26 organizations* that have completed their FEC partner registrations.  Number of EPA designated organizations that have completed their FEC partner registrations 6.2. Develop and implement the Agency Action Plan for meeting Electronic Stewardship goals and objectives, including meeting FEC requirements (i.e. submitting a baseline, annual goals, and an annual report).  % of EPA designated organizations meeting applicable FEC Partner requirements within designated timeframes Agencywide EMS Objectives and Targets for 2007 through 2009 * The 26 organizations are the 10 Regional Offices, 13 Program Offices, and 3 service centers (Las Vegas, Cincinnati, and RTP).

20 19EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA Office Locations (continued) (Draft Revision) EPA Office Locations (continued) (Draft Revision) Office Locations Objectives Target 2007 through 2009Metric Sustainable Design. Promote sustainable design in all new EPA Office facilities and major repair and improvement projects consistent with the High Performance Building MOU and the Guiding Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings. 7.1. Implement the Agency Green Check program to explicitly set environmental performance goals for all new major facility and major repair and improvement projects.  % of new major facility and major repair and improvement projects that have gone through the Green Check process (incorporating sustainable design principles) 7.2. Ensure that 15% of the EPA building inventory (as of the end of FY 2015) incorporates sustainable practices called for by the Guiding Principles.  % of EPA building inventory incorporating sustainable practices Chemical Management. Promote responsible chemical management by minimizing the use of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODSs) in facility infrastructure equipment. 8.1 Establish a baseline and management plan for any facility equipment that uses ODSs.  Number of EPA properties that GSA has verified ODS using equipment and the application of an ODS management plan that is in conformance with the provisions of EO 13423, Section VIII, subsection B Agencywide EMS Objectives and Targets for 2007 through 2009

21 20EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA Laboratories (Draft Revision) Laboratory Objectives Target 2007 through 2009Metric Energy Management. Through life-cycle cost-effective methods, EPA Laboratory facilities shall improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through reduction of energy intensity every year beginning in FY 2006 up to a cumulative reduction of 30% by 2015. All EPA Laboratory facilities shall use at least 2.5% renewable energy as a percentage of facility electricity use. Reduce water consumption-related energy use. (Note: This objective does not apply to EPA facilities determined to be exempt from the EPACT requirements as a result of certain GSA ownership/lease agreements). 1.1. EPA will reduce its energy use in accordance with E.O. 13423, which requires EPA to reduce annual aggregate energy intensity by 3% below FY 2003 (individual locations will be assigned specific targets to meet aggregate target).  British Thermal Unit (BTU) per gross square foot 1.2. Ensure that at least 50% of statutorily required renewable energy consumed by the Agency in a fiscal year comes from new renewable sources (i.e., placed in service after January 1, 1999).  % electricity use from new renewable sources 1.3. Reduce total water use 16% by FY 2015 (from a 2007 baseline).  Water use (gallons per year)  Number of water conservation projects identified and evaluated  Number of water conservation projects implemented 1.4. Develop and implement a plan to meter energy use in 100 percent of appropriate facilities by 2012.  % of EPA Laboratories implementing the metering plan Agencywide EMS Objectives and Targets for 2007 through 2009

22 21EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA Laboratories (continued) (Draft Revision) EPA Laboratories (continued) (Draft Revision) Laboratory Objectives Target 2007 through 2009 Metric Chemical Management. Promote responsible chemical management by minimizing the use of toxic chemicals (including EPA-designated EO 13148 Priority Chemicals) and hazardous substances. Toxic chemicals are defined as those identified by EPCRA and PPA (see 40 CFR 372.65) whereas hazardous substances include the CERLCA-regulated substances identified in 40 CFR 372.101. 2.1. Establish a baseline of the amount of “Toxic Chemicals”* used across EPA Laboratories. Amount of “Toxic Chemicals”* used at all EPA Laboratories:  Research/Program/Enforcement Laboratories**: On a total consumption basis  Regional Laboratories: On a per sample or per analysis basis 2.2. Establish chemical management technical working group (with representatives from the EPA/Regional, Research, Program, and Enforcement Laboratory community and the Program Offices that support “Toxic Chemical”* reductions, e.g. – OW, OSWER, OPPTS); hold quarterly meetings to identify and coordinate implementation of pollution prevention best practices across the laboratories.  Number of meetings held and documented  Number of recommended process changes that focus on chemical use reduction  Number of process changes implemented  Number of analytical method changes recommended to program offices for action that are aimed at chemical use reduction  Number of analytical method changes approved *Toxic Chemicals are defined as the 5 Priority Chemicals identified by the Interagency Working Group (2004 list; cadmium, lead, PCBs, mercury, and naphthalene) and the top ten TRI chemicals identified in previous EO 13148 Reports by EPA Laboratories (acetonitrile, formaldehyde, hexane, hydrochloric acid, methanol, methylene chloride, nitric acid, toluene, sulfuric acid, and xylene). **e.g., ORD, NEIC, OPP, OAR laboratories. Agencywide EMS Objectives and Targets for 2007 through 2009

23 22EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA Laboratories (continued) (Draft Revision) EPA Laboratories (continued) (Draft Revision) Laboratory Objectives Target 2007 through 2009Metric Chemical Management (continued) 2.3. Locally identify opportunities for reducing chemical use for at least three of the top 15 “Toxic Chemicals”* with quantitative targets set for those opportunities by the end of calendar year 2007 (CY07).  Agencywide, number of laboratory facilities that have identified, screened, and evaluated chemical reduction opportunities  Agencywide, number of laboratory facilities that have established baselines for each opportunity selected for implementation  Agencywide, number of laboratory facilities that have established quantitative reduction targets 2.4 Establish a baseline of the EPA laboratory facility use of ODSs, including any relevant facility equipment.  Number of EPA Laboratory facilities with ODS baselines 2.5 Develop an ODS Management Plan.  Number of EPA laboratory facilities with an ODS management plan Agencywide EMS Objectives and Targets for 2007 through 2009

24 23EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA Laboratories (continued) (Draft Revision) EPA Laboratories (continued) (Draft Revision) Laboratory Objectives Target 2007 through 2009 Metric Affirmative Procurement. Promote the Affirmative Procurement Program (APP) for green products, including encouraging pilots for new products & green practices, and ensuring procurement of water efficient products, and mandatory energy efficient products and services as required by EPAct 2005. 3.1 Verify compliance with the Agency Affirmative Procurement Program through periodic surveillance audits.  All 13 OAM operating divisions and 10 regional contracting offices will have APP as a component of their Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)  Number of audits of QAPs 3.2. EPA has in place a comprehensive APP for environmentally preferable products consistent with OMB Scorecard requirements (for green).  Number of acquisition personnel trained in the updated APP 3.3 95% of relevant (e.g. - an EPEAT product is available) electronic product purchases are EPEAT registered products  Percentage EPEAT registered product purchases Agencywide EMS Objectives and Targets for 2007 through 2009

25 24EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA Laboratories (continued) (Draft Revision) EPA Laboratories (continued) (Draft Revision) Laboratory Objectives Target 2007 through 2009 Metric Vehicle Use. Continue emphasis on Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) acquisitions, improving efficiency in non- AFV acquisitions, and reducing reliance on petroleum-based energy sources by ensuring alternative fuel-capable fleet vehicles are operated on these fuels exclusively. 4.1. 75% of fleet acquisitions meet AFV requirements.  % fleet acquisitions that meet AFV requirements 4.2. Increase alternative fuel consumption at least 10% annually relative to the Agency baseline for FY 2005.  % AF-capable vehicles operating exclusively on alternative fuels 4.3. Average fleet fuel economy increases by 3 mpg on average compared with the appropriate baseline.  Average fleet fuel economy in miles per gallon (mpg) 4.4. Total petroleum used by vehicle fleet is reduced 2% annually through the end of FY 2015 relative to the Agency baseline for FY 2005.  Total petroleum use of vehicle fleet in gallons Agencywide EMS Objectives and Targets for 2007 through 2009

26 25EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA Laboratories (continued) (Draft Revision) EPA Laboratories (continued) (Draft Revision) Laboratory ObjectivesTarget 2007 through 2009Metric Electronic Stewardship. Promote electronic stewardship through purchase, operation, and end of life management strategies for scientific electronic assets and by integrating electronic assets into personal property management systems and programs. 5.1. Establish a working group (with meetings quarterly) to identify, evaluate, and determine feasible electronics stewardship strategies and practices for EPA Laboratories.  Number of working group meetings held to determine laboratory electronics stewardship opportunities  Number of opportunities selected for piloting or implementation Recycling. Promote solid waste diversion rates and environmental stewardship through pollution prevention and recycling. By 2010 increase the solid waste diversion rate to 45%. 6.1. Verify the 39.9% solid waste diversion rate baseline for 2006 across EPA Laboratory Facilities.  Number of EPA Laboratories that have established solid waste diversion baselines  Number of EPA Laboratories that have established recycling and/or reuse baselines 6.2. Convene working group to perform an assessment to determine appropriate long-term target(s) and metrics to achieve the waste diversion goal of 45% by 2010.  Number of working group meetings conducted and documented  Number of target and metric proposals developed, evaluated and brought forward for implementation to achieve long-term recycling outcomes Agencywide EMS Objectives and Targets for 2007 through 2009

27 26EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative EPA Laboratories (continued) (Draft Revision) EPA Laboratories (continued) (Draft Revision) Laboratory ObjectivesTarget 2007 through 2009Metric Sustainable Design. Promote sustainable design in all new EPA Laboratories and major repair and improvement projects consistent with the High Performance Building MOU and the Guiding Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings. 7.1. Implement the Agency Green Check program to explicitly set environmental performance goals for all new major facility and major repair and improvement projects.  % of new major facility and major repair and improvement projects that have gone through the Green Check process (incorporating sustainable design principles) 7.2. Ensure that 15% of the EPA building inventory (as of the end of FY 2015) incorporates sustainable practices called for by the Guiding Principles.  % of EPA building inventory incorporating sustainable practices Agencywide EMS Objectives and Targets for 2007 through 2009

28 27EPA’s Agencywide EMS Initiative Where We Are  10/16/06 – Administrator Johnson signed a Commitment to Agencywide EMS, including issuing Objectives through 2007*  12/21/06 – Assistant Administrator Luis A. Luna, the Agency Environmental Executive, formally issued the Agencywide Targets & Metrics  Next Steps – Training and technical assistance support: –Issue revised Agencywide OTMs to incorporated EO 13423 requirements –Blended training approach for stakeholder representatives to include a series of one-day workshops, web-based training (WBT) sessions and/or video teleconferences (VTC) –Provide site assistance with establishing and verifying baselines, regulatory and policy interpretations, guidance development, systems documentation, and implementation support –Work with EMS declared facilities to integrate the Agencywide EMS Targets and Metrics into their facility-level EMSs as appropriate –Migrate the Agencywide EMS into the ISO 14001:2004 structure *Revised Targets and Metrics will remain in effect through FY 2009

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