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Time and Stress Management By Onyinye Nwasike and Derrick Reyes.

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Presentation on theme: "Time and Stress Management By Onyinye Nwasike and Derrick Reyes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time and Stress Management By Onyinye Nwasike and Derrick Reyes

2 Time management O Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity

3 How best to manage your time? O Prioritize, Plan and organize O Academics, RA position, jobs, activities.. etc.

4 RA position O Duty nights O Programming O Opening and closing halls O Bulletin boards, door decs O Staff meetings/ one on one with RD O Time with residents ( roommate agreement forms, 1:1 with residents, Community building) O RCRs/ room inspections O Other duties as assigned

5 Three ways to stay on track O Semester calendar O Weekly planner O A to-do-list

6 Semester calendar O See and set long term goals and start planning ahead. Write down important deadlines and dates.

7 Weekly calendar O A week by week look at what the days have to offer, so you can plan accordingly

8 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 -----11:15------ 12-1 -----12:30------ -----12:30------ -----12:30------ 1-2 -----1:45------ -----1:45------ -----1:45------ 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 Time Management MON TUE WED THU FRISAT SUN

9 To-Do-List O Helps sort out priorities for the day, what needs to be done, when and how much time?


11 Successful time management O Be realistic in scheduling. A schedule shouldn't be a unattainable wish list, but a real guide to help you plan your time well. O Be flexible in following your schedule. From time to time, things will come up that require you to deviate from your schedule. O Evaluate your schedule periodically. Every couple of weeks, look over your schedule to see how well it is serving you and how realistic it is. Revision may be necessary O A great resource for time management O

12 Procrastination O Try to avoid waiting till the last minute O Social media is a distraction: Facebook, twitter, you tube…etc. O Only leads to: stress, poor work, frustration

13 What is stress????? O Stress is your body's reaction to the demands of the world. Stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior.

14 Stress symptoms: Effects on your body, feelings and behavior O In small doses, stress is a good thing. It can energize and motivate you to deal with challenges. But prolonged or excessive stress — the kind that overwhelms your ability to cope — can take a severe psychological and physical toll. Common effects of stress...... On your body... On your mood... On your behavior  Headache  Muscle tension or pain  Chest pain  Fatigue  Stomach upset  Sleep problems  Anxiety  Restlessness  Lack of motivation or focus  Irritability or anger  Sadness or depression  Overeating or under eating  Angry outbursts  Drug or alcohol abuse  Social withdrawal Source: American Psychological Association's "Stress in America" report, 2010

15 Evaluate how you react to stress O First, take a look at how you react to stress. Some people seem to take everything in stride. Their naturally laid-back attitudes shine through, even in stressful situations. Another deadline? Bring it on. The dishwasher is leaking? No problem, it'll be a simple repair. Others get anxious at the first sign of a stressful situation. Running late for a meeting? Time to panic! Stuck in a traffic jam? Let the cursing begin!

16 Tackle your stress triggers O To identify the factors causing you stress, try keeping a stress inventory: For one week write down the situations, events and people who cause you to have a negative physical, mental or emotional response. Give a brief description of the situation. Where were you? Who was involved? Also, describe your reaction. Did you feel frustrated, angry or nervous? O After a week, sit down and look at your stress inventory. Choose one situation to work on using problem-solving techniques. That means identifying and exploring the problem, looking for ways to resolve it, and selecting and implementing a solution.

17 Take the stress quiz

18 Stress management techniques O Scale back- don’t take on the world, set realistic goals O Prepare – scheduling, time management techniques O Reach out- family, friends, RAs, faculty, RDs O Take up a hobby – dancing, swimming, fishing, sewing ect.. O Relax- meditate, yoga, massage…. O Get enough sleep O Eat a healthy meal O Get professional help (ie.. Health and Wellness Center)

19 Stress management quiz

20 Resources O work. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed April 9, 2010. O Segerstrom S, et al. Psychological stress and the human immune system: A meta-analytical study of thirty years of inquiry. Psychological Bulletin. 2004;130:601. O Mind/body health: Job stress. American Psychological Association. Accessed April 12, 2010. O Stress at work: How to reduce and manage workplace and job stress. Accessed April 12, 2010. O Cunningham JB. The Stress Management Sourcebook. 2nd ed. Los Angeles, Calif.: 2000. O Stress... at work. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Accessed May 7, 2012. O Stress at work: Tips to reduce and manage job and workplace stress. Accessed May 7, 2012. O Counseling services: Stress management. University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. http://ub- Accessed May 7, 2012. O Charlesworth EA, et al. Stress Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Wellness. New York, N.Y.: Ballantine Books; 2004:24. O Hensrud DD, medical ed. The Mayo Clinic Plan: 10 Essential Steps to a Better Body & Healthier Life. New York, N.Y.: Time Inc.; 2006:164. O Sadock BJ, et al. Kaplan and Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. Philadelphia, Pa.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005. O Mind/body health: Job stress. American Psychological Association. Accessed May 7, 2012. O Vickers Douglas KS (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. May 2, 2012

21 Fun Activity O Stress management on the go…..

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