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Staff Promotion and Tenure Workshop Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Melissa Crawford Office of Faculty Development and Advancement Binder Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff Promotion and Tenure Workshop Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Melissa Crawford Office of Faculty Development and Advancement Binder Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Promotion and Tenure Workshop Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Melissa Crawford Office of Faculty Development and Advancement Binder Review

2 What is changing? Nothing…except ◦ The Office of Faculty Development and Advancement will not be accepting hard-copy binders effective with the 2016-2017 process. ◦ Colleges will submit 4.PDF files for each candidate. ◦ Justification for early promotion removed from the coversheet (must be in the chair’s or dean’s letter) What does this mean for you? Think about questions that may come up.

3 What will we discuss?  Time Frame  Contents of the “binder”  Future of the P&T process

4 Time Frame

5 Timeline and Summary of Dates September 16, 2016 Colleges send the name(s) of the college representative(s) who will serve on the University Promotion & Tenure Committee to Melissa Crawford (

6 October 14, 2016 Colleges send a summary of actions to Melissa Crawford that includes: 1.Number of candidates being submitted 2.Include candidate’s name, department/school or college, and category(ies) for consideration 3.Number of withdrawals from consideration; if no withdrawals, please submit a written statement to that effect

7 October 21, 2016 Promotion & Tenure “binders” due to Melissa Crawford in the Office of the Faculty Development and Advancement (115 Westcott). Colleges may submit via flash drive, FSU Dropbox, CD. Mid-Late October – 2016 Organizational meeting of the University Promotion & Tenure Committee.

8 November–Early December 2016 University Promotion & Tenure Committee will review the file submitted for each candidate. December 12, 2016 – 8:30 AM University Promotion & Tenure Committee meeting to recommend promotion and tenure.

9 December – 2016 The University Promotion & Tenure Committee will forward recommendations to the Provost and President for final action. Candidates will be informed in writing of the Committee’s advice (with a copy to the department chair/school director and dean). Candidates will have 10 business days to withdraw their files. January/February – 2017(estimated timeline) President will notify the candidates in writing of final action (with a copy to department chair and dean).

10 “Binder” Contents

11 Creating a Successful “Binder” Use the Information in Attachment I of the Promotion and Tenure Memo Use The Promotion and Tenure Binder Checklist Sample binders will be available soon on the “Promotion and Tenure Sample Binders” Blackboard site (email for access)

12 Section 1: Cover Sheets (Tab1)  1-CoverSheets(CandidateLastName) Section 2: General Information (Tabs 2-15)  2-GeneralInformation(CandidateLastName) Section 3: Evidence of Achievement (Tabs 16-22)  3-EvidenceofAchievement(CandidateLastName) Section 4: Evaluative Materials (Tabs 23-24)  4-EvaluativeMaterials(CandidateLastName) Section 5: Late Additions (optional)  5-LateAdditions(CandidateLastName) Naming Each Section/.PDF

13 Who is responsible for preparing the file (binder)? The Department Chair/School Director (or Dean in colleges without departments) is responsible for preparing the file (binder). The Candidate must also participate in this process. The Chair/Director/Dean and the Candidate must sign the summary cover sheets. The Candidate’s signature certifies that he/she has reviewed the file (binder) and that the contents are valid and accurate. The chair’s/director’s/dean’s signature certifies that the file (binder) complies with University procedures and has been reviewed by the candidate.

14 Employee ID number CHANGE: Indicate number of years in rank (no early justification needed on coversheet, must be in the chair’s/director’s letter and is typically discussed in the dean’s letter) Include votes, signatures & annual percentage of effort If there are negative votes, include 1.Reasons for Negative Committee Review Ballots - Promotion 2.List of Reasons for Negative Ballots for Promotion and/or Tenure Summary Cover Sheet for Promotion


16 Summary Cover Sheet for Tenure Employee ID number Indicate if 5 th or 7 th year and give justification for 5 th or 7 th Include votes, signatures & annual percentage of effort If negative votes, include 1.Reasons for Negative Committee Review Ballots - Tenure 2.List of Reasons for Negative Ballots for Promotion and/or Tenure Agreement to Adjust Tenure or Early Tenure, if applicable

17 Summary Cover Sheet for Tenure

18 Dean’s Letter - First paragraph must address: College Committee vote & Area Committee Vote, if applicable Tenured Faculty Vote (if not in Chair’s/ Director’s letter) Agreement to adjust years of tenure service credit, if applicable Justification for 5 th or 7 th year promotion is typically discussed

19 Department Chair’s/School Director’s Letter - First paragraph must address: Departmental/School Committee Vote Tenured Faculty Vote Payment of honoraria to outside letter writers, if applicable Justification for early promotion Other requirements are in Attachment I of the Promotion and Tenure Memo

20 Summary of Meetings Departmental/School P&T Committee Summary of Discussion, if applicable Tenured Faculty Summary of Discussion required for all candidates going up for Tenure Area P&T Committee Summary of Discussion, if applicable College P&T Committee Summary of Discussion

21 Summary of Meetings Example: (with minor changes) Summary of Meeting – Department/School Committee The Department of _____/School of _____ Promotion and Tenure committee met and reviewed _____ for promotion (and/or tenure). A majority of the committee members expressed that the candidate’s binder provided evidence that he/she should/should not be granted promotion and/or tenure. Comments were made regarding the candidate’s strength/weakness in the area of ___, as evidenced by ____.

22 Reminder Abstentions: A faculty member who accepts election to a promotion and tenure committee at any level accepts the responsibility of reviewing and evaluating all files considered by the committee. Abstentions are limited to situations involving real or perceived conflicts of interest (familial relations or substantial professional or financial entanglements that prevent judging the candidate objectively). All abstentions should be subtracted from the number of eligible voting faculty on the Summary Cover Sheets.

23 Cover Sheet for Outside Letters Section One copy of a signed letter sent to outside reviewer Cover sheet for each outside letter Original signed letter from outside reviewer (if email and no signature, include copy of email, electronic signatures are accepted) P&T criteria from bylaws may be sent to outside reviewers—not required Outside Letters

24 Cover Sheet for Outside Letters

25 Signed Copy of Letter Sent to Outside Reviewer

26 Cover Sheet for Each Outside Letter

27 Department/College P&T Criteria P&T criteria found in Bylaws (REQUIRED)

28 Finalized & Unaltered FEAS Curriculum Vitae

29 In-Press Acceptance

30 FEAS Form for Courses Taught Do not use the “Extended Teaching Report” Do not include percentage of effort Only use the three-year-period report (except in rare circumstances)

31 Candidate’s Summary of Major Accomplishments One page Student comments are not included

32 Maximum of 6 pages (including letters) Free-response comments from SPCI or any other source are not included. Statements or letters from FSU colleagues (as evidence of teaching) may be included. Discussion of Teaching, Research and Service

33 Student Responses #13 from SPCI Please include only 3 years 3 years is the default setting in FEAS

34 SPCI Summary Forms * Please include only 3 years.

35 Miscellaneous One or two syllabi One or two scholarly or creative works (can be a link to the work) Second and/or Fourth Year Review Letters Progress toward promotion and/or tenure letters Please do not include annual evaluation forms or letters.

36 Other Evidence Optional 5 pages maximum Free-response comments from SPCI should not be used Peer evaluations may be used

37 Common Mistakes Tenured Faculty Vote and/or Summary missing Department/School or College P&T criteria missing Must be a finalized and unaltered CV from FEAS CV missing one-sentence description of each published work since employment at FSU, or since last promotion at FSU In-press acceptances not actually saying the work was accepted (no conditional acceptances) Three years only ◦ Courses taught (except in rare circumstances; no extended report) ◦ Student responses to SPCI #13 ◦ SPCI summary forms The annual evaluation form should not be included All assistant and associate professors should have annual progress towards promotion and/or tenure letters

38 eBinders  This method is only for the 2016-2017 process.  Departments and Schools are not required by the OFDA to produce electronic binders this year.  Four (4).pdf files for each candidate; sections and naming conventions are in Attachment I of the P&T memo.  Get Adobe Professional if you don’t have it already  How to submit the.pdf files? Flash drive FSU Dropbox CD Email (for small colleges)

39 Section 1: Cover Sheets (Tab1)  1-CoverSheets(CandidateLastName) Section 2: General Information (Tabs 2-15)  2-GeneralInformation(CandidateLastName) Section 3: Evidence of Achievement (Tabs 16-22)  3-EvidenceofAchievement(CandidateLastName) Section 4: Evaluative Materials (Tabs 23-24)  4-EvaluativeMaterials(CandidateLastName) Section 5: Late Additions (optional)  5-LateAdditions(CandidateLastName) Naming Each Section/.PDF

40 Questions on binder contents and scanning to PDF files?

41 Future of the P&T Process

42 Next Year (2017-2018) The Promotion and Tenure process will be entirely digital through a customized workflow available in myFSU-HR. o From eBinder creation all the way to the President level. o It will be required. o Confidentiality and security will be enhanced. o Candidates will be able to track progress of their eBinders. o Training will be provided.

43 Questions? Melissa Crawford 644-7500, FEAS Questions Tiffany Phillips,

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