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7 th Grade  Copyright Definition Did you know that whenever you write a poem or story or even a paper for your class, or a drawing or other artwork,

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2 7 th Grade

3  Copyright Definition Did you know that whenever you write a poem or story or even a paper for your class, or a drawing or other artwork, you automatically own the copyright to it. Copyright is a form of protection given to the authors or creators of "original works of authorship," including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic and other intellectual works. What that means is that, as the author of the work, you alone have the right to do any of the following or to let others do any of the following: - make copies of your work; - distribute copies of your work; - perform your work publicly (such as for plays, film, dances or music); - display your work publicly (such as for artwork, or stills from audiovisual works, or any material used on the Internet or television); and - make “derivative works” (including making modifications, adaptations or other new uses of a work, or translating the work to another media).

4  Copyright continued In general, it is illegal for anyone to do any of the things listed above with a work created by you without your permission, but there are some exceptions and limitations to your rights as a copyright holder. One major limitation is the doctrine of “Fair Use,” discussed below. Copyright law in the United States is embodied in federal laws enacted by Congress. The current copyright law, the Copyright Act of 1976 (as amended), is codified in Title 17 of the U.S. Code.

5  Copyright infringement occurs when someone other than the copyright holder copies the “expression” of a work. This means that the idea or information behind the work is not protected, but how the idea is expressed is protected. For example, there have been many movies about Pirates, but only one Jack Sparrow. Copyright infringement can occur even if someone does not copy a work exactly. This example of copyright infringement is most easily apparent in music and art. Copyright infringement occurs if the infringing work is “substantially similar” to the copyrighted work. Copyright Infringement

6  The exclusive rights of the copyright owner are not unlimited. The copyright law establishes some limitations on these rights. One of the most important limitations on the exclusive rights is the doctrine of "Fair Use." The "Fair Use" doctrine allows limited copying of copyrighted works for educational and research purposes. The copyright law provides that reproduction "for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research" is not an infringement of copyright. Fair Use

7   True True  False False 1. Copyright is only granted to well-known authors and filmmakers.

8  Incorrect! Anyone can get copyright protection for his/her creative works. Copyright Status Incorrect Answer Next Question

9  Correct! Copyright is granted to anyone who records an original creative work. Copyright Status Correct Answer Next Question

10   True True  False False 2. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has anti-piracy sniffing dogs.

11  Correct! According to the MPAA, they’ve trained two blacks Labradors named “Lucky” and “Flo” to sniff out DVD piracy. Anti-piracy sniffing dogs correct answer. Next Question

12  Incorrect! According to the MPAA, they’ve trained two blacks Labradors named “Lucky” and “Flo” to sniff out DVD piracy. Anti-piracy sniffing dogs incorrect answer. Next Question

13   True True  False False 3. Sam buys a new band’s CD but decides he doesn’t like the singer, so he resells the CD on eBay. This is legal.

14  Correct! Reselling a CD that you bought is legal according to the First Sale Doctrine. Selling CD correct answer. Next Question

15  Incorrect! Reselling a CD that you bought is legal according to the First Sale Doctrine. Selling CD incorrect answer. Next Question

16   True True  False False 4. The sole purpose of copyright is to make authors money and protect them from getting their work stolen.

17  Incorrect! Copyright was established to encourage the growth of science, education, and the arts. Copyright purpose incorrect answer. Next Question

18  Correct! Copyright was established to encourage the growth of science, education, and the arts. Copyright purpose correct answer. Next Question

19   True True  False False 5. Amy tells Daniel about her summer vacation, and he says he’d love to see her pictures. Amy uploads her photos to facebook so Daniel can download them. That’s copyright infringement.

20  Incorrect! Sharing your own original work using peer-to-peer technology is legal. Downloading Photos from Facebook Incorrect Answer Next Question

21  Correct! Sharing your own original work using peer-to-peer technology is legal. Downloading Photos from Facebook correct Answer Next Question

22   True True  False False 6. Amy tells Daniel that the files are available. Daniel uses Facebook to download Amy’s camp pictures. That’s copyright infringement!

23  Incorrect! Amy took the pictures, so she is the copyright holder, and she gave Daniel permission to download the photos. Daniel downloads photos incorrect answer. Next Question

24  Correct! Amy took the pictures, so she is the copyright holder, and she gave Daniel permission to download the photos. Daniel downloads photos correct answer. Next Question

25   True True  False False 7. Jason copies the entire last chapter from the final Harry Potter book to his commercial blog without any additional commentary. Since he only used part of the work, Jason would be protected by fair use.

26  Incorrect! Given the amount and significance of the portion Jason has copied, the commercial benefit he would receive, and the likely harm to the market for Harry Potter book, a court would be unlikely to view this as “Fair Use”. Jason copies Harry Potter incorrect answer. Next Question

27  Correct! Given the amount and significance of the portion Jason has copied, the commercial benefit he would receive, and the likely harm to the market for Harry Potter book, a court would be unlikely to view this as “Fair Use”. Jason copies Harry Potter correct answer. Next Question

28   True True  False False 8. Kathy downloaded a few photos of local organic farms from’s Creative Commons pool. She follows the rules of the photographer’s specific CC license and uses them in her digital video about sustainable agriculture. That’s okay.

29  Correct! Kathy can legally use the photos as long as she follows the rules of the license. Kathy downloads photos correct answer. Next Question

30  Incorrect! Kathy can legally use the photos as long as she follows the rules of the license. Kathy downloads photos incorrect answer. Next Question

31   True True  False False 9. Dwight finds a website that offers free music downloads. He owns all but one of his favorite band’s CDs, and he finds that particular CD on the website. He does not have the money to buy the album so he downloads the songs. He is not committing copyright infringement.

32  Incorrect! Unless Dwight has permission to from the copyright holders (band/publisher/songwriter, etc.), it would be copyright infringement. Dwight downloads music incorrect answer. Next Question

33  Correct! Unless Dwight has permission to from the copyright holders (band/publisher/songwriter, etc.), it would be copyright infringement. Dwight downloads music correct answer. Next Question

34   True True  False False 10. Paula read an interesting article about the making of the film Titanic and wants to use a short quote in her cinema review paper for journalism class. This is copyright infringement.

35  Incorrect! Since she is using a short quotation for the purpose of scholastic commentary, it would be fair use. Paula article incorrect answer. Next Question

36  Correct! Since she is using a short quotation for the purpose of scholastic commentary, it would be fair use. Paula article correct answer. Next Question

37   True True  False False 11. The Public Domain is a polar research station in Antartica.

38  Incorrect! Public Domain refers to works that are not subject to copyright restrictions so they are free to use. Public Domain material can include works that are not copyrightable, are designated for free and unlimited public access by the creator, or are no longer protected by copyright law because the copyright has expired or been forfeited by the owner. Public Domain incorrect answer. Next Question

39  Correct! Public Domain refers to works that are not subject to copyright restrictions so they are free to use. Public Domain material can include works that are not copyrightable, are designated for free and unlimited public access by the creator, or are no longer protected by copyright law because the copyright has expired or been forfeited by the owner. Public Domain correct answer Next Question

40   True True  False False 12. Adam recorded a video for his YouTube channel about the upcoming Senate elections and included an official photo taken by a government employee and four bills authored by the incumbent that Adam found on the Senate’s website. That’s copyright infringement.

41  Incorrect! Works produced by the U.S. government or any U.S. government agency are in the public domain. The texts of legal cases and statutes produced by the federal government are also in the public domain. Adam YouTube Video incorrect answer. Next Question

42  Correct! Works produced by the U.S. government or any U.S. government agency are in the public domain. The texts of legal cases and statutes produced by the federal government are also in the public domain. Adam YouTube Video correct answer. Next Question

43   True True  False False 13. Justin downloaded the black-and-white horror classic “Night of the Living Dead” from the Internet Archive and decided to mix an audio sample from the film into one of his original songs. That’s copyright infringement.

44  Incorrect! The copyright for “Night of the Living Dead” is part of the wonderful wealth of the public domain. Justin is free to be as creative as he wants with public domain material. Justin movie download incorrect answer. Next Question

45  Correct! The copyright for “Night of the Living Dead” is part of the wonderful wealth of the public domain. Justin is free to be as creative as he wants with public domain material. Justin movie download correct answer. Next Question

46  True False 14. Since Richard forgot to register his screenplay before he sent it out to agents for review, he is no longer eligible to copyright it.

47  Incorrect! Copyright protection is automatic once your original work is in a fixed, tangible form. Richard screenplay incorrect answer. The End

48  Correct! Copyright protection is automatic once your original work is in a fixed, tangible form. Richard screenplay correct answer. The End

49  Now that you have finished reading the information, go to the following link and complete the worksheet. You may use the PowerPoint to help you answer the questions. Copyright Worksheet The End

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