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The Congress shall have Power To…promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive.

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Presentation on theme: "The Congress shall have Power To…promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Congress shall have Power To…promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries. - US Constitution, Article 1, Section 81

2  Copyright is a form of legal protection automatically provided to the author/creator or owner of an original creative work  US Copyright law gives the author/creator/owner exclusive rights to:  Reproduce or distribute the original work to the public  Create new works based on the original  Perform or display the work publicly

3 LLiterary works MMusic and lyrics DDramatic works and music CChoreographic works PPhotos, graphics, paintings, sculptural works MMotion pictures and other audiovisual works VVideo game software and computer software AAudio recordings AArchitectural works *** ideas are not copyrighted unless they are in a tangible form **

4  Original works, created after 1977 –  Life of the author/creator + 70 yrs after death (passed on to heirs)  Corporate works and anonymous works created after 1977 –  95-120 years from publication

5  First Sale – allows a consumer to resell copyrighted materials such as a book or CD  Public Domain – works can be freely used by anyone; unrestricted access; these may be designated for free or may no longer be covered under copyright status  Licensing – copyright owner may give explicit permission for someone to use material normally restricted  Creative commons license – creators WANT to give permission of use

6  Public Domain works are not restricted by copyright  3 Main categories of Public Domain works:  1. works that automatically enter the public domain upon creation because they are not copyrightable  2. works that have been assigned to the public domain by their creators  3. works that have entered the public domain because the copyright on them has expired.

7  Smithsonian Institution Public Domain Images Smithsonian Institution Public Domain Images  New York Times Public Domain Archives New York Times Public Domain Archives  Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg  Librivox Librivox  Prelinger Archives Prelinger Archives

8  Fair Use allows the public to use portions of the copyrighted work without permission from copyright owner.

9  Four Factors:  1. Purpose and character of second use – is it simply a copy or are you doing something different with the original  2. The nature of the original – was the original work creative or primarily informational?  3. Amount used: how much of the original work was used, and was that amount necessary?  4. Effect: Did the use harm the market for the original work? For example: would people buy this work instead of the original?

10  US Copyright Office US Copyright Office  Look for this symbol

11  Student use:  Students may perform and display their own educational multimedia projects that incorporate portions of LAWFULLY acquired copyrighted works for educational uses in the course for which they were created

12 TThey are subject to the following limitations: 11. Time limitations: students may use their multimedia presentation to add to a portfolio as examples of their academic work for later personal uses such as job and college interviews.

13 MMotion Media – Up to 10% or 3 minutes of the total amount of copyrighted material from a single copyrighted work. TText Material – Up to 10% or 1,000 words MMusic, Lyrics, and Music Video – Up to 10%, but in no event more than 30 seconds IIllustrations and Photographs- no more than 5 images by an artist or photographer

14  There may be no more than 2 use copies  In the case of a collaborative assignment, each creator may retain ONE copy

15  Caution in downloading material from the internet – there is a mix of works protected by copyright and those in the public domain.  !! Access to works on the Internet does not automatically mean these can be reproduced and reused without permission or royalty payments!!

16  Credit the sources with full bibliographic descriptions (author, title, publisher, place, date of publication)  Display the copyright notice © with copyright ownership information (©, year of first publication, and name of copyright holder)

17  Educational Multimedia Fair Use Guidelines Development Committee. (1996). Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. Retrieved from operty.ccmcguid.htm on October 18, 2010. operty.ccmcguid.htm  Simpson, Carol. (2005).Copyright for Schools: A Practical Guide, Fourth Edition. Worthington: Linworth Books.

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