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The Middle Ages World History J. Wheeler November 9, 2010.

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1 The Middle Ages World History J. Wheeler November 9, 2010

2 Charlemagne Muslims attacked France. Muslims attacked France. The Battle of Tours, 732 AD. The Battle of Tours, 732 AD. Charles Martel led the Franks (France). Charles Martel led the Franks (France). His grandson – Charlemagne ruled by 800 AD – AWESOME LEADER!! His grandson – Charlemagne ruled by 800 AD – AWESOME LEADER!!

3 Vikings Vikings began to spread south from Norway and Sweden to Britain and France. Vikings began to spread south from Norway and Sweden to Britain and France. Berserk Berserk Looters and also sailed on rivers. Looters and also sailed on rivers. Huge, ruthless, mean! Huge, ruthless, mean!

4 The Norman Conquest 1066 – fight for the throne of England. 1066 – fight for the throne of England. William the Conqueror, Harold and King Canute of Denmark wanted the throne. William the Conqueror, Harold and King Canute of Denmark wanted the throne. William sailed to England and won it in the Battle of Hastings. William sailed to England and won it in the Battle of Hastings.

5 Feudalism The system of a boss. The system of a boss. King is at the top. King is at the top. Clergy: Church officials. Clergy: Church officials. Lords Lords Knights Knights Serfs Serfs Chivalry: Code of Behavior – knights were loyal, brave, honorable! Chivalry: Code of Behavior – knights were loyal, brave, honorable!


7 Manorialism Some lords lived in castles – most on manors. Some lords lived in castles – most on manors. The plot of land that a Lord may live on. The plot of land that a Lord may live on. In return for protection – the lord would make the serfs farm the land – and also serve in the army in case of a major war. In return for protection – the lord would make the serfs farm the land – and also serve in the army in case of a major war.

8 English Castles

9 European Castles



12 Castle Project Today: Today: Sketch your own castle. Sketch your own castle. Be sure to think of the following: Be sure to think of the following: Size Size Defense of the castle (Moat, Turrets, Drawbridge) Defense of the castle (Moat, Turrets, Drawbridge) Color Color Tower shape Tower shape THE ON BACK – THE ON BACK – Write a small tale involving the following Relationship between a Lord and vassal. Manor System aka. Manorialism YOUR CASTLE and the defenses.

13 Monasticism – Monks Monastery – Monks Vows: Vows: Celibacy Celibacy Fasting Fasting Silence Silence Poverty Poverty – Nuns Abbey – Nuns Same Vows Same Vows Tend to help people more one on one. Tend to help people more one on one. Other jobs: Other jobs: Wine making Growing Crops Raising Animals Orphanage REWRITE DOCUMENTS AND BOOKS

14 Corrupt Monasteries Money was being used on the monks and nuns – not the people!! Money was being used on the monks and nuns – not the people!! Gold, Wine, Jewels, Big houses, FOOD, were being bought for themselves. Gold, Wine, Jewels, Big houses, FOOD, were being bought for themselves. Ex: Friar Tuck – Robin Hood Ex: Friar Tuck – Robin Hood

15 The Rise of Universities Schools were being established by the Church. Schools were being established by the Church. Studied Maps, English, Writing, Humanities. Studied Maps, English, Writing, Humanities. Humanism – The study of human interests. Vernacular – Everyday Language. – Having a worldly outlook (open- minded) Secular – Having a worldly outlook (open- minded)

16 The Magna Carta – King John King John ruled by fear and power! King John ruled by fear and power! TOO MUCH POWER! TOO MUCH POWER! 1215 AD – The people of England forced King John to sign the 1215 AD – The people of England forced King John to sign the Magna Carta. Limited Power. Limited Power. Checks and Balances Checks and Balances Established – a body of English people to make decisions and get them approved by the King. Established English Parliament – a body of English people to make decisions and get them approved by the King.

17 Late Middle Ages Black Death a devastating worldwide pandemic that first struck Europe in the mid 14 th century killed about a third of Europe’s population, an estimated 34 million people.

18 The Bubonic Plague Called “black death” because of striking symptom of the disease, in which sufferers' skin would blacken due to hemorrhages under the skin Spread by fleas and rats painful lymph node swellings called buboes buboes in the groin and armpits, which ooze pus and blood. damage to the skin and underlying tissue until they were covered in dark blotches Most victims died within four to seven days after infection EFFECTS Caused massive depopulation and change in social structure Weakened influence of Church Originated in Asia but was blamed on Jews and lepers



21 Illustration of the Black Death from the Toggenburg Bible (1411). Illustration of the Black Death from the Toggenburg Bible (1411).Toggenburg1411 Toggenburg1411

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