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Sustainability Revision Part 1 The 6Rs Focus: GCSE GRAPHIC PRODUCTS TECHOLOGY Exam Revision Preparation1 Miss Baluch
Revision Part 1 Sustainability Exam
GCSE SUSTAINABILITY Revision Part 1 Sustainability Exam This exam involves knowledge of the following sections: The 6 R’s: Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Refuse, Re – Think, Repair Social issues Moral Issues Cultural Issues Environmental Issues Design issues
Revision Part 1 Sustainability Exam
GCSE SUSTAINABILITY Revision Part 1 Sustainability Exam Learning Objective: You will develop knowledge about the 6’rs FOCUS The 6 R’s: Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Refuse, Re – Think, Repair
Revision Part 1 Sustainability Exam
GCSE GRAPHICS Revision Part 1 Sustainability Exam Q. What does the term sustainable design mean? 5 marks 2 minutes – Answer
Re – Cap 2 Minutes Q. What do the 6’rs stand for? 6 marks
GCSE Sustainability Focus on: The 6 R’s Re – Cap 2 Minutes Q. What do the 6’rs stand for? 6 marks
Sustainability Focus on: The 6 R’s The 6 R’s: Recycle Reuse Reduce Refuse, Re – Think Repair
Sustainability Focus on: The 6 R’s Q. What do each of the 6 R’s mean?
5 minutes Recycle Reuse Reduce Refuse, Re – Think Repair 12 marks -
Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle
Sustainability 6r’s Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle RECYCLE: Materials that can be recycled Products that use recycled materials Disassembly – reprocessing materials for use in new products
Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle
Sustainability 6r’s Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle RECYCLE: Q. What graphic materials can be recycled? Give 3 examples of materials and how they are recycled 6 marks Q. Give examples of 3 products that use recycled materials – 3 marks Q. What is product disassembly – give the example of a product that is disassembled for recycling 4 marks
Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle
Sustainability 6r’s Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle What is recycling? Is what we do with the objects we use in our daily lives Recycling is the conversion of waste products into new materials (This extend their life) Sometimes before a material can be re-used it needs to be chemically processed or treated
Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle
Sustainability 6r’s Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle Primary recycling Q. What is Primary recycling?
Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle
Sustainability 6r’s Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle Primary recycling The second hand use of items for re use is a form of primary recycling Charity Shops Passing items onto friends or family Selling items on internet sites
Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle
Sustainability 6r’s Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle Secondary or physical recycling Is the process of how waste materials are recycled into different types of products Tyres into insulation Plastic bottles into structures Plastic bags as bin liners
Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle
Sustainability 6r’s Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle Tertiary or Chemical Recycling This is when products are broken down and reformulated: CD’s into pens Scrap woods into recycled timber Car tyres into computer mouse mats
Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle
Sustainability 6r’s Focus on: The 6 R’s: Recycle Why recycle? Our consumer lifestyle is taking its toll on the world. We need to recycle to: Prevent landfills from filling up land mass all over the world which affects the ecology of the environment Designers and makers are responsible for resolving how a product can be recycled at the end of its life
Recycle: Activity 1- Use for revision
Sustainability 6r’s Recycle: Activity 1- Use for revision 1. Research types of wood, metals, plastic and rubber that can be recycled give 2 examples for each 2. Make a list of products that can be recycled using: Primary Recycling methods Secondary recycling methods Chemical Recycling methods 3. Give several examples of disassembly: Materials that are re – processed for use in new products
Focus on: The 6 R’s: REUSE
Products that can be re – used for either the same or a new purpose Products that can be adapted to suit an alternative use
Focus on: The 6 R’s: REUSE
Q. Give examples of Products that can be re – used for either the same or a new purpose Q. Give examples of Products that can be adapted to suit an alternative use
REUSE: Products that can be used for the same or a new purpose
Products are designed to be re-used and result in less waste This conserves materials and resources Many UK places collect unwanted products or repair them for similar end use
REUSE: Products that can be adapted to suit an alternative use
Some local areas have set up their own websites or organisations for the reuse of unwanted items
REUSE: Activity 2- Use for revision
Sustainability 6r’s REUSE: Activity 2- Use for revision 1. Research EXAMPLES OF: Products that are designed to be reused 2. Products that are collected for reuse 3. Types / Products that are adapted to suit an alternate use
Focus on: The 6 R’s: REDUCE
Sustainability 6r’s Focus on: The 6 R’s: REDUCE REDUCE Life cycle of a product / Eco footprint Built in Obsolescence Energy & waste of production processes Materials - waste
REDUCE The life Cycle of a product: Sustainability 6r’s
A new product evolves from a variety of stages. From the original idea to its decline, a product must be designed without negative impact on the environment. The Raw materials – how are they harvested/made? The production process – How is the product made? Transport & distribution – you need to consider what, how, where and the cost Uses – what are the intended uses of the product? How will it be used by the client or the customer? Recycling – How can the product be recycled? Care & Maintenance - What is needed? Is it environmentally friendly? - Disposal – Is the waste disposable or biodegradable?
REDUCE The life Cycle of a product: CASE STUDY
Sustainability 6r’s REDUCE The life Cycle of a product: CASE STUDY Unto this last – Design Team You will look at the life cycle of a product in real…..
REDUCE Eco Footprint Sustainability 6r’s
Is a term that refers to the measurement of our actions on the environment All designers must consider the Eco footprint of their product from its birth to end of life Designing with the Eco footprint in mind means that you minimise damage to the environment
REDUCE Built in Obsolesce Sustainability 6r’s
This is where a product has been designed to last a certain periods of time Companies create products with built in obsolesce so that the consumer is under pressure to buy the latest models Built in obsolesce is different with electronic products / vehicle design / foods / fashion Manufactures can invest money to make the product obsolete faster by making it with cheaper less reliable components
REDUCE Built in Obsolesce Sustainability 6r’s
Q. What is built in Obsolesce? 3 marks Q. Give examples of built in Obsolesce with the following products: An I Phone / I pod Vehicle design Flat pack furniture from Ikea
REDUCE Energy & Waste in production processes Sustainability 6r’s
Oil and Coal are non – renewable sources – their use has a detrimental effect on the environment Non renewable sources contribute to pollution & global warming The transportation of fossil fuels is high – i.e. Petrol & Oil
REDUCE Natural Energy Sustainability 6r’s Wind Power Solar Power
Geothermal Hydro power Tidal / Wave Q. Research & describe the applications of these natural energy sources 10 marks
REDUCE Materials – Waste Waste management is a growing problem
Sustainability 6r’s REDUCE Materials – Waste Waste management is a growing problem Power, packaging, food and products are often readily wasted and not correctly consumed The idea is to reduce waste – even manufacturers have to follow guidelines on how to correctly dispose of waste
Focus on: The 6 R’s: REFUSE
Sustainability 6r’s Focus on: The 6 R’s: REFUSE REFUSE ISSUES related to sustainable design Materials that we should refuse to use
Sustainability 6r’s REFUSE How should we REFUSE? As designers we should refuse non sustainable methods within our life cycle assessment As consumers we should refuse products that have a negative impact on the environment
REFUSE Materials we should refuse Sustainability 6r’s
-Products made UNECESSARILY from a manmade instead of natural source Products which contain materials with TOXIC CHEMICALS Materials that have been made under UNSAFE Conditions Products that are unethical – where the rights of the workers have not been respected Products that have been over packaged and transported at high costs Products that are unhealthy
REFUSE ACTIVITY Materials we should refuse Sustainability 6r’s
Based on the previous slide: Extract 6 conditions that as designers and consumers we should refuse (6 marks) Describe the 6 examples that should be refused and why – (6 marks)
Focus on: The 6 R’s: RETHINK
Sustainability 6r’s Focus on: The 6 R’s: RETHINK RETHINK How is it possible to approach design problems differently An existing product that has become waste, e.g. utilising the materials or components for another purpose without processing it
RETHINK RETHINK Sustainability 6r’s
Re thinking is all about evaluating your lifestyle. We need to re think the way we consume: Food, products, energy and time to: improve our quality of life Reduce our carbon footprint Not have a negative impact on the environment as humans
How is it possible to approach design problems differently? What ideas can you develop to ensure a difference 2. What existing products are there that have become waste? Use the components or materials for another product without processing them - What could you design with the above materials?
Focus on: The 6 R’s: REPAIR
Sustainability 6r’s Focus on: The 6 R’s: REPAIR REPAIR Products that can / cannot be repaired
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