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3 In today's world we find ourselves faced with many problems and complications that threaten the balance and the well being of society. The abuse of harmful illegal substances (drugs) is an issue that has become more and more of a problem in the society that we live in. This phenomenon has effected lives of many people, especially young teenagers, and will continue to do so, unless educated otherwise. In this project we see a chance to highlight, discuss and research the problem in different aspects and its affect on civilization and our young generation.

4 Most kids don ’ t get to talk about their problems at home and they wind up looking for answers alone. Sometimes parents assume that their children will come to them to talk about their problems and if they don ’ t it means they are fine. But what they don ’ t know is that the average age for kids to begin experimenting with illegal substances is 13, and that 60% of youngsters who use marijuana before age 15 go on to use cocaine An overwhelming 98 percent of the parents in the survey said they had talked with their children about drugs, but only 65 percent of teenagers recalled having such a talk. And even then only 27 percent of teenagers said they learned a lot from their family about the hazards of drugs. How do parents help avoid kids from using drugs?

5 Not surprisingly, the study reported that the more adolescents hear from parents about the risks of using drugs, they are kids that are less likely to use drugs, even though some failed to listen to the advice. Most of the teenagers in the study who said they had heard nothing at home about the risks of drugs use drugs. 45 percent to be exacted, said they had smoked marijuana within the last year. One-third of those who said they had learned a little at home used marijuana in the same period. But among teenagers who said they had learned a lot, only 26 percent said they smoked marijuana.

6 *Because they are curious. *To rebel against their parents or teachers. *Because they feel shy or inadequate and believe drugs will make them stronger and able to handle situations better. *Because they are afraid to face their personal, school, or money problems. *Because they are bored and believe drugs will put some excitement in their lives. Why do teenagers turn to drugs?

7 *Because other people pressure them to do so, and they can ’ t say "no" to their friends. *Some people have the disease of addiction and can ’ t stop using without help, even if they want to. * Because the media says it ’ s cool. * They think it makes them seem grown-up * They want to escape reality and most of all they just want to fit in

8 Using drugs affect at our social position in many ways. Friends often leave each other when they hear that their friend has began using drugs. It frightens most people and they try to get away from it as fast as they can, many times forget their responsibility as friends and don ’ t stay to help him get out of it. The second affect that may be is getting together with new groups of people that you didn ’ t have any thing in common with them, and now you share the same interest. In extreme cases, drug use might lead to different crimes, like stealing from shops, parents and even from friends How do drugs affect our social position?

9 After making the project we came to the conclusion that drug use must be taken seriously because at the end it affects everyone around. Drug use changes our social position, mostly for the bad, and without you having control over what ’ s happening in your life. It affects your health, and might cause severe mental and physical illness. Drug use is mostly irreversible, and it will track you for the rest of your life (even if you’ve been in rehab), while going to the army, getting a job or even trying to meet new people.

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