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Case study #1 You and a friend have just watched a movie. You are leaving the cinema and notice a group of popular kids from your school who are all smoking.

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2 Case study #1 You and a friend have just watched a movie. You are leaving the cinema and notice a group of popular kids from your school who are all smoking. You stop to talk. You and your friend are offered cigarettes. Options: 1.You could just take the cigarettes and have a smoke with them 2.You could turn down the offer and walk away My decision: I would pick option #2. Smoking can severely damage your lungs Problem: The problem here is underage smoking

3 Case study #12 You have just pigged out on a plate of brownies and feel that you have just gained five pounds. You suggest to your girlfriend that you need to go for a workout and burn the brownies off. Your girlfriend says "Why?" and hands you a cigarette. Options: 1.You could just take the cigarettes and have a smoke 2.You could turn down the offer and say that you want to lose weight without any risks My decision: I would pick option #2. I would talk to my girlfriend and tell her that I do not want to take any risks. I would also advise her to not take any too. Problem: The problem here is underage smoking

4 Case study #11 You often do your homework with a few classmates at a friend’s house after school. Today, you are all studying for a really big test. One of your friends has brought some beer (or other kind of alcohol) and tells you that you will be more relaxed and will feel less stressed if you drink. Options: 1.You could just say no 2.You could just have a drink with them My decision: I would pick option #1. I would not take any alcohol because drinking alcohol is against my religion because I am a Muslim. I could also just say no and make up an excuse like you have to get a good mark on the test or my parents are goig to get really mad at me. Problem: The problem here is underage drinking

5 Case study #9 A few of your friends often pitch-in together to buy a pack of beer. Today, they want you to kick in some money to help buy that pack. You don’t drink and feel it's unfair that you should have to pitch-in for their booze. Besides, you have been trying to save your money to buy a really cool snowboard. They start accusing you of being cheap and tell you to get lost if you don't want to be part of the group. Options: 1.You could just say no 2.You could just pay so that everyone My decision: I would pick option #1. This is because it is against my religion to drink and I think they will understand because I don’t drink. Problem: The problem here is underage drinking

6 Case study #3 You and your friends are having fun playing basketball. Another friend arrives a little later and starts talking to two of the other friends. The three of them motion to the rest of the group to join them off to the side. They light a marijuana cigarette and pass it around. The cigarette comes to you. Options: 1.You could just pass it on 2.You could just take a smoke My decision: I would pick option #1. This is because I do not want to take a risk of getting caught. Smoking could also damage your lungs and I want to keep my body healthy. Problem: The problem here is underage smoking and illegal drugs

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