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© 2013 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of the WIDA Consortium Overview of the WIDA Consortium: Assessments.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2013 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of the WIDA Consortium Overview of the WIDA Consortium: Assessments."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2013 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of the WIDA Consortium Overview of the WIDA Consortium: Assessments and English Language Development Standards Presenter, Affiliation Date

2 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 2 WIDA Consortium / CAL SECURE & CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT POST THESE MATERIALS TO PUBLIC WEBSITES OR FORUMS. Contains secure and confidential information.

3 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 3 WIDA Consortium / CAL Training Objectives To develop an awareness of the WIDA Consortium To develop an awareness of the organization and structure of the WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards To develop an awareness of the structure of the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test To develop an awareness of training resources available through the WIDA Consortium

4 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 4 WIDA Consortium / CAL The History of WIDA Created in response to NCLB requirements for ELLs pertaining to standards and assessments Funded originally through a USDE Enhanced Assessment Grant to the WI Department of Public Instruction in 2003 Made up initially of three states: Wisconsin, Delaware, and Arkansas Changed to World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment in 2005 Moved to the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin- Madison in 2006

5 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 5 WIDA Consortium / CAL Where is WIDA? 38 U.S. State Education Agencies belong to the WIDA Consortium representing over 1,500,000 English Language Learners (ELLs)

6 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 6 WIDA Consortium / CAL WIDA Management WCER & WIDA Board of Directors (SEAs) Test Development Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) PDSR/Technology Vendor DRC Standards Development Margo Gottlieb & WIDA Standards Committee Organization of Consortium Activities

7 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 7 WIDA Consortium / CAL WIDA Products and Services Standards English Language Development Standards Early Language Development Standards Spanish Language Arts Standards Spanish Language Development Standards Assessments ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 (Large-Scale ELP Assessment ) WIDA–ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT)™ (ELP Screener) Measure Of Developing English Language (MODEL)™ (ELP Interim and/or Screener) Alternate ACCESS for ELLs™ for children with significant cognitive disabilities ONPAR™ Technology-Enhanced Mathematics and Science Assessments (in development) Formative Language Assessment Records for ELLs (FLARE)™ (in development)

8 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 8 WIDA Consortium / CAL WIDA Products and Services Professional Development Workshops: One-hour or up to two-day offerings Focused on topics related to the Standards, Assessments & Score interpretation and/or Data Analysis Academies: Three- to five-day face-to-face offerings Focused on further exploring WIDA’s products and resources Institutes: Intensive workshops requiring follow-up work for participants to receive authorization or certification Professional Certification for Trainers CLIMBS ® professional development course LADDER for ELLs™ grant for data-driven decision-making

9 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 9 WIDA Consortium / CAL Validation and Research Annual technical reports Research and studies in areas of: Academic Language Standards and Implementation in the classroom Professional Learning AMAO policy guidance Alignment (standards to test/standards to standards) WIDA Products and Services

10 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 10 WIDA Consortium / CAL WIDA English Language Development Standards

11 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 11 WIDA Consortium / CAL Centrality of the ELD Standards Formative “Classroom” Assessment Framework Summative “Large-scale” Assessment Framework English Language Development Standards & Performance Definitions Model Performance Indicators: Formative Model Performance Indicators: Summative Ongoing Instruction & Assessment W-APT and ACCESS for ELLs

12 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 12 WIDA Consortium / CAL Overall Organization of Standards Grade Level Clusters (5) Frameworks ELD Standards Grade Level Cluster Language Domain English Language Proficiency Level Model Performance Indicator

13 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 13 WIDA Consortium / CAL Summative Is amenable to large- scale testing under standardized conditions Includes visual and graphic supports Contains model performance indicators that are observable and measurable Formative Corresponds to everyday classroom practice Includes visual, graphic, and interactive supports Contains Model performance indicators that include strategies, technology, and long- term projects Two Standards Frameworks

14 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 14 WIDA Consortium / CAL The WIDA ELD Standards Standard 1 – Social & Instructional Language (SIL) English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes in the school setting. Standard 2 – Language of Language Arts (LoLA) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts. Standard 3 – Language of Mathematics (LoMA) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Math. Standard 4 – Language of Science (LoSC) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science. Standard 5 – Language of Social Studies (LoSS) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies.

15 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 15 WIDA Consortium / CAL Five Grade-Level Clusters The 2012 WIDA ELP Standards are organized by the following Grade-level clusters: Grade K Grades 1−2 Grades 3−5 Grades 6−8 Grades 9−12

16 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 16 WIDA Consortium / CAL Four Language Domains Listening ─ process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations Speaking ─ engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences Reading ─ process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols, and text with understanding and fluency Writing ─ engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences

17 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 17 WIDA Consortium / CAL Levels of English Language Proficiency

18 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 18 WIDA Consortium / CAL Criteria for Performance Definitions Linguistic Complexity: Expectations of the quantity and organization of the student’s verbal response Vocabulary Usage: Expectations of the student’s use of appropriate vocabulary for grade level and proficiency level; refers to language quality Language Control: Expectations of the student’s control of English grammar, word choice in context, and the English sound system; refers to language quality

19 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 19 WIDA Consortium / CAL Performance Definitions

20 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 20 WIDA Consortium / CAL Elements of Model Performance Indicators The Model Performance Indicator (MPI) consists of three elements: The language function describes how students use language to demonstrate their proficiency The example topic specifies the context for language instruction, derived from state content standards The support includes instructional strategies or tools used to assist students in accessing content necessary for communication; can be sensory, graphic, or interactive

21 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 21 WIDA Consortium / CAL Organization of MPIs within Standards

22 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 22 WIDA Consortium / CAL Model Performance Indicator: Language Function Language Function = “Describe”

23 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 23 WIDA Consortium / CAL Model Performance Indicator: Content Stem Example Topic = “objects of the earth or sky”

24 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 24 WIDA Consortium / CAL Model Performance Indicator: Support or Strategy Support = “from observation, photographs or models”

25 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 25 WIDA Consortium / CAL Individual MPIs as Basis of Test Items Grades: 6-8 Standard 4: Language of Science Domain: Reading Example topic: Cycles/Processes Model Performance Indicator Level 2: Beginning Sort or classify descriptive phrases and diagrams by cycles or processes

26 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 26 WIDA Consortium / CAL For Proficiency Level 2

27 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 27 WIDA Consortium / CAL Sequence of MPIs within a Theme Folder – Tier A MPIs for a Tier A Theme Folder Grades: 6-8 Standard 4: Language of Science Domain: Reading Example topic: Cycles/Processes

28 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 28 WIDA Consortium / CAL Sequence of MPIs within a Theme Folder – Tier B MPIs for a Tier B Theme Folder Grades: 6-8 Standard 4: Language of Science Domain: Reading Example topic: Cycles/Processes

29 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 29 WIDA Consortium / CAL Sequence of MPIs within a Theme Folder – Tier C MPIs for a Tier C Theme Folder Grades: 6-8 Standard 4: Language of Science Domain: Reading Example topic: Cycles/Processes

30 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 30 WIDA Consortium / CAL WIDA English Language Proficiency Assessments

31 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 31 WIDA Consortium / CAL ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Overview Secure, large-scale test Anchored in the WIDA ELD Standards Assesses academic language Available as an Online or Paper-based assessment Administered once per year Indicator of student’s ability to perform on state content test

32 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 32 WIDA Consortium / CAL Composite Score Weights Type of Composite Score Contribution of Language Domains (By Percent) ListeningSpeakingReadingWriting Oral Language50% –– Literacy––50% Comprehension30%–70%– Overall15% 35%

33 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 33 WIDA Consortium / CAL ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online Overview New Grade Level Clusters: 1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12 Order of Administration: Students’ performance on the Listening and Reading tests determines their placement on the Writing and Speaking tests Group administration of all domains (smaller groups for Speaking) Central scoring by DRC for all Domains

34 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 34 WIDA Consortium / CAL Advantages of the Online Test Increased student engagement Built-in accessibility features and accommodations appropriate for a range of student needs More dynamic and individualized test-taking experience Logistical flexibility as a result of simultaneous administration of multiple grades and proficiency levels Increased ease for test administrators

35 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 35 WIDA Consortium / CAL New with Online Listening Students hear an audio passage and see visual prompts on the computer screen. Students listen with headphones to improve sound quality. Students engage with test content that is relevant to their ability level. The test engine digitally captures and scores students’ responses.

36 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 36 WIDA Consortium / CAL Sample Online Listening Item

37 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 37 WIDA Consortium / CAL New with Online Reading Students read passages on the computer screen. Students select a response on the computer screen. Students engage with test content that is relevant to their ability level. The test engine digitally captures and score students’ responses.

38 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 38 WIDA Consortium / CAL Sample Online Reading Item

39 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 39 WIDA Consortium / CAL New with Online Speaking Students hear an audio prompt and see visual prompts on the computer screen. Students engage with a virtual TA (Miss Lee) and a model student (Nina). Students record their answers (into headsets with mic) using the record button. The test engine digitally records responses and saves them for DRC to score.

40 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 40 WIDA Consortium / CAL Sample Online Speaking Item

41 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 41 WIDA Consortium / CAL Sample Online Speaking Item

42 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 42 WIDA Consortium / CAL New with Online Writing Students hear an audio prompt and see visual prompts on the computer screen. Students type their response into the text box (depending on grade and proficiency level, as noted in upcoming slide). The test engine captures keyboarded responses and automatically sends them to DRC for scoring.

43 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 43 WIDA Consortium / CAL Sample Online Writing Item

44 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 44 WIDA Consortium / CAL Additional Information for Writing Domain The test delivery and response modes of the Writing test vary by grade to meet the needs of all learners. Writing Grades and Tiers Writing Test FormatWriting Response Mode Grades 1 – 3Paper-based promptsPaper Grades 4 – 5Computer-based prompts Keyboard or Handwriting Grades 6 – 12Computer-based prompts Keyboard default (may handwrite if needed)

45 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 45 WIDA Consortium / CAL Technology Requirements Technology requirements are listed on the WIDA website: Headsets with microphone are necessary for the Speaking test; may be used for all domains Headphones are necessary for all domains

46 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 46 WIDA Consortium / CAL ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Paper Overview New Grade Level Clusters: 1, 2, 3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12 Listening and Reading may be administered together in one group session Writing is administered in a separate group session Up to 22 students per group session Speaking is administered individually All test sessions must occur within state’s testing window The domains can be administered in any order, but can not be broken up over several administrations

47 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 47 WIDA Consortium / CAL Changes to Administration Both Listening and Speaking are media-delivered Test Administrators will play pre-recorded prompts Updated Speaking Scoring Scale and New Scoring Procedures New TA Speaking course is available on the WIDA website

48 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 48 WIDA Consortium / CAL Kindergarten Test Overview All domains individually administered All domains adaptive—stop administration of the domain when student reaches his/her ceiling Students write directly in the Student Response Booklet on Writing test (test administrator transcribes student writing) All domains are scored by the Test Administrator (TA) during test administration Averages 45 minutes per student for all domains

49 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 49 WIDA Consortium / CAL WIDA ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT) Tests all four language domains Tests up to Level 6 on WIDA ELP Scale (for Grades 1-12) Used as one of multiple data sources in determining ELL services Kindergarten W-APT includes Oral Proficiency component and optional Diagnostic Reading and Writing components Adaptive at all grade levels, so administration time depends on student’s proficiency Semi-secure, free, and downloadable with district password from

50 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 50 WIDA Consortium / CAL Professional Development & Training

51 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 51 WIDA Consortium / CAL Professional Development WIDA Offers Training Workshops on: Assessment ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 W-APT WIDA MODEL Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Interpretation of Score Reports Curriculum & Instruction English Language Development Standards Collaborating to meet the Needs of ELLs CLIMBS Facilitator Institute and Course System/School Improvement

52 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 52 WIDA Consortium / CAL ACCESS for ELLs Training Various options and resources exist for training: Face-to-face workshops Online ACCESS for ELLs Test Administrator Training Course ( Training Toolkit PowerPoint presentations Test Administration Manuals ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online Test Administration Manual ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Paper Test Administration Manual Kindergarten Test Administration Manual Kindergarten and 1-12 test administration training video

53 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 53 WIDA Consortium / CAL CLIMBS Facilitator Institute/Course Facilitator Institute 4 day train the trainer the workshop Authorizes and prepares participants to facilitate the CLIMBS Course Course Blended learning course (part face-to-face, part online) Overall goal of the CLIMBS course is to improve the language proficiency and academic achievement of ELLs through the formation of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Learn more:

54 Overview of the WIDA Consortium: ELD Standards and Assessment 54 WIDA Consortium / CAL Additional Resources at Access and view the sample ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test items and download the W-APT test materials Take Online ACCESS for ELLs Test Administrator Training Course Read FAQs about WIDA and ACCESS for ELLs Access your state’s page with contact information, important dates, state policies, and local training opportunities Purchase and/or download the WIDA ELD Standards and CAN DO Descriptors Learn more about WIDA staff, products, and services

55 © 2013 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of the WIDA Consortium For more information, please contact the WIDA Client Services Center: 1-866-276-7735 or WIDA Consortium, Center for Applied Linguistics, Questions or Comments? Data Recognition Corporation,

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