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2015 VCE Information Evening Year 11 2015 Subject Selection.

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1 2015 VCE Information Evening Year 11 2015 Subject Selection

2 Reflection

3 7.00pmIntroduction and welcome Reflection Reflections on VCE at CRC Melton Year 11 Subject Selection VCE VCAL Post Year 12 Pathways Subject Selection process 7.45pm Students and parents will have an opportunity to discuss with Domain (Subject) Leaders and other key VCE Teachers selection issues, or learn more about VCE subjects available, or find out about post-secondary school options.

4 At CRC Melton, we offer our students 2 PATHWAYS into 2015 and 2016 VCEVCAL

5 THE VCE PATHWAY: Most students at CRC Melton choose a VCE course of study. It is a pathway to employment, further training or tertiary education at University or TAFE.

6 THE VCAL PATHWAY: The VCAL program has a vocational emphasis. It is an applied learning approach to senior studies. It offers a pathway into employment, traineeships or apprenticeships.

7 VCE SUBJECT SELECTION: For Year 11 you will be required to select: 1. ONE RE subject (1 unit) 2. ONE English subject (2 units) 3. FIVE other subjects (10 units)

8 VCE SUBJECT SELECTION: For Year 12 you will be required to select: 1. ONE RE subject (one unit) 2. ONE English subject (2 units) 3. FOUR other subjects (8 units)

9 VCE SUBJECT SELECTION: Religious Education subjects : 1. Text & Traditions Unit 1 2. Religion & Society Units 3/4

10 VCE SUBJECT SELECTION: English subjects: 1. English 2. Literature* 3. English Language* *approval must be obtained for these subjects

11 VCE SUBJECT SELECTION: Although Maths is not compulsory in VCE, it is recommended that it be chosen at Year 11. These subjects include: 1. Foundation Mathematics 2. General Mathematics 3. Mathematic Methods 4. General Mathematics (Advanced)* 5.Further Mathematics* *approval must be obtained for these subjects General Mathematics (Advanced)* 4. Further Mathematics* *approval must be obtained for these subjects

12 VCE SUBJECT SELECTION: The list of the other subjects offered is in the VCE Handbook.

13 What is VCAL? VCAL is the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning A hands-on option which provides practical work- related experience, as well as literacy and numeracy skills and the opportunity to build personal skills that are important for life and work. VCAL is an accredited Secondary Certificate.

14 What is VCAL intended for? It aims to provide students with the skills, knowledge and attitudes to make informed choices about pathways to work and further education. It a more ‘hands-on’ option. Preparation for Apprenticeships Preparation for the workforce Works in conjunction with TAFE and VET

15 COURSE COMPONENTS Numeracy Literacy Personal Development Work Related Skills Incorporating Unit 1 in Industry and Enterprise Industry Specific Skills (ie. VET course chosen) Work Placement

16 LEVELS OF VCAL Foundation Intermediate Senior The levels are based on the amount of teacher direction and assistance required by the student.

17 TAFE & WORK PLACEMENT TAFE is attended one day per week 90% attendance required Roll taken at the commencement of each period Work placement is attended one day per week Placements are to be arranged by the student before the commencement of the school year

18 SUBJECT SELECTION Where to now?

19 Post Secondary School Options University Cadetship- Combining Employment with University study. VET-Vocational Education and Training (TAFE) Apprenticeships/Traineeships Employment- Full Time, Part Time, Casual

20 Pathway Options for VCE Students VCE or VCE/VET Pre – Apprenticeships Cert I or II Apprenticeship TERTIARY EDUCATION Higher Education VET Employment

21 Pathway Options for VCAL Students VCAL Pre – Apprenticeships Cert I or II Apprenticeship EMPLOYMENT VET

22 Vocational Education and Training Higher Education Certificate I Certificate II Certificate III Certificate IV Diploma Advanced Diploma Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma Some possibilities for senior VCAL Degree POST GRADUATE Graduate Certificate Graduate Diploma Masters Degree Doctoral Degree TRAINING AND EDUCATION PATHWAYS VCAL VCE

23 Pre-Apprenticeship provided by TAFE or other VET providers and generally take 12 to 16 weeks. prepares individuals for an apprenticeship by teaching basic skills of the trade. The training provider often helps the student find an employer once the course is finished. Apprenticeship or Traineeship learn skills in a particular industry by working and training on the job. In most cases, there is off-the-job training as well, usually with a TAFE institute or a private training provider. skills and qualifications are recognised across Australia, and by employers in your industry. usually take 3 to 4 years to complete. A traineeship usually involves training and coursework over a 12 month period. OTHER FORMS OF TRAINING

24 4 things to consider when choosing your course: 1. The career path you are considering pursuing. 2. What you are good at. 3. What you enjoy. 4. Prerequisites & recommended subjects

25 CHECKING PRE-REQUISITES VTAC – Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre ( VICTER 2017- Victorian Tertiary Entrance Requirements CourseLink- Build a VCE Program and allows you to check pre- requisite studies for courses of interest

26 GENERALLY… Math Methods is a prerequisite for nearly all university engineering, computer science and some biomedical or general science courses. Some biological environmental, medical science courses require Further Maths or year 11 maths Most nursing & primary school teaching = minimum of 2 units of maths. Year 11 maths is sufficient Some TAFE courses specify year 11 maths or year 12 Further Maths Check VICTER 2017

27 SELECTION CRITERIA Pre-requisites Recommended Studies ATAR Folios Portfolios Interviews Work experience- voluntary, paid, school

28 WHAT TO SELECT? Religious Education is compulsory for all Years 11 and 12 students. Two options Option 1: Year 11 RE (Text & Traditions Unit 1) Option 2: Religion and Society Units 3/4 Your current Year 10 RE teacher will help you decide the best option for you.

29 Considering the above, record your proposed 2015 Religious Education study on the last page of this guide. 2014 Year 10 Religious Education Teacher only This student is best suited for ______________________________________ in 2015. Comments:_________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Teacher Name & Initialed: ______________________________________

30 English Pathways English Group: Students must study at least one of VCE Units 1/2 English, VCE Units 1/2 English Language or VCE Units 1/2 Literature for the whole year.

31 2014 Year 10 English Teacher only This student is best suited for ______________________________________ in 2015. Comments:____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Teacher Name & Initialed: ______________________________________

32 Maths Pathways Options: Core General Mathematics Units 1/2 Mathematical Methods Units 1/2 Foundation Mathematics Units 1/2 Additions VCE 1/2 General Maths Advanced Further Maths Units 3/4

33 2014 Year 10 Mathematics Teacher only This student is best suited for ______________________________________ in 2015. Comments:____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Teacher Name & Initialed: ______________________________________

34 OTHER Most students completes studies in a further five subjects. Subject choice is yours – there are no restrictions like Year 10. Most will be VCE Unit 1/2 studies VCE Units 3/4 studies available to some students

35 Units 3 & 4 If selecting a Unit 3/4 subject then students will need to: Complete Section 5 of the selection guide Show a high level of academic success in relevant Year 10 subjects Display excellent work habits

36 2015 Year 11 SUBJECT SELECTIONS Read through the ‘Guide’ thoroughly. Fill in sections If unsure about any aspect ask questions and write down questions you want answered at interview Rank/rate your proposed choices Book an interview time with your Homeroom teacher

37 Submitting your Initial Selections Fill in your 2015 Year 11 Initial Subject Selections page. Then use your Web Preferences Access Guide to lodge your selections on-line. You have a unique Access Code and Password.

38 SUBMITTING YOUR SUBJECT SELECTION Staple your Web Preferences receipt to the Selections sheet Submit to your Homeroom teacher by August 8th.

39 SUBJECT SELECTION DATES Thursday 31st July: VCE Subject Selection Interview Wednesday 8th August: Online VCE Subject Selection DUE

40 YOUR CHANCE TO ASK QUESTIONS Domain Leaders: Shaun Coates (Religious Education Coordinator) Lauren Hill (English) Ingrid Jahnke (Mathematics) Daniela Harrington (Humanities) Matthew Pitman (Health & Physical Education) Lauren Prout (Science) Yvonne Wood (Technology) Paul Iannazzo(Information technology) Jessica Conte (LOTE) Amy Rowley( Arts)

41 Contact details John Christie Narelle Layton Lydia Jovanovic Pauline Jakobovic Susan Henry

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