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Chapter 1: The History of Psychology. Unit 1 Psychology’s History and Approaches Define psychology-science of behavior and mental processes Nature v.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1: The History of Psychology. Unit 1 Psychology’s History and Approaches Define psychology-science of behavior and mental processes Nature v."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1: The History of Psychology

2 Unit 1 Psychology’s History and Approaches Define psychology-science of behavior and mental processes Nature v. Nurture Wilhelm Wundt-father of Psych-est. psy as independent dicipline -first psych lab Germany Structuralism-Edward Titchener/introspection (response to own sensations) Functionalism-William James (wrote The Principles of Psychology) Mary Calkins-1 st women president of APA 1905 Margaret Floy Washburn -first women Ph.D-2 nd APA president 1921

3 Psychological Approaches/Perspectives Biological/Biomedical psychology Biological/Biomedical psychology Evolutionary psychology Psychodynamic psychology Behavioral psychology Cognitive psychology Humanistic psychology Social-cultural psychology Biopsychosocial

4 Unit 1- Eight Perspectives 1. Psychoanalytic-unconscious childhood experiences (Frued) 2. Behavioral-rewards (reinforcements) and punishments impact on behavior/learning/ Ivan Pavlov (Classical Cond.), John Watson (-classical conditioning, father of behaviorism), BF Skinner (operant conditioning) 3. Biological/biomedical-brain chemistry/body systems 4. Evolutionary-reproduction/survival (Darwin) 5. Humanistic-innate potential for growth-Maslow & Rogers 6. Socio-cultural/Social Learning/Socio Cultural- imitation of models/one’s culture (Bandura) 7. Bio/psycho/social-combination of perspectives 8. Cognitive-problem solving. language; interpretation of situations, irrational beliefs and ideas Gestalt Psychology= whole of anything (human mind/behaviors) is greater than its individual parts/the sum of its parts

5 Unit 1 Psychology Experimental psychology Clinical psychology Counseling psychology Developmental psychology Personality psychology Industrial/Organizational psychology Educational/school psychology Social psychology Psychometrics-tests to measure psychological variables (intelligence, aptitude, and personality traits)

6 Wundt Father of Psychology

7 Wilhelm Wundt’s International Influence G. Stanley Hall (1846-1924)Student of Wuntz: –Established first psych. laboratory in the U.S. in 1883-John Hopkins U

8 For Wundt Psychology became the scientific study of conscious experience (things that we were aware of)

9 The Battle of the “Schools” in the U.S.: Structuralism vs. Functionalism Structuralism – Edward Titchener, an Englishman, came to US in 1892- taught at Cornell -earned degree in Wundt’s Germany lab –Analyze consciousness into basic elements: 1.Introspection – careful, systematic observations of one’s own conscious experience-subjects exposed to auditory tones, optical illusions and stimuli that they and one needed to analyze his experience Formed in response to Structuralism: –Gestalt Psychology= whole of anything (human mind/behaviors) is greater than its individual parts/the sum of its parts

10 Edward Titchener

11 The Battle of the “Schools” in the U.S.: Structuralism vs. Functionalism Functionalism – William James (Harvard Teacher). Structuralism went to the laboratory while functionalists focused on how people adapt their behavior to real world demands -Investigate function (what does it do) of consciousness rather than its structure He wrote The Principles of Psychology (1890- study of the mind, sensation, memory and reason)

12 William James

13 Psychology’s Roots Thinking About the Mind’s Function –Mary Calkins (1 st women President of APA-1905- Harvard denied her a degree) –Margaret Floy Washburn (first women Ph.D-2 nd APA president 1921)

14 Psychological Science Develops Sigmund Freud

15 Sigmund Freud and the Concept of the Unconscious Mind Sigmund Freud (1856-1939): Austria- medical doctor who treated mental disorders such as irrational fears, anxieties and obsessions Founded Psychoanalytic school of thought Emphasis on unconscious processes influencing behavior, esp. Childhood experiences –Unconscious (thoughts, memories, desires)= outside awareness

16 Freud’s Ideas: Controversy and Influence Behavior is influenced by the unconscious (as is motivation, mental disorders, personality) Unconscious conflict related to sexuality plays a central role in behavior Controversial (criticized for being unscientific and unreliable) Significant influence on the field of psychology =First to do therapy-on women who had conversion disorders

17 Behaviorism: Redefining Psychology- Pure NURTURE (environment) John B. Watson (1878-1958): United States –Founder of Behaviorism (Little Albert) Psychology = scientific study of behavior Behavior = overt or observable responses or activities (only that we can see) –Radical reorientation of psychology as a science of observable behavior –Study of consciousness abandoned Classical Conditioning

18 John B. Watson 1878-1958 Behaviorism- alters psychologies course

19 John Watson and the Nature-Nurture Debate Nurture, not nature –“give me a dozen healthy infants, well- formed, and my own special world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, and yes, even beggar-man and thief…” Behaviorist school of thought emphasized the environment (nurture) Focus on stimulus-response relationships S-R psychology

20 BF Skinner 1904- 1990 operant conditioning- pigons /rats Environmental factors determine behavior Responses that lead to positive outcomes are repeated Responses that lead to negative outcomes are not repeated

21 BF Skinner 1904-1990 Beyond Freedom and Dignity - free will an illusion. -showed he could have control over behavior by manipulating the outcome of responses..

22 The 1950’s: Opposition to Psychoanalytic Theory and Behaviorism A new school of thought emerged - Humanism –Led by Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) and Carl Rogers (1902-1987) –Emphasis on the unique qualities of humans: freedom of choice, personal growth, and take responsibility for own behaviors

23 Abraham Maslow Carl Rogers

24 Putting the Psyche Back in Psychology: The Return of Cognition Cognition = refers to mental processes involved in acquiring knowledge (perception, problem solving, memory, language) and also how we think about our situations and problems 1950’s and 60’s – Piaget (children’s development) Chomsky (language acquisition)

25 Cognitive Perspective Internal mental events (the things we think) impact behavior Self talk Peoples mental images effect how they behave. How one interprets a situation effects how one reacts.

26 Biological Psychology: The Biological Basis of Behavior –Biological perspective - behavior explained in terms of physiological/ biochemical processes-I flee a situation because certain chemicals are released that make me feel fear James Olds (1956) –Electrical stimulation of the brain evokes emotional responses in animals Roger Sperry (1981) –Left and right brain specialization –Split brain studies cats and monkies

27 Cultural or socio-cultural Psychology: Recognizing Human Variation Ethnocentrism – viewing one’s own group as superior and as the standard for judging the worth of foreign ways

28 Evolutionary Psychology: Human Adaptations Natural selection occurs for behavioral, as well as physical, characteristics-We act the way we do to ensure reproductive success and future generations (and survival) Skills passed to future generations EX: good spatial skills because I am a women who gathers food-this skill was passed to me

29 Positive Psychology Martin Seligman’s Humanist concerns revisited Uses theory and research to better understand the positive, creative, and fulfilling aspects of humans –Positive subjective experiences –Positive individual traits –Positive institutions and communities

30 Figure 1.8 Major research areas in contemporary psychology

31 Figure 1.9 Principal professional specialties in contemporary psychology

32 Psychological Approaches/Perspectives


34 Table 1.1 Overview of Six Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives in Psychology

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