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Objective: In writing I will take Cornell notes and summarize Maslow’s idea of self-actualization and Carl Roger’s view of human behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: In writing I will take Cornell notes and summarize Maslow’s idea of self-actualization and Carl Roger’s view of human behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: In writing I will take Cornell notes and summarize Maslow’s idea of self-actualization and Carl Roger’s view of human behavior.

2 What is the focus of Humanistic Psychology?  Emphasizes personal growth & achievement  Of  Each unique individual All human beings strive for self- actualization! In your own words define self- actualization.

3  Based his theory on studies “healthy, creative, self-actualizing people”  Studied the most productive  EX: Lincoln, E. Roosevelt, Einstein  Self-Actualized ppl. share traits Humanistic Psychology-Maslow

4 What traits do self-actualized people share?  Perceive reality accurately  Accept themselves  Problem-centered  Strong sense of identity  Strong sense of humor  Spontaneous  Appreciative of the simple, ETC.  To get here…you must first satisfy what?

5 Summarize Maslow’s idea of Self- Actualization using p.393-394  When you are done with your summary please swap notebooks with a partner.  Take 2 minutes to discuss your summary.  Be ready to share your partners summary

6 Humanistic Psychology - Rogers  “clients” vs. “patients”  Path to self-actualization or “full functioning”  Belief: We suffer from a conflict b/w what we value vs. what we believe others value in us  Every person wants to realize potentialities

7 What did Roger say an individual has? P.395  Self?  Positive regard?  Conditions of worth?  Ppl cope with conditions of worth by…  rejecting parts of their person that do not fit self-concept  Gap b/w self & the person  WHAT HAPPENS W/ Greater GAP?  CURE: unconditional positive regard ; Accept you and what/who you are  Fully functioning: person & self are 1

8 Summarize what Roger meant by being fully functioning? 396  When you are done with summary please swap notebooks with a partner.  Take 2 minutes to discuss your summary.  Be ready to share your partners summary

9 Ticket out  Do you think any person can develop a self-actualized personality, regardless of his or he social or economic status? Explain

10 Cognitive Theory - Kelly  Based his theory on an analysis of our perception of ourselves & our environment  Personality = our thoughts about ourselves (Personal Construct Theory)  Our ideas of ourselves, others, and of our world shape our behavior & our personalities (think schemas)  We are Masters of our destiny not victims

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