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Teaching English Language Learners _______________________________ Implementing WIDA and TESOL.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching English Language Learners _______________________________ Implementing WIDA and TESOL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching English Language Learners _______________________________ Implementing WIDA and TESOL

2 Introduction ELLs (English Language Learners) need time and support to become proficient in academic areas. On average, academic language proficiency develops more slowly (5 – 7 years). The more limited the educational background of the ELLs, the more the teacher will need to scaffold instruction.

3 Student Enrollment H ow do ELL students end up in my class? Placement protocol Home Language Survey W-APT Screening (Score <5.0) Qualify VS Non-qualify PSP (Program Services Plan)/Accommodations* *as determined by LAC meeting

4 Building Your Background Knowledge: What you need to know about Second Language Acquisition

5 What are BICS? Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) are language skills needed in social situations. ELLs use BICS during social interactions in a meaningful social context (e.g., party, talking to a friend, in the halls at school). BICS are acquired rather quickly (1-3 years)

6 What is CALP? Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency refers to formal academic learning. It involves a more comprehensive and complex set of language skills. This level of language learning is essential for students’ success in school. Students need CALP to understand textbooks and to take standardized tests.

7 …more on CALP ELLs need time and support to become proficient in academic areas. CALP develops more slowly (5-7 years) The more limited the educational background of the ELLs, the more the teacher will need to scaffold instruction


9 The Stages of Language Development Preproduction Silent Stage/ 500 receptive words/ up to 6 months Early Production 6 months/ 1-2 word phrases/ yes-no, who, what, where? Speech Emergence 1 year/ 3000 words/ short phrases/ Can I go to the bathroom? Intermediate Fluency 1 more year/ 6000 words/ complex statements/ state opinion Fluency 5-7 years/ content area vocabulary/ participate fully in classroom area instruction

10 ELL Student Types (status) Active Direct Instruction/Accommodations / ESL State testing (Access for ELLs) Transition Collaboration or Consultation / Accommodations/ Monitoring / ESL State Testing (Access for ELLs) Waived No ESL services /ESL State Testing (Access for ELLs) RFEP Exited/ Monitor for 2 years/ No Accommodations /No ESL State Testing (Access for ELLs)

11 State Required ELL Assessments W-APT Screening Upon entrance WIDA Access for ELLs January testing window (4 weeks) KCCT/CATS End of year

12 WIDA Access for ELLs @ (World-class Instructional Design and Assessment) Assesses content language across the four domains (listening, speaking, reading, writing) Content areas include: Social & Instructional Language Language of Language Arts Language of Mathematics Language of Science Language of Social Studies Organized by tiers (A,B,C) and clusters

13 Understanding WIDA Access for ELLs WIDA (World-class Instructional Design and Assessment) Scoring and Levels: SCORELANGUAGE LEVELDESCRIPTOR 1EnteringNEP – no English proficiency 2BeginningLEP – high beginning to low-intermediate 3DevelopingLEP – intermediate 4ExpandingLEP – high intermediate to advanced 5 – 6RFEPReached Fluent Language Proficiency

14 WIDA Content Standards Crosses the 4 Domains (speaking, listening, reading & writing) in 5 content areas Assists teachers in determining realistic objectives for ELL students in their classes Assists with creating and grading classroom assessments Assists with determining appropriate accommodations and/or modifications Organized with both Formative and Summative frameworks and sample topics

15 Elements of the Model Performance Indicators (MPI) The Language Function (power verb, tells kids what to do) The Content Stem (related to the topic, standards based) The Support or Strategy (always listed at levels 1,2,3)

16 A Model Performance Indicator (MPI) Explain uses of information about math operations using realia or manipulatives support / scaffold teaching strategy language content

17 Two Standards Frameworks Formative Corresponds to everyday classroom practice Includes visual, graphic, and interactive supports Contains Model Performance Indicators that include strategies, technology, and long-term projects Summative Is agreeable to large-scale testing under standardized conditions Includes visual and graphic supports Contains model performance indicators that are observable and measurable

18 Performance Definitions

19 Speaking & Writing Performance Expectations %20Rubrics.pdf %20Rubrics.pdf

20 CAN DO Descriptors

21 Performance Indicators Grade level clusters PreK – 5 Grade level clusters 6 – 12

22 Where are your students in WIDA? Group Activity Use the WIDA Standards to identify the student’s level and abilities in each content area Discuss how this tool will help guide instruction for the ELLs in your class.

23 TESOL: Language Objectives TESOL: Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages What are language proficiency standards and how do I know where my students fit? 1&DID=13323 1&DID=13323 Language Objectives, Desciptors, and Sample Progress Indicators: 8tesol.html 8tesol.html

24 Application How will you modify your lesson plans to meet the needs of your ELL students?

25 References Cammilleri, A., Cranley, E. & Gottlieb, M. (2007). Understanding the WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards: A Resource Guide (3 rd Edition). Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System: Herrera, Socorro G. & Murry, Kevin G. (2005). Mastering ESL and bilingual methods: Differentiated instruction for culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Inc. (2007). ESL standards for pre-k-12 students, online edition. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Inc. (2006). Pre K – 12 English language proficiency standards framework. WIDA Consortium (2007). World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment. Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System:

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