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Millennium/Agresso Interface Yvonne Desmond, Gillian Donagher, Dublin Institute of Technology

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Presentation on theme: "Millennium/Agresso Interface Yvonne Desmond, Gillian Donagher, Dublin Institute of Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Millennium/Agresso Interface Yvonne Desmond, Gillian Donagher, Dublin Institute of Technology

2 What is the interface?  Oxford Dictionary definition “A meeting point, common ground between 2 parties, systems or disciplines.” Getting Millennium to talk to Agresso  Purpose Avoid duplication of effort Decrease operator error

3 Preparation  Make sure 2 systems understand the same thing Fund codes matched to Agresso fund codes Vendor records have alt vendor field completed  Fund linkage established via External Fund Code Table (vital)

4 Fund Codes  Each library fund must have counterpart in Agresso For example  AACM (Applied Arts Rathmines House) = to DB 54 3307 Do this for each fund.

5 Vendor Records  Get a list of vendor codes from Agresso.  Insert the Agresso code in field D (alt vend) of the vendor record Example Open Book Company is 2515 in Agresso

6 Vendor Record

7 External Fund Code Table Linkage Each Millenium fund code must be placed in the external fund code table Millennium in order to map to the correct Agresso code accesses the fund code table. So AACM = DB 54 3307 because it is 009 on the external fund code table

8 External Fund Code Table  Telnet version Maintenance of financial files Option E  If do not put in an entry on this table, system will default to the first fund on the table.

9 External Fund Code Table

10 Interface Process FTP Download IT tidy it upImported Checked/amended Put back on Finance server Clear Payment History File File created

11 FTP out of Millennium using option H on Telnet

12 Options

13 Using S>Send vouchers out of Innopac using FTS

14 File Name

15 Renamed file

16 Things to remember Choose right server! Remember file must have.out at end Make name meaningful Do at regular intervals (interval dependant on size of PHF…10,000 items. Can always do it again!

17 Mission successful

18 Transfer the file onto own PC using FTP

19 ASCI method

20 Click and drag file

21 Overwrite if asked

22 Interfacing  File is sitting on own PC (the download)  Import into the interface so can print reports and check against the invoices  Make any corrections  Recreate the file with the changes  Send it back to finance server  Done and dusted!

23 Points to remember  Customised for DIT, book funds only  Base currency in Millennium is Euro  Best if suppliers will agree to invoice in Euro  Responsibility is on the interfacer  File going into Agresso is cleared for payment  No further checks and balances in Finance but can be

24 Menu options

25 Import innopac.dat Screen shows detail of last file imported, If imported already in current calendar month, will be queried.

26 View file View Innopac invoices to ensure have the right file. Check details against physical invoices…cannot print at this stage

27 Batch ID indicates relevant month..current on top of list. This is a view only screen…if correct file, proceed If not use the delete option

28 Select query mode, select relevant batch id and details will fill screen

29 Actions available to you…delete, process, amend

30 Process File  Once have decided it is the right file Click on Process in tool bar and select process option  File processes in a few seconds  Once processed, cannot delete file in the interface

31 Reports  In order to physically check invoices against the file..use Reports option.  2 main reports Innopac invoice detail report Innopac invoice summary report

32 Reports Menu Procedures are the same no matter which option you choose Prints to local or networked PC

33 Detailed report

34 Invoice Summary report  Vendor code,  Invoice number,  Voucher number,  PO number  Agresso fund code  Invoice Date  Line amounts + additional amounts  Total per invoice

35 Summary report

36 Summary Report  Vendor code  Batch ID  Vendor name  Number of invoices  Total amount per vendor  Overall total

37 Amend the File  Mistakes! Reversed on Millenium and reinput  Use process option on toolbar  Select amend function  Are amending data that has come from Millenium before it goes to Agresso (do not want to pay it)  Net result Agresso gets a clean file to process

38 Amend File

39 Information to go to Agresso is ticked, All fields are enter invoice number and will get details Can alter any data except batch id Remove credit card payments, credit notes, cancellations etc. All changes are audited and Amended Records Report is hard copy

40 Invoice already reversed in Millenium  Invoice shows as plus amount  Same invoice shows as minus amount  Cancels each other out  When put the invoice up again in Millenium, change the number eg 2408 becomes 2408a

41 Foreign Currencies If possible, don’t have them! Base currency outputted is Euro  Sterling Payment  Change currency flag to sterling flag as in Agresso.. GBP  Change amount field to show sterling amount  Amount must go over as sterling so Agresso can deal with conversion to Euro

42 Create Agresso File  select process option from toolbar  Create Agresso file  Once this file is created, cannot go back and make any changes  This is what Agresso will see and any further changes will have to be made in Agresso

43 Transferring File to Finance  Using FTP, access finance server  Asci transfer method  Navigate to correct directory on finance server  Select file called innoagresso.dat from own PC  Click and drag to finance directory

44 Finally……  Run Agresso summary report  Run Agresso detailed report  Send to finance with invoices  Clear Payment History File on Millenium (vital!)

45 Summary  Interface is simple to use Download once a month  Same techniques for each stage Once familiar, becomes very familiar  Audit trail All changes recorded and archived

46 Sequence  Output file from Telnet to Finance  Pull file from finance to own PC  Import into the interface program  Transfer file from own PC back to Finance  File pulled into Agresso

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