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Presented By Thomas Wilson President, Secure Safety Consultants.

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1 Presented By Thomas Wilson President, Secure Safety Consultants

2  Agenda  Attitudes  Distracted Driving  “Accident” (collision, crash, wreck)  Driving patterns  Traffic Laws, State, City, Bicycle  Traffic Crash Problems  Collision Concepts

3  Attitudes  Social acceptance of fatal collisions (Mt St. Helens)  Lack of awareness (Legislative)  Discourteous  Impatience  Poor knowledge of traffic laws  “Me” attitude  Poor knowledge of speed vs distance

4  ACCIDENT  “An event occurring by chance or arising from unknown causes”.  Human error causes 85% of all collisions  Mechanical failures 10%  Poor maintenance by owner 5%  Failure to determine “root cause”  “I’m not at fault, it was just an accident”

5  DD is “any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving. All distractions endanger driver, passenger, and bystander safety.  The human brain cannot multitask.  The following types of distractions include:  Category 2 is classified as diversion.  (anything higher than a category 2 is dangerous. You are minimally engaged as a driver)

6  Texting (the most alarming distraction) 2  Using a cell or smartphone 2  Eating and drinking 2  Talking to passengers 2  Grooming 2  Reading, including maps 3  Using a navigation system 3  Watching a video 4  Adjusting a radio, CD player, or MP3 player 3  Doing Math/memory problems, smoking pot 5

7  Traffic Laws, State, City and County (How many? Who makes them?) Turns, Lane Usage  If all drivers obeyed traffic laws, 70% reduction in collisions  Highway Crashes (drop in levels until 2014)  DD Motor Vehicle Costs $129 Billion last year (Cost per employer ROI) Loss up to 21.4%.  Medical Marijuana  Driving Tip #1 (Placement of hands/Air Bags)

8  Inexperience( Inattention )  Inconsistent Speed  Improper Distance  Impairment (DUI, Cell Phone)

9  Impatient  Discourteous  Preoccupied  Untrained  Careless  Me First  Aggressive  “Furious” Driver  Role Playing

10  Total in 2014109,554  Fatal Crashes708  Who died?544 (M), 227 (F), 3 (UNK.)  Peak Crash DayFriday (18,759)  More Fatal Crashes Saturday (150)  Alcohol FactorFatal = 34%4% All  Day72% of all crashes  Night50% of all fatal wrecks  Drivers Fatal10-35 (158), 35-65 (189), 65+ (76)

11  Lap/Shoulder Safety Belts (Secondary AZ)  Fatal injury reduced by 45%  Moderate to critical 50%  73% of all occupants ejected were killed  Collision of Vehicle/Human Process  1 st ImpactVehicle (another vehicle, etc.)  2 nd ImpactHuman Collision (1/50 th of a second)  3 rd ImpactInternal Organs into Ribs (1/10 th )  Child Restraints  Under 5 years (4 ft. 9 inches or 80 pounds)  Booster Seats now in effect.  The safest position in center of back seat

12  Air Bags  Always use with seat belts  Do not place infant or small children in a seat equipped with an airbag.  Maintain at least 10 inches from an airbag.  Deaths in Frontal Crashes reduced 40%.  Combo of seat belt and airbag reduced head injuries by 81%.  Follow tip #1 and keep hands and arms at positions 9/3 or 8/4.

13  How much time do you really save?  Short trips of 5-30 miles (20-50 seconds)  Trips of 15 miles (60 seconds)  Trips of 30 miles (2 minutes)  How much time does the average human waste daily? (non-productive, sleep excluded)  Speed increases, eyes are forced to look further ahead.  Field of vision narrows creating a form of tunnel vision.

14  2013---18% of all drivers under 20 in fatal crashes were distracted. Top age group.  For drivers 15-19 involved in fatal crashes, 27% were using cell phones. (NHTSA)  At any given moment across the America, approximately 2 Million drivers are using cellphones or manipulating electronic devices while driving. (NOPUS)  As of December 2013, over 153.3 billion text messages were sent in the US every month (includes PR, Territories & Guam) (CTIA)  Causes of Death: Homicide-15-18,000, AIDS-15-16,000, MV Collisions-33,000 yearly. (2014 40,000)

15  Sending or receiving a text takes a driver’s eyes from the road for an average 4.6 seconds, the equivalent-at 55 mph-of driving the length of an entire football field, blind. (300 feet)  Headset (hands free) cell phone use is not safer than hand-held use. (University of Utah Study)  A quarter of teens respond to a text message once or more every time they drive. 20% of teens and 10% of parents admit that they have extended, multi-message text conversations while driving (UMTRI)  Insurance companies are requiring DD policies. If no policy exists, rates are higher.

16  Hands-free cellphone systems now installed in vehicles from the factory distract drivers as much as holding a device to your ear.  Road tests and driving simulators indicate that drivers engaged in a series of side activities fail at a high rate to maintain control of their vehicles.  Infotainment systems  Statistics and research information obtained via 

17  Arizona is leader (#1) in the US for fatalities in the intersection. (It is safer in Iraq)  Phoenix is #1 in the US for red light violations. Tucson was #2.  Reverse Bell Curve (16-25, 26-40, 41-65, 66-75, 76-85)  Eisenhower Law (5 miles of straight road on interstate highways)

18  More than 80% of all collisions occur less than 40 miles per hour.  Most death-causing collisions occur within 25 miles of the victim’s home.  The chances of being killed are 25 times greater if you are thrown out of the car  Fatalities involving un-belted occupants have been recorded at speeds less than 12 MPH.  Auto crashes are the leading cause of death of American children under the age of 5

19  Only 7% of child safety seats are installed and used correctly.(  A child held in a passenger’s lap may be crushed against the dashboard or other objects in the car.  The safest position for a child safety seat is in the center of the rear seat.  Tip #2 adjustment of outside rear view mirrors

20  We have collisions, wrecks and crashes. NOT ACCIDENTS. (Fatal Vehicle Accident?)  Keep your hands and arms away from the air bag.  Use proper mirror adjustments to eliminate blind spots.  Don’t be involved in a $10,000 DUI ride home.  Currently defense cost average $40,000+  Make proper turns and lane usage  Keep aware of road and driver conditions at all times.  Be courteous.


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