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Common Fund Report Stefania Ricciardi/Paul Soler CM41 RAL, 10/2/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Fund Report Stefania Ricciardi/Paul Soler CM41 RAL, 10/2/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Fund Report Stefania Ricciardi/Paul Soler CM41 RAL, 10/2/2015

2 MICE Census 2014/15 Green: List confirmed by PI Since last report we received clarification from DOE and Warwick This is now final

3 MICE Levy 2014-15 (3k £/PhD holder) Bulgaria 3 = 9k (in kind? no funding) Italy 4 = 12k (in kind) Japan 1 = 3k (re-invoiced for 2013/14 to split contribution in two halves– not paid; no invoice for 2014/15 yet) Netherlands 1 =3k (invoice paid) CERN 1 = 3k (invoice paid) Switzerland 3 = 9k (invoice paid) UK 28 = 84k (internal transfer) USA DOE 17 = 51k (invoice not paid) USA NSF 5 = 15k (in kind) TOTAL 63 = £189k (153 cash, 36k in kind)

4 Common fund summary 2008-2015 MICE Common Fund summary sheet IncomeExpenditure Financial Contribution (£k)Category£k LevyCollection CashKind year CashKindTotalInvoicedReceivedValueTotal 2014/1563eligible collaborators153361896615 Expenditure to end of December 2014 57.5 2013/1462eligible collaborators Total1444218614113830165Total94.4 2012/1361eligible collaborators Total15627183153147 Total expenditure100.68 2011/1260eligible collaborators Total1443618013815321174Total expenditure152.53 2010/1160eligible collaborators Total1473318015014730177Total196.50 2009/1057eligible collaborators Total1502117115013812150Total149.27 2008/0964eligible collaborators Total192 1593162Total471.80  DOE – 3k overpay in 2013/14 used to pay for Kaplan’s contribution in 2013/14  Japan invoices for 2013/2014 revoked, partly re-invoiced: Osaka (1.5k), KEK (1.5k) x2 [request to split contribution in two 1.5K each to be paid half a year apart]

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