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$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Citizenship Political Process American Documents Government Random stuff The bugs Mr. Hixson Vocabulary Play Double Jeopardy.

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3 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Citizenship Political Process American Documents Government Random stuff The bugs Mr. Hixson Vocabulary Play Double Jeopardy

4 VOCABULARY $100 What term means that everyone, including government officials must obey the law

5 VOCABULARY $200 What type of government is based on the belief that the «people are in charge»

6 VOCABULARY $300 What term means that the «people are the source of government power»

7 VOCABULARY $400 A right that all Americans have to communicate with the government without fear of being punished

8 VOCABULARY $500 Whenever a person helps out their local school or community they are doing ___________ __________

9 CITIZENSHIP $100 What does Patriotism mean?

10 CITIZENSHIP $200 What amendment defines what Citizenship is and how an immigrant can become a citizen?

11 CITIZENSHIP $300 What are the first five freedoms granted in the First Amendment?

12 CITIZENSHIP $400 What are Civic Duties? What are Civic Responsibilities? Give an example of each

13 CITIZENSHIP $500 What are the three requirements for an immigrant to become a Naturalized citizen

14 POLITICAL PROCESS $100 What is the term for officially picking a candidate to run for office?

15 POLITICAL PROCESS $200 What three factors determine whether someone votes on election day?

16 POLITICAL PROCESS $300 Where would a voter look to find out what each candidate wants to do once they are elected?

17 POLITICAL PROCESS $400 What is the Purpose of 3rd Parties in elections?

18 POLITICAL PROCESS $500 What was the purpose of passing campaign finance laws because of the rising costs of campaigns?

19 AMERICAN DOCUMENTS $100 What document was our first form of government, which failed miserably

20 AMERICAN DOCUMENTS $200 The Charters of the Virginia Company of London established what idea in the colonies?

21 AMERICAN DOCUMENTS $300 The Bill of Rights were influenced by what earlier document?

22 AMERICAN DOCUMENTS $400 What document written by Thomas Jefferson believed that all people have a right to freedom of religion and speech?

23 AMERICAN DOCUMENTS $500 What document set up the belief that the new government will be based on MAJORITY RULE, but will still protect the RIGHTS of the MINORITY?

24 GOVERNMENT $100 What document states the colonies greivences in order to break away from England.

25 GOVERNMENT $200 What form of government is NOT all-powerful and may only do what is allowed by the people?

26 GOVERNMENT $300 What are the first TEN amendments to the US Constitution called?

27 GOVERNMENT $400 Complete the Chart Propose Ratify US Constitution Amendment Propose Ratify VA Constitution Amendment

28 GOVERNMENT $500 Complete the Chart Executive Legislative Judicial WHO WHAT THEY DO



31 MR HIXSON HAS LOST HIS MIND $300 I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN IF YOU DON’T VOTE! “What are the qualifications to vote?

32 MR HIXSON HAS LOST HIS MIND $400 ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! What part of the US Constitution begins with “We the PEOPLE”

33 MR HIXSON HAS LOST HIS MIND $500 YOU BETTER NOT MISS THIS!!!! “What is the official job of the Electoral College?!?!?!”


35 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 GeographicalRegionsVocabularyDocumentsPresidentsPotpourriFirstAmericans Play Final Jeopardy

36 FIRST AMERICANS $200 You might want to bring a tool to cut the ice in order for you to start fishing for your dinner if you were a part of this Native American tribe.

37 FIRST AMERICANS $400 If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that I saw this Native American tribe wearing tree bark and plants for clothes.

38 FIRST AMERICANS $600 I would hate to be a historian for the Kwakiutl tribe. It would be impossible for me to carry around this form for recording their family history.

39 FIRST AMERICANS $800 This Native American tribe would have been the one to teach new farming techniques to the English, given where they lived in North America.

40 FIRST AMERICANS $1000 It is safe to say that this Native American tribe’s environment was exactly opposite of the Inuit’s environment.

41 GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS $200 The Ohio River, Mississippi River, and Missouri River all meet up in this geographical region.

42 GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS $400 If it wasn’t for the 135 degree heat in places like Death Valley, this geographical region would be a great vacation spot.

43 GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS $600 Because of weathering, this geographical region is said to be the oldest mountain range in North America.

44 GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS $800 This vast region is where the nomadic Souix traveled following the herds of buffalo.

45 GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS $1000 Just because it is shaped like a horseshoe does not mean it is lucky for all the Canadians that live there.

46 VOCABULARY $200 The belief that one’s country to supreme.

47 VOCABULARY $400 Trade, Gold, and Natural Resources

48 VOCABULARY $600 Law-making body

49 VOCABULARY $800 Rights that can not be taken away.

50 VOCABULARY $1000 Having enough (ie. Supplies)

51 DOCUMENTS $200 Was approved on July 4, 1776

52 DOCUMENTS $400 This was the first attempt at creating a new government but had more weaknesses then strengths.

53 DOCUMENTS $600 “… all men created equal.” in this document did not include slaves or women at the time it was written.

54 DOCUMENTS $800 Even though Lord Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown it was not until this document was signed that England recognized the colonies’ independence.

55 DOCUMENTS $1000 This document establish the nation’s system of federalism because its predecessor created too weak a national government.

56 PRESIDENTS $200 After defeating the British, this colonial general became the first president under the U.S. Constitution.

57 PRESIDENTS $400 If the United States had not won the War of 1812, then this President elected after the war could not warn Europe in his doctrine.

58 PRESIDENTS $600 Political parties were created during George Washington’s presidency, but it was not until this president’s administration that there was created a two- party system in our government.

59 PRESIDENTS $800 Lewis and Clark followed this President’s orders and explored the Louisiana territory after he purchased it from the French.

60 PRESIDENTS $1000 This founding father wrote the Bill of Rights to the Constitution, and whose presidency was later tested during the War of 1812.

61 POTPOURRI $200 These people were the main source of labor in the southern colonies.

62 POTPOURRI $400 The environment and climate effected the way in which these basic needs of the Native Americans were met as a means to survive.

63 POTPOURRI $600 This body of water was explored by explorers such as Francisco Coronado.

64 POTPOURRI $800 Water is scarce in the Basin and Range, unlike this geographical region where there are harbors filled with water for boats to drop anchor.

65 POTPOURRI $1000 Prince Henry began a profitable trade route on his way to India involving these three civilizations (societies).



68 Dissatisfaction arose at the end of the French and Indian War due to King George establishing this line, in order to keep the colonists from moving west past the Appalachian Highlands to ease the strained relationship with the Native American tribes.


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