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“Beyond Fed-up” Introduction to Place2Be 14 th October 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "“Beyond Fed-up” Introduction to Place2Be 14 th October 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Beyond Fed-up” Introduction to Place2Be 14 th October 2014

2 About Place2Be Who we are National award-winning charity established in 1994 Dedicated to supporting schools to improve children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing What we do School-based Counselling (4-14 years) Advice and Support for school / community-based professionals Training and Capacity Building Where we work 22 areas across UK, with over 230 schools supported through direct service accessible to 80,000+ pupils Current partnerships with 200+ primary schools and 30+ secondary schools across the UK Cluster of 11 established school projects in Cardiff and launching 6 projects in Bath from January 2015

3 Why Place2Be is needed In society Over 1 million children and young people in the UK have a mental health problem Nearly half of young people with mental health problems drop out of full time education by age 15 Over 90% of young offenders had a mental health problem in childhood 1 in 6 adults have a mental health problem In schools The new SEN code of practice includes “social, mental and emotional health” as one of its four categories of support, superseding “social/emotional/behavioural difficulty” Education Endowment Fund research on closing the attainment gap has identified interventions which target “social and emotional learning” as on average increasing pupil progress by 4+ months a year and being a highly cost effective use of Pupil Premium spend

4 The Impact we have Research shows that poor mental health in children and young people leads to: –poor concentration on schoolwork –attitudes that don’t help learning –absence from school –drug and tobacco misuse –poor academic grades (Professor Eric Taylor, Institute of Psychiatry, Oct 2012) 60 – 70% of schools said that counselling had led to improvements in these areas: –Motivation to attend school –Ability to concentrate in class –Motivation to study and learn –Willingness to participate in class For members of teaching staff, the respective figures were 75- 90% (Counselling in UK Secondary Schools: A Comprehensive Review of Audit and Evaluation Studies; University of Strathclyde, Cooper, Mick 2009)

5 The Service in Primary & Secondary Schools Place2Be

6 6 Overview of School-based Service Sign- posting & multi-agency Working Student Referral and Assessment Staff Training Teacher Support Place2Think Safe- guarding & Child Protection Advice Parent Partnership Work Group Work / Class Work Drop-in Service Place2Talk 1:1 Counselling Brief & Long-term Place2Be Project Team Services for Parents and Carers Service for Students Services for School Staff

7 Tailored Services around… Children and Young People 1:1 Counselling (self-referral) Therapeutic Group Work Place 2 Talk short and Longer Term Counselling Staff Training for School Staff- Specialist courses on pupil wellbeing Place2Think – Consultative support for school staff Parents Parent Partnership Work Sign posting and multi agency working Whole School Support with SEAL, PSHE lessons Safeguarding Advice Quality Assurance

8 Range of Approaches…

9 Academic and learning outcomes Improved mental health resulted in improved engagement with learning: –Of 63% students whose difficulties interfered with their learning before counselling, 68% improved after counselling –Of 45% students whose difficulties were a burden on the teacher or class, 70% improved after counselling Students’ academic attainment was in line with expectations –Students who had 1:1 counselling on average made the expected NC sub-levels of progress (3.1 points) during the academic year –Children who received 1:1 support who were behind academically at the start of the year on average achieved very good progress –1.5 to 1.8 sublevels in Maths, Science and English (2011/12)

10 Mental Health Outcomes Demonstrable mental health improvements from 1:1 interventions for children with the most severe difficulties (measured using Goodman’s Strength & Difficulties Questionnaire - SDQ): –92% of students in secondary schools (2012/13) –82% of parents in secondary schools (2012/13) –79% of teachers in secondary schools (2012/13) 99% of parents reported increases in their children’s wellbeing, confidence and social functioning (2010/11) 95% of headteachers say Place2Be project has ‘improved their school environment.’ (2010/11)

11 What partnership with Place2Be offers Immediate capacity based within school Delivery model guarantees accessibility for pupils Parental engagement and wider impact of supporting parents Time to refer, assess and engage with other agencies Expertise to support students, parents and staff Quality control and supervision assured through trained professionals Advisory support for school staff around challenging student issues Safeguarding support and expertise Flexibility to meet school needs Immediacy of support and availability for ‘crisis’ interventions Based in school so can work closely with inclusion and SEN functions to tailor support

12 Headteacher perspective “During the time Place2Be have provided a service at the Bridge they have become an integral part of the Academy and the overall provision that we offer for students. Being on-site and part of the Bridge team, Place2Be has been available for formal and informal meetings, discussion and thinking around appropriate provision for certain students who are struggling due to issues at home or in school The time offered by Place2Be for students to reflect on and assess their behaviour and its impact often enables students to deal more constructively with difficult and challenging behaviours and feelings. This has meant that some students who may not otherwise have coped have continued to access learning, and many children have gone on to achieve good results supported by their Place2Be intervention.” Stephen Foster, Principal, The Bridge Academy Hackney, June 2014

13 Deputy Head perspective “Having a Place2Be Project Manager on site means that there is an additional experienced and well-trained professional with whom senior leaders can collaborate when addressing complex child protection and safeguarding matters. Our partnership with the Place2Be adds further robustness and expertise to our assessment of risk because we know that each matter that arises will be addressed not only through our internal and local authority procedures, but also through the efficient and effective procedures of a national organisation which has long- standing experience of working with vulnerable children and families.” Guy Rimmer, Deputy Head (Inclusion), King Solomon Academy, March 2014

14 Costs & Requirements Costs and Financial Support –Normal starting point of 2.5 day model – a Project Manager and 4 Place2Be counsellors on site weekly –2.5 days model costs £35k per annum Secondary, £32k Primary –Due to financial support for our current growth in secondary schools from Impetus-Private Equity Foundation we can offer reduced fees over Years 1 and 2: £25k in Year 1 (£10k discount) £30k in Year 2 (£5 discount) Requirements from schools –A dedicated space to work: Therapy Room + Office Space –School leadership / champion: Senior leadership team, Governor –Access to school systems/ data to inform analysis of impact and outcomes

15 Why Place2Be ? We help schools to… Support pupils to improve: –Attendance –Behaviour –Attainment –Attitude to Learning –Mental Health Manage staff time and workloads, manage retention Support parents and communities Provide evidence of effective spend against PP Increasing pupils capacity to deal with challenging issues Quality Control and Clinical Supervision of staff Professional development and support for school staff Parental engagement and support for parents Safeguarding support Time to refer, assess and engage with other agencies Time to consider and discuss referrals with teaching staff Immediacy of support and availability for ‘crisis’ interventions

16 Contributing to Public Policy Education Improving emotional wellbeing and thus attainment and aspirations Enabling high quality teaching and leadership Public Health Tackling health inequalities by improving access to services Delivering better health outcomes by intervening early Mental Health Reducing stigma and discrimination Providing positive care/support experiences, leading to recovery

17 Understanding and supporting mental health needs in Gloucestershire Current Presenting Issues What sorts of mental health and emotional wellbeing issues are prevalent across the county? Are there any major trends and concerns? Internal and External Support What pastoral structures are in place to identify and support specific student needs? What does CAMHS support look like? What other local agencies and charities provide support? Staff Capacity and Expertise How comfortable are staff with supporting students’ mental health needs in line with the new SEN Code of Practice?

18 Place2Be A whole school approach

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