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1 PE & School Sport Whole School Improvement at Woodcroft Primary School.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PE & School Sport Whole School Improvement at Woodcroft Primary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PE & School Sport Whole School Improvement at Woodcroft Primary School

2 2 What is the potential impact of school PE and sport?

3 3 Social Skills Climate and Ethos Physical Skills & Coordination Motivation Self Awareness Health & Fitness Self Esteem Inclusion Pupil Participation CPD Policy Assessment Personalised Learning Engaging Parents Attendance & Behaviour Leadership Extended Schools Curriculum & Pedagogy Every Child Matters

4 4 21 St Century Schools Building a strong community Focus on individual needs Flexible learning programmes Adaptable skills Community - Personalisation – Flexibility – Adaptable skills

5 5 The Children’s Plan Goals for 2020 Enhanced well-being & improved health Positive activities Personal and social skills Reduced ‘risky’ behaviour Narrowing of the learning gap Skills for a successful adult life Entitlement – Play – Risky Behaviour - Health - Learning

6 School – Locality – UK - Global Schools provide of services and facilities School in networks, clusters and partnerships Equalities Schemes & inclusion Promote engagement & interaction between people Common vision – Sense of belonging - Opportunities Community Cohesion Learning - Equality - Extended services

7 Improved attendance rates Reduced persistent absenteeism and exclusions Two hours high quality PE and sport Take-up of healthy school lunches Rate of permanent exclusion Indicators of a school’s contribution to well-being Attendance – Exclusion – PE – Health

8 8 Team work Community & Charity Events Acquire & Apply New Skills Increased Motivation Personal Improvement Health & Fitness Celebrate Achievement Motor Coordinat - ion 5 hours of activity Specialist Coaches PEPA Policy QCA Core Tasks Partnership Festivals Sports Day Take 10 Young Leaders After School Clubs PE Scheme & Map PE & School Sport

9 9 Reflection Consider the PE & Sport programme at your school or an initiative that you consider has had far reaching positive outcomes (or could have had!) How do you know it has made a difference? Consider the SEF questions available on a separate sheet

10 10 A whole-school approach to create the climate and conditions Provision of extensive opportunity Incorporation into the life of the school Commitment to continuing professional development A drive to increase the capacity for participation and involvement School PE and sport can only contribute effectively if there is….

11 INTERACTION Parents Schools Community Pupils Staff Governors

12 Examples of feedback from staff: Improved pupil engagement Improved awareness of personal strengths Greater confidence Successful collaborative working Improved levels of participation Greater ability to transfer skills Improved relationships More independent

13 13 Making it happen… at Woodcroft Our context… Large primary school Diverse population High social and economic disadvantage Significant pupil mobility High free school meals Significant number at the early stages of learning English Over a third have refugee or asylum seeker status

14 14 The school improvement cycle Audit What is already in place? Stakeholder consultation PESSYP SEF (School Self Evaluation) School Plan Sports Partnership Plan Ask the questions… What do we want to achieve for our children? What are the aims of our curriculum & provision? What skills & opportunities do pupils need to achieve these aims? Staff, curriculum and school development

15 3 Stage Plan 1.Establish a consistent curriculum 2.Improve capacity 3.Develop extensive provision

16 Stage 1 Laying the foundations…

17 PE Curriculum Map The units below represent the compulsory scheme that must be completed. Unit numbers refer to QCA & LCP resources. Core tasks should be completed at the start and end of each unit. Units that span 2 terms should be assessed at the end on the whole unit. An individual pupil assessment should be completed at the end of each unit. AutumnSpringSummer Y1 Coach  Games 1 (unit 3 L1-6)  Games 1 (unit 3 L7-12)  Athletics1 (unit 17) Y1  Gymnastics 1 (unit 5)  Dance 1 (unit 1 L1-6)  Multi-skills  Dance 1 (unit 1 7-12)  Games Multi-skills Y2 Coach  Games 2 (Unit 4 L1-6)  Games 2 (unit 4 7-12)  Swimming 1 (unit 7) Y2  Gymnastics 2 (unit 6 L1-6)  Dance 2 (unit 2 L1-6)  Gymnastics 2 (Unit 6 L7-12)  Athletics 1 (unit 17) Y3 Coach  Swimming 2 (unit 16)  Athletics 2 (unit 18)  Outdoor Adventurous 1 (unit 19) Y3  Inv Games 1 (unit 10 L1-3)  Gymnastics 3 (unit 14)  Inv Games 1 (unit 10 L4-6)  Gymnastics (unit14)  Dance 3 (unit 8)  Multi-skills Establish a core curriculum and timetabled entitlement (2 hours)


19 Develop a policy Physical Education and Physical Activity Policy (PEPA) Contents Aims Rationale / concepts / processes Curriculum Planning and assessment for learning Swimming The Foundation Stage High Quality Safe Practice Equal Opportunities and Inclusion Physical Education Self Review, Evaluation and Development Planning School Sport Partnership Family Development Plan Healthy Schools and participation OSHL Out of School Hours Learning Consultation Policy review and monitoring Healthy Schools Status

20 Stage 2 Raising expectations…removing barriers

21 Embed core initiatives (stage 1) Improve Resources (school priority) Infrastructure Development (playgrounds / halls) Increase Capacity –Extra curricular clubs –Staff CPD –Community Coaches –Festivals and competitions Stage 2

22 Stage 3 The drive for excellence…and inclusive participation

23 Promotion – newsletter and board Cohesion - Bringing the whole school together through sporting events – getting staff involved Recognition & Awards – Arts Mark Inclusion – sports clubs and physical interventions Extending Services – budget, bids and grants Aspect Focus – dance coaching CPD – Assessment and gymnastics Stage 3

24 A sporting week in the life of Woodcroft Primary School

25 Monday 9.00 KS1 Participation 10.40 Y5 Young Leaders Learning Mentor

26 Monday 12.15pm Playground Games Allocated MTS games coordinator

27 Monday 1.00pm - Cheer Leading Club Grant funded coach and teacher support 11.00pm Bollywood Dance – Community Coach

28 Monday 3.15pm Rock Challenge Whole staff involvement Choreographer funded via Partnership extended services

29 Tuesday 8.00pm - Breakfast Multi Sports School coach - inclusive 12.45pm - Gymnastics Lunchtime Club External coach - £2 session charge

30 Tuesday 3.15 KS2 Football Club Parental support 3.15pm Walking Bus & Dance Club Pilot school to extend capacity MTS supported walking bus Community dance coach

31 Wednesday 1.00 Lunchtime – Woodcroft Champions League Run by school coach 2.15 - Tottenham Superstars Curriculum + after school club Tottenham coach Y5 class teacher

32 Wednesday 3.15 Girls Football Club Class teacher 1.00 Mini Skills – Lunchtime Inclusion Programme Identified pupils with lunchtime problems TA voluntary club

33 Thursday 10.40am School Challenge Whole school School coach coordination Office admin 3.15 KS1 Multi Skills School coach & Y2 Teacher

34 Thursday 3.15pm KS2 Basketball Club

35 Friday 8.15am Speed Stacking – Breakfast Club Office manager

36 36 Where next for PE & School Sport at ….your school? Review your SEF audit Identify 3 actions

37 37 Where next for PE at Woodcroft? Development of Early Years Pre-school links Incorporating PE into creative curriculum Embed assessment Developing extended services – Camp Woodcroft Increasing capacity – links with outside providers Continue to develop Healthy Schools & PSHE Links with Parents Partnership working between schools - clusters Improving links with locality Awards and accreditations – Artsmark silver, Athletics

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