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Making Behaviour Change Easy …the A, B, C’s Claire McDonald Behaviour Change Lead London Health Programmes.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Behaviour Change Easy …the A, B, C’s Claire McDonald Behaviour Change Lead London Health Programmes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Behaviour Change Easy …the A, B, C’s Claire McDonald Behaviour Change Lead London Health Programmes

2 What the heck is Behaviour Change…and why are we ‘nudging people’?

3 Oh so its all new this nudging people and changing behaviour…?

4 The golden rules of Behaviour change in practice 1.Make it Easy!!! Who really likes to do difficult things? 2.Make it Relevant…helps if I can associate it with me, my family, my community 3. Make it Interesting…you don’t want to live with good health but die of boredom

5 Different to what most people think Social Marketing is…that is more of a process for a certain set of actions – Behaviour Change is the result of potentially many They are complementary but not the same, you can change someone's behaviour other ways…like the law!

6 Oh and while were at it social marketing isn’t ….social media

7 In health we often try and intervene with those with the greatest problems and who are most resistant to change Quite often health professionals push on closed doors…

8 In retail/commercial sector they work with those most ready to move… Is there something we can learn from this?

9 If we worked with those early adopters… …could we get to a tipping point? Encourage a ripple effect… Develop a groundswell…

10 In the meantime…what about delivering practical behaviour change here and now? We need help!

11 For real behaviour change – partnerships are absolutely essential…bit of a battle we have on our hands GPs and Practice nurses delivering health checks...advising better eating and exercise...hard work for the patient to implement when local environment encourages other behaviour …need to establish control

12 Whole list of potential partners and collaborators? Basically everyone...... retailers, employers, community groups, local authorities, charities, social enterprises, faith groups, government, NHS and health services, third sector organisations, statutory bodies, foundations, schools, colleges, universities, nurseries, online forums, social media networks... There is a role for everyone

13 The process Implementation Review Preparation Define Insight Planning Implementation Evaluation

14 Be smart about partnership …has to be mutual benefit, what’s in it for them?

15 In many places real partnerships are already in place Bromley by Bow centre – unique partnership between faith groups, health care providers, social care providers and local businesses Police available in doctors surgeries

16 Benefits Sometimes the case is obvious... benefits to the fire service to talk about smoking cessation...other times the links aren’t as obvious

17 Benefits to others...working with local authorities Local authorities managing housing find its less expensive to decorate the homes of non smokers than smokers...Islington Council realised the benefits of not having to redecorate as often that came from smoking cessation rockpool, research associates

18 Benefits to others...working with third sector and charities Already vast number of third sector organisations and charities that are commissioned to deliver public health behaviourr change...because they are the experts Many more who will ensure that key messages get through to their audience because it benefits their members

19 Benefits to others...working with commercial partners Need to reach groups of mothers who don’t engage with maternity services early enough......created materials that worked in the retail environment and could be displayed alongside value pregnancy tests Benefits to the NHS of earlier engagement...benefit to retailer of association with NHS

20 Benefits to others...forming partnerships Tobacco control zones such as Fresh only work because of partnership and collaboration and an understanding that each partner is benefiting from the approach – partners include trading standards, fire and rescue, councils, childrens services and the local NHS among others

21 Insight – what is it and how do I use it Borough population profilesArea economic profiles Deprivation profilesMigration profiles Mosaic and Acorn Health

22 Existing research and guidance Patient and user groups research and opinion Data Experience

23 Plotting behaviours benefits preferred behaviour barriers competing behaviour

24 Understand me Benefits to others Control Fear and fear of loss Intuition Principles Fits into my life Emotion Good reasons Benefits to me Aspirations and goals Need to know What others do Need to belong

25 probability of action probability of attention Plotting motivations

26 probability of action probability of attention Benefits to others - treatment means I’ll live longer for the family Fits into my life - easy access to tests Good reasons - better to know Fear - Risk of infection Control - access, confidential, details of web and phone Benefits to me - treatment means I’ll live longer What others do - others in my community are doing it Understand me - its written and presented in a style that the audience appreciate HIV motivators

27 Think Audience 2 Audience 1 Feel Say Do

28 Randomised control trials Big push to test, learn and adapt so we can work out what does and doesn’t work

29 Thank you…you are amazing Thank you…you are amazing! Contact me: 0207 685 6935

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