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The only UK-wide charity dedicated solely to tackling child sexual abuse Eradicating Child Sexual Abuse Donald Findlater.

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Presentation on theme: "The only UK-wide charity dedicated solely to tackling child sexual abuse Eradicating Child Sexual Abuse Donald Findlater."— Presentation transcript:

1 The only UK-wide charity dedicated solely to tackling child sexual abuse Eradicating Child Sexual Abuse Donald Findlater

2 Working to Protect Children Preventing Child Sexual Abuse by -known offenders -unknown offenders -those at risk of offending

3 Working to Protect Children

4 What do you want them to do? What do they need to know?

5 Working to Protect Children

6 What do you want them to do? What do they need to know?

7 Working to Protect Children Queensland (city area), case study Disproportionately high rates of sexual offences, teen pregnancy & STIs Majority of offenders (61%) Aboriginal or Torres Strait persons, mostly youth. 40% of reported victims are indigenous persons. Themes: Community problems- violence, alcohol and substance abuse, frequency of rape, girls “trading sex” ++ Family problems - high levels of family violence, loss of respect for parental/adult controls, lack of adult monitoring ++ Peer concerns - youth gangs, conflict between groups ++ Youth sexual behaviour- male sexual entitlement the norm, lack of respect for girls, high rates of STIs, consent not understood Barriers to reporting sexual victimisation – pervasive fear of police, culture of victim blaming.

8 Working to Protect Children Queensland Youth Perpetrated Sexual Assault Project – Location 1

9 Working to Protect Children Outline Introductory Remarks Model 1 - “Pre-conditions” Model 2 – Eck’s “Crime Triangle” Model 3 - Comprehensive Prevention Framework (Smallbone and Wortley) Models in practice in UK and beyond (ECSA Project) Deterrence Campaign (IIOC offenders)

10 Working to Protect Children Half full? We know a lot about how abuse happens We know something why it happens and about those at risk We have an array of promising interventions and programmes available (and more coming) but Most resources are spent after abuse and after perpetration We don’t scale up effective prevention work Good things are often done piece-meal

11 Working to Protect Children Some things to consider…. Estimated 400,000-450,000 children sexually abused in England 2013/14 Only 1 in 8 known to Police or Children’s Services 60% + of offences take place in “Family Environment” Over 30% abusers are other young people (Office for Children’s Commissioner, 2015)

12 Working to Protect Children Question! What is our priority? To catch and punish perpetrators? To give past, known victims justice? To offer help/therapy to victims and survivors? To prevent children from being abused in the future? To prevent people becoming perpetrators?

13 Working to Protect Children Eck’s “Crime Triangle” -basic chemistry of crime

14 Working to Protect Children MOTIVATION ‘Wanting to’ INTERNAL INHIBITORS ‘Conscience’ OVERCOME VICTIM RESISTANCE ‘Doing it and getting away with it’ EXTERNAL INHIBITORS ‘Others’ (Creating Opportunity) Thoughts Sex with a child Adapted from: D Finkelhor Child Sexual Abuse: New Theory & Research 1984 Four pre-conditions to child sexual abuse Adapted from: D Finkelhor Child Sexual Abuse: New Theory & Research 1984

15 Working to Protect Children A Comprehensive Framework for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse Smallbone, Wortley and Marshall 2008

16 Working to Protect Children Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations Prevention Targets

17 Working to Protect Children Where on the framework? Treatment programmes for convicted sex offenders

18 Working to Protect Children Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations Prevention Targets

19 Working to Protect Children Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Wolvercote Clinic Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations Prevention Targets

20 Working to Protect Children Where on the framework? Awareness-raising prevention education programmes for all parents and carers

21 Working to Protect Children Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations Prevention Targets

22 Working to Protect Children Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Parents Protect Situations Prevention Targets

23 Working to Protect Children

24 Where on the framework? Primary school programme of personal safety and sex education for all 10 year olds

25 Working to Protect Children Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations Prevention Targets

26 Working to Protect Children Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Hedgehogs Victims (Children) Hedgehogs Families/ Communities Situations Prevention Targets

27 Working to Protect Children

28 Stop it Now! UK and Ireland The Only UK-wide Campaign and Helpline Dedicated Solely to Tackling Child Sexual Abuse

29 Working to Protect Children Stop It Now! Helpline Principal Target Groups:- Adult abusers and potential abusers: to encourage them to recognise their behaviour as abusive and seek help to change. Family and friends: to encourage them to recognise the signs of abusive behaviour in those close to them and to seek advice about what action to take. Parents and carers of young people with worrying sexual behaviour: to encourage them to recognise signs of abusive behaviour in their children and seek advice about what to do.

30 Working to Protect Children Helpline Call Demand

31 Working to Protect Children Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations Prevention Targets

32 Working to Protect Children Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Stop! Helpline Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Stop! Helpline Situations Prevention Targets

33 Calls from adults concerned about their own behaviour

34 Preventing re-offending Direct impacts of Helpline on offenders 34 Recognise behaviour as risky Understand behaviour can be changed Strengthening other protective factors Implement techniques and change behaviour








42 Interventions and resources identified

43 Working to Protect Children Case Example The Problem The Plan

44 Working to Protect Children Queensland (city area), case study Disproportionately high rates of sexual offences, teen pregnancy & STIs Majority of offenders (61%) Aboriginal or Torres Strait persons, mostly youth. 40% of reported victims are indigenous persons. Themes: Community problems- violence, alcohol and substance abuse, frequency of rape, girls “trading sex” ++ Family problems - high levels of family violence, loss of respect for parental/adult controls, lack of adult monitoring ++ Peer concerns - youth gangs, conflict between groups ++ Youth sexual behaviour- male sexual entitlement the norm, lack of respect for girls, high rates of STIs, consent not understood Barriers to reporting sexual victimisation – pervasive fear of police, culture of victim blaming.

45 Working to Protect Children Queensland case study (city area) – the plan Safer Public Spaces 1.Improved and targeted police patrols 2.Targeted community night patrols 3.Designing out YSVA 4.Awareness and safety education for at-risk groups Safer Homes 5.Community rule setting 6.Tailored parent education Safer Youth Networks 7.Sex, ethics and guardianship program for youth 8.Therapeutic interventions to prevent re- victimisation

46 Working to Protect Children Queensland case study (city area) Activities Police “pulse” patrols; Community Patrols recruited, trained, deployed; School “sexual ethics” programme; Community-based youth support; Litter collection, plantings etc Community “dialogue” and rule-setting Evaluation What works, for what groups, in what circumstances? …….to be continued!

47 Working to Protect Children Campaign launched on October 13 2015 Four films created. Films target: people using and sharing sexual images of children families and friends of people sharing and using sexual images of children The campaign has also developed a confidential and anonymous website, previously It offers: a wide range of online resources for people looking for help to stop accessing indecent images of children. resources and support for concerned partners, family members and friends. Stop it Now! campaign to tackle viewing and sharing of Indecent Images of Children (IIOC)

48 Working to Protect Children Launch – News coverage 13 October 2015 Widespread coverage across BBC TV, national and regional radio and online. Campaign launch was BBC Breakfast’s lead news item

49 Working to Protect Children Our four new videos are available at: and The videos: created with help from the police, government departments, other NGOs include words of offenders - voiced by actors explain that the viewing of the images is not a victimless crime; there are no justifications; there are serious consequences; there is help to stop educate the public in steps they can take if they think someone they know might be looking at sexual images of under 18s. The Videos

50 Working to Protect Children Is it working? Impact of Stop it Now! online deterrence campaign on traffic to 25 April – 12 October 2015 (pre-campaign) 13 October 2015 – 31 March 2016 (Post-campaign launch) Impact Total visits to website 7,799 16,442 More than doubled. 111% Average number of website visits per day 45 96 More than doubled. 113% Total unique visitors 6,398 11,498 Almost doubled. 80% Average number of unique visitors per day 37 67 Almost doubled. 81 % Average dwell time 4 minutes 16 seconds 8 minutes 33 seconds Doubled. Percentage of total visits from repeat visitors 18% 31% Almost doubled Number of visits to website from the UK 2,436 12,577 More than quintupled. 416% Percentage of all visits that came from the UK 31% 76% More than doubled. Source: Google Analytics

51 Working to Protect Children Child sexual abuse – preventable, not inevitable. Let’s make a plan!

52 Working to Protect Children Thank you! Don’t forget the leaflets! Mob: 07778 532851

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